
Mercenary's Oddjob

[ WSA 2024 Entry (Villain, Slice of life & System in 1 story). ] What do you do after defeating the Demon lord? What do you do with the rest of your life? You are practically the strongest in the world and the system just make it easier to get whatever you want. So... What do you do after finishing your journey? There is no more glory to chase. It's already done... And yet... the world still progressing... for the better... or for the worst... "Hmm... I guess it's time to get some rare herb to make some spice. And maybe kill the target along the way." * [ Deep in Abyss ] by [ Miyu Tomita ] & [ Mariya Ise ]start playing* (Volume 2 Opening Song ) ---------------------------------------------------- Author note : This story wil take hiatus for some time. ~ 29 July 2024

UBI_Master · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
101 Chs

057. Jormungand.


Alice dodged the shuriken with a quick and powerful slash, she lunged forward and one of the zombie knights attacked her. 

She slashed the attack and the zombie knight's sword bounced off. 2 shuriken approached and Alice kicked the zombie towards the shuriken. 

2 shuriken stuck in the zombie knight's back and Alice continued to advance. 3 shuriken headed towards her and she jumped forward diagonally. 

One of the zombie knights tried to slash Alice's legs but the blonde woman jumped forward.

One shuriken shot towards Alice who was floating in the air. She immediately grasped the hilt with both hands and made a vertical slash from above. 

Dropping the shuriken down and making Alice lifted up due to the momentum of the slash.

2 shuriken shot towards Alice and she twisted in the air, avoiding the projectiles and only getting scratches on her hands and cheeks.