
Merciless Underworld

There's a man named Alex, right? Dumped into a fantasy underworld as a slave for The Umbra Syndicate. But Alex isn't the slave type. They're hustling, scheming, and climbing the underworld ladder faster than a caffeinated spider. As Alex outsmarts rivals and navigates magical chaos, it's like a twisted game show with spells and betrayal. But this isn't a walk in the park - curses, shady stuff, and magical drama are on the menu. "Merciless Underworld" is a wild ride through a world where shadows gossip and crime rules. Will Alex own the underworld, or get lost in the chaos? Brace yourself for magic, madness, and a ton of questionable life decisions!

Luigi_Collesi · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Mana is the only way


Two weeks of relentless mana boot camp – sleep was a distant memory, like my favorite pair of socks that vanished in the laundry vortex. I'd transformed into a nocturnal wizard, channeling mana like my life depended on it. Spoiler: it kinda did.

Sleep became a rare commodity, a luxury I indulged in only once every two days. Who needs beauty rest when you're too busy trying not to blow yourself up with magic?

As the days passed, I became a regular at the magical disco in my cell. Waving, chanting, and occasionally tripping over my own enthusiasm – the usual. It was like I'd enrolled in the Hogwarts School of Hard Knocks.

However, my newfound magical prowess came with a downside – I stank. Bad. So bad that even the rats were holding their noses. Mr. Macho, probably tired of the complaints, ordered me to take a bath. Little did he know, I'd already become a bath-avoidance master.

But something strange happened during those two weeks. Despite my constant magical sweat, I stopped getting smellier. It was like my body had hit peak stench, and the Merciless Underworld had given me a pass.

However, the downside was that I wasn't feeling much more improvement either. My magical mojo had hit a plateau, and I was starting to wonder if I'd reached the peak of my underworld potential. The disappointment tasted almost as bad as the mysterious dungeon water. Maybe it was time to rethink my magical strategy or invest in some heavy-duty deodorant – choices, choices.

Enter the magical underground support group. With my smelly self now a semi-expert in mana channeling, I decided to gather intel from my fellow inmates. Maybe someone stumbled upon the secret sauce to leveling up in the Merciless Underworld.

First up was Rock-Buddy Dave. "So, Dave, any secret tricks to this mana thing?"

Dave scratched his head. "Not really, mate. I heard mana accumulates in the abdomen or something. But honestly, it's all a guessing game for me."

Next was Whispering Will, who insisted he could hear the mana whispering secrets. "I think it gathers in a circle around the heart. You know, like a mana bonfire."

And then there was Mary, who was convinced mana preferred chilling in the skin. "I heard if you focus on your skin, it's like turning yourself into a magical battery. Cool, right?"

It was a magical buffet of theories, and none of them had the golden ticket. Like a bunch of blind mice trying to find the cheese in the dark.

As I roamed the underworld, it became clear – nobody had the answers. It was like asking toddlers about quantum physics. Everyone had their own theory, but none of them had unlocked the next level of magical wizardry.

So there I was, stuck in a sea of misinformation, with a hint of desperation. Welcome to the Merciless Underworld, where the magic is as elusive as a cat during bath time, and every theory is just a wild guess in the dark.


One more week in the magical grind, and my personal disco in the cell was still going strong. I'd become a wizardly hermit, testing out different mana theories like a mad scientist.

"Hey, Dave, any breakthroughs on the mana front?" I asked my rock-smashing comrade.

Dave shrugged. "Nah, mate. Still trying to figure out where the heck it likes to hang out."

Whispering Will chimed in, "I heard it's all about the heart, but mine seems more interested in telling dad jokes."

Mary, the skin battery enthusiast, added, "My skin's still waiting for its magical glow-up. Maybe mana prefers a spa day."

As I nodded along, it hit me – what if the key was not about where mana liked to party, but how it liked to party? A lightbulb, or should I say, a magical orb, flickered in my mind.

"I've got an idea," I said to my magical misfit support group. "What if we focus on small spots along our veins? Like, instead of trying to flood the whole river, let's create little magical puddles."

They exchanged puzzled glances. "You mean like mana hotspots?" Dave asked.

"Exactly! If we concentrate mana in specific spots, it might be easier to control. No need to channel it if it's already waiting in line," I explained, feeling like I'd just cracked the magical code.

And so, with my newfound theory, I continued my nightly disco – focusing on mana hotspots, hoping that this little experiment would be the ticket to unlocking the next level of wizardry in the Merciless Underworld. One magical puddle at a time.


Three months rolled by, and the Merciless Underworld had become the stage for our magical experiment. The nightly disco sessions continued, but this time, the focus was on those elusive mana hotspots.

"Hey, Dave, any luck with the hotspots?" I asked one evening, hoping my enthusiasm was contagious.

Dave sighed. "Mate, I've tried everything – heart, abdomen, even my big toe. Nada."

Whispering Will, with his ears tuned into the mana gossip, added, "It's like trying to catch whispers in a hurricane. Nothing's working."

Mary, the skin enthusiast, shook her head. "My skin's still waiting for its magical spa day, and I'm pretty sure it's given up on me."

But here's the kicker – I was onto something. Slowly but surely, I started feeling those magical puddles forming along my veins. A triumph of tiny victories. The Merciless Underworld became my playground of magic, and the enthusiasm was contagious.

As my magical sparks turned into a bonfire of determination, the atmosphere in the mines began to change. Laughter echoed off the cavern walls, and even the pickaxes seemed to swing with a little more rhythm.

But, alas, not everyone shared my newfound joy. Dave, Will, and Mary were hitting walls, their frustration turning the magical disco into a somber ballad. Enthusiasm turned to desolation as they watched me make progress while their own magic refused to play nice.

"Alex, maybe this whole hotspot thing is a load of nonsense," Dave muttered, his voice dripping with frustration.

Will added, "Yeah, it's not like we're wizards or anything. Maybe we should just stick to smashing rocks."

Mary chimed in, "Skin, heart, toes – nothing's working. This whole magic thing is a joke."

Despite their despondency, I wouldn't let the magical darkness swallow me. "Guys, we've got this! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastering magic in the Merciless Underworld. We'll figure it out together!"

Yet, my words seemed to vanish into the cavernous void. The once lively mines grew silent, each pickaxe swing now accompanied by a melancholic tune of frustration. The Merciless Underworld, true to its name, tested the limits of not just magic but the resilience of its denizens.

But I, Alex, the wizard in the making, refused to let the magical flame flicker out. I would keep dancing in the dark, hoping that one day, my comrades would join the magical party. The Merciless Underworld may be stubborn, but so was I.