



The fervent plea echoed through the halls of power, reverberating with a sense of urgency and desperation. My voice was raw with emotion, the words tumbling out in a torrent of passion. "I want Lou back to the capital now," i declared, my eyes blazing with determination. It was clear that this was not a request to be taken lightly, but a demand that brooked no delay. My voice thundered through the telephone as I expressed my frustration. The news of "Wheels" operating freely in the capital had pushed me to my limit, and I could no longer maintain my composure. The underlying purpose of my father's clandestine organizations was to shield the public from potential crises that could otherwise incite widespread pandemonium.


Observing the audacious act of Golden Constructions introducing a prostitute into my establishment as a means of enticing me or my staff is deemed a flagrant display of disrespect. In that moment, the return of Lou, my trusted right-hand, was imperative. In the waning months of the previous year, I dispatched him to mediate a conflict between various organizations situated in disparate locales, with the aim of preventing its escalation to the seat of power.


Based on Yang's notification, it appears safe for him to come back now that I have made my threats clear and demonstrated my willingness to follow through if necessary. Henceforth, "Wheels" shall be apprised of the requisite toll to traverse the Killians thoroughfare.


As I sit at my desk, I find myself tapping my fingers on the smooth surface of the table. My gaze drifts over to the stack of reports that my secretary, Dawn, had thoughtfully placed in front of me earlier. With the end of the workday fast approaching, I take a moment to peruse the documents once more before I bid the office farewell. While Dawn is undoubtedly a remarkable individual, it's clear that she lacks the capacity to fully comprehend the depth and complexity of my subterranean endeavors. I find it difficult to confide in anyone about my personal matters, as I have yet to encounter someone whom I deem trustworthy enough.


I retrieved my cellphone and dialed Yang's number once more, recognizing the urgency of addressing these issues in a thoughtful manner before any potential fallout ensued. The "wheels" in question have been known to engage in illicit activities, including drug and prostitution rings, which have had a negative impact on their community. There are certain occurrences that I simply cannot tolerate taking place within my domain. We cannot collaborate with law enforcement.


Instantly, the call was connected. The sound of Yang's voice reaches my ears, offering a warm welcome.




" Arrange a meeting with Willy thd leader of the "Wheels" organization. It is imperative that the location be discreet, so as to mitigate any potential damages that may arise."


"Understood!, Lou is en route to return today"


"Excellent! I will be at the base this evening."


"I look forward to our next meeting, boss."


As the call abruptly ended, my eyes darted towards my wristwatch, revealing the precise hour of 5 o'clock. With a sense of urgency, I realized that I must make haste to depart for home before continuing on to the base.


As I strode restlessly through my office, my eyes fell upon Dawn, who appeared to be preparing to depart for the day. It occurred to me that the other members of our team were situated on different levels of the building.


"Leaving?" As I commenced the exchange, I found myself surprised by Dawn's ability to thrive under my employ. At times, my demeanor can be described as stringent, and I am not immune to the occasional flare of temper. Therefore, her dedication is held in high regard.


With a gentle and demure character, she replied, "Yes, Mr. Killian." In recent days, I have observed a certain distress in her demeanor. However, today, her spirited enthusiasm suggests that her troubles may have been resolved.


"Ah, the weekend is coming. Do you happen to have any plans in store? "

The reason behind my intrusive behavior eludes me. As an employer, I prioritize the professional conduct of my employees and do not delve into their personal lives. As long as their actions do not compromise the integrity of the company, they are at liberty to pursue their personal interests.


"Yes i do, I will be going to Beaufort city"


Nestled within a mere three-hour drive from my home turf lies the stunning Beaufort City, surrounded by majestic mountains that beckon to be explored.


"Do your family members reside in there?"


Dawn blushed as she uttered the words "my boyfriend."


A smile crept across my face as I observed her gradually opening up to me. "Have fun then," i said.


As the elevator doors slid open, Dawn gracefully inclined her head in a gesture of farewell before making her way towards the lobby on the ground floor. As I reached out to press the elevator door, a message from Yang came through, notifying me that the meeting spot had been established and would be secured.


As I emerged from the basement, my eyes fell upon Rio, who leaned against the car at a slight angle, puffing on a cigarette. He appeared to be patiently anticipating my arrival. He flicked the cigarette butt away and crushed it beneath his shoe before gallantly opening the car door for me. As he attempted to maintain his grin, it became apparent that something was amiss with his smile.


I bided my time until he settled into the driver's seat, eager to divulge the source of his evident delight.


"Boss!" In no time at all, a broad smile spread across his face.


I gazed upon his reflection through the rearview mirror and replied affirmatively. Our gazes met and he broke into a wide grin once more.


"Amanda had been calling for you" his laughter reverberated within the confines of the car. My countenance wavered as I realized my mistake.


I reached up to pinch the bridge of my nose, bracing myself for the inevitable headache that would surely plague me throughout the night upon hearing the name. This time, the efficacy of ibuprofen proved futile in alleviating my discomfort. The rationale behind my decision to abstain from romantic entanglements or socializing with women is as follows. I have never been in a relationship. Women seem to come and go in my life, as if they are mere passing acquaintances rather than potential romantic partners. I indulge them, finance their way of life, and once a week has passed, our arrangement concludes. I am willing to grant their every desire, with the exception of my own heart.


Allowing Amanda to exceed the one-week limit was an oversight on my part, and I regret the error. She now believes that she possesses me and adamantly refuses to depart from my side.


"Tell to her i am done, Actually, on second thought, I will handle it myself." This is an unwelcome responsibility to confront following a long day of labor. Nonetheless, I refuse to burden my employees with such trivial affairs, for I am not one to shy away from challenges. Each woman with whom I spend time is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement, as they are well aware of my proclivity.


As I close my eyes, I am acutely aware of the torment that awaits me in attempting to rid myself of her. Her unrelenting nature is precisely what caused me to allow her to linger for days beyond a week.


As the engine roared to life, the car slowly pulled out of the parking lot and began its journey towards my family's ancestral home. It was a weekly ritual, a tradition that I held dear - returning to the main Residence every Friday night. For generations, the Killian family has established a set of rules that every member dutifully adheres to.


My attention was fixated on the text message I had composed for Amanda, whose surname remained unknown to me.