
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

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Chapter 17

293 AC

Jon Snow


Always Snow. Never Stark as Lady Catelyn had made sure I knew my place.

A bastard. A stain on Lord Stark's precious honour. I'm grateful to him really. Not every noble will raise his bastard with his heir. I know that. The fact I'm given the opportunity to even live in Winterfell is a blessing but Lady Stark…

She hates me… thinks I want Robb's inheritance why would I want that? Ever since I knew what being a bastard meant I knew I was always going to be below him.

Doesn't matter that I'm the better swordsman or look more Stark than all of them except Arya. Every one knows I can't inherit before my siblings. I'll be dead if I even try it.

But it seems someone forgot to tell her the way she is always up in my business.

Last week she did something I couldn't forgive from her. After all she does to drag my name through the mud, starve me, ostracize me. The only sibling that I like is Arya and that's cause she's still little. Who knows what she would end up as later.

Lady Stark called my mother a whore and me 'a son of a bitch' last week before denying me food for the night because I defeated Robb. It hurts so much.

Having to bend to the whims of this woman and the inaction of my father. Everytime its 'you may not have my name but you have my blood' . Just tell me who my mother is so I can go away and leave here alone.

Which led to what happened last week. His father ran into Lady Stark making me go to bed without eating and he reprimanded her but did nothing substantial.

That's when I knew I wasn't meant to be here. I told him I want to fostered that I'm not happy here. He tried to brush it off but I told him about all Lady Stark does.

If I don't leave I'll run away.

He finally relented.

Today is the day… a new phase in my life.I can't believe I'm squiring for the Demon Lord! If there is a lord I seek to be like in Westeros its him. He came up from nothing. A sellsword. To the richest house in the North and the strongest navy this side of the neck.

He set the route. The route for all bastards alike to rise and not stay down with their families.

As he was walking he bumped into a…wall? No this is a person.

'Watch where you are going,young padawan.' said a voice coming from the wall.

'You are Lord Snowstark!' I exclaimed while quickly bowing my head in respect. This man is everything I want to be. I will not allow myself give a bad impression.

'You must be the Stark kid I was told to take with me.'

'I'm a Snow my lord.'

'So am I. Yet here I am. You have the blood of kings boy. No matter which side of the sheets you came from. Peasants and servants sneer should not phase you. Now lets go see Ned its been a while.' he said while ruffling my hair. It feels… nice.

Aaron Snowstark Pov

I met little Jon Snow. These people are dumb. If he was raised in the south he would have been found out quickly. He looks like Rhaegar but has Lyanna's coloring. At first it was purple when he was born but it settled on grey.

With his Valyrian blood I plan that he would get a dragon. A northern house with a dragon wouldn't that be a sight to see?

But to get dragon eggs will be the problem. Well not my problem most I will do is point him in the direction of rumors.

We finally arrived at the solar to meet Ned and his heir going over some documents. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They looked up and the little one blushed due to his lack of attention while Ned kept a stone face at me.

'My lord. You seem busy. I can come at a better time.' I said trying to placate the man.

'No. Its alright. Meet my heir Robb Stark.'

'Ahhh my future liege lord. I can tell I would like you already. Just don't raise my taxes in the future.' I added while smiling and shaking his hand.

After that Ned and I hashed out the agreement for Jon's education. I was knighted during the war by the Blackfish. Jon is to be my squire until he gets knighted. He can then come back to Winterfell to stay at his leisure.

This took some hours to finish but we came to a conclusion finally. As Jon and I left I decided to watch him spar against Brandon. I noticed my gifts have imprinted on my bloodline.

Brandon and his sister are very smart and I also noticed they never forget anything. His magic hasn't been unlocked yet but it will be. His strength is huge for someone of his age, his height too. His reflexes are like a cat. I wonder if… nahhh.

Jon and Brandon started sparring and it was immediately clear that Bran had the upoerhand in strength but Jon had him beat in skill.

Eventually Jon started adapting to Bran's style and managed to disarm him but he still lost as he was suckerpunched by my boy.

Ahhh they are going to be great friends I can see it already.

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