
Mending The Broken Heart

Alana's fiance abandoned her at the altar on their wedding day. She left the city, broken and ashamed, to begin a new chapter in her life. She needed time away from the routine of her life, so she booked a cruise for one. When she discovered a wounded man hidden in her room, her pleasant night was cut short. She assisted in closing his wound, and he thanked her by leaving a gold card. A year later, the man she promised she would never see again moved in next door. She realized then that her life was about to become a complete mess. From bitter adversary to passionate lover. To learn more, Please add this to your collection of stories! If you like it, you can show your appreciation by buying me a cup of coffee: Ko-fi.com/littlemissauthor To hone my storytelling and writing skills, I appreciate the feedback. Thanks to everyone who spent time reading my work. Note: I do not own the image used on the cover. To the owner's credit.

Littlemiss · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


The incessant ringing of the phone pierced through the stillness of the night. Alana stirred in her slumber, roused by the intrusive ring of the telephone that had insinuated itself into her dreams.

With a sense of certainty, she recognized the ring tone emanating from her phone as the one she had designated for the clinic. She had deliberately chosen this tone to distinguish it from the others that she had assigned to the important people in her life, so she could identify the caller without having to glance at the screen.

She made a valiant effort to wake up herself from slumber, mustering the strength to sit upright for a fleeting moment. However, her resolve faltered as her hand instinctively gravitated towards the nightstand, seeking out the familiar contours of her phone.

"speaking" She cast a quick glance at the time as she spoke. Having had a particularly eventful day yesterday, she opted to retire early tonight in order to make up for lost rest.

"Dr. Blair" the speaker uttered the name qith respect

"we have an emergebcy at the clinic. As we speak, a client is en route with a young puppy who appears to be afflicted with seizures."

Alana was jolted awake in an instant. As Melanie, the technician, spoke, she remained attentive, toggling the loudspeaker on her phone while wearing her scrubs.

With a sense of urgency, she declared, "I'm on my way," grabbing her keys and slipping on her trusty Crocs before darting towards the elevator. Alana repeatedly pressed the button with fervor, as if the act alone could expedite its arrival. Her gaze remains fixed on the ascending elevator, anticipation building with each passing moment.

As the doors slide open, she is met with the sight of Xavier, his shirt marred with crimson stains. Her eyes fixated on the crimson stains, then shifted to him just as he was making his exit. She strode forward, stepping right into the very same spots he had just vacated.

"Are you going?" The once gregarious young lady, who had a tendency to chatter incessantly when flustered, has vanished. In her place stands a woman clad in clinical scrubs, facing a pressing predicament. Without hesitation, he strode out of the elevator while she swiftly shut the doors and descended, hastening towards her vehicle. She chose to disregard him, offering fewer greetings than usual.

With a sense of urgency, she pressed down on the accelerator and sped towards the clinic. As she drove, she deftly connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth system and dialed her colleague's number. Dr. Cameron Finn's voice crackled through the speakers, and she wasted no time in relaying the situation to him.

"Cam! "The question arises: "Is Shin okay? The clinic urgently called for me to attend to emergency".

"Shin?  she might be at the clinic, they might need of an additional veterinarian."

" she was not there, i am already on my way, Would you mind verifying her status?"

With the request settled, Alana and Cam bid each other farewell and ended their call. Alana's car had just pulled up to the parking lot of the pet hospital. Without hesitation, she emerged from the vehicle and beheld the sight of the technician cradling the precious puppy in his arms. Without a moment's hesitation, she hurried after the vet tech, deftly grabbing her gloves and mask along the way. The puppy was gently placed atop the examination table, equipped with a convenient sink beneath its surface. With a proficient hand, the veterinary technician set the thermometer to work, carefully gauging the puppy's temperature. Alas, the reading revealed an elevated temperature, indicating a potential health concern. The puppy exhibits severe convulsions and tremors.

Alana expertly directed each technician to their assigned task, calmly instructing them to insert the catheter. With practiced ease, she administered an injection to the puppy, inducing vomiting. By doing so, they would be able to identify the specific type of toxin that the puppy had consumed. The utilization of toxins that induce tremors and heightened temperatures is a common practice for the eradication of snails and other pests in outdoor spaces. A second technician rushed over, bearing an ice pack and any available coolant to alleviate the puppy's overheating. As the medication took effect, the young pup began to froth at the mouth and eventually regurgitated a sickly green substance, which was believed to be a poisonous lure. With a gentle touch, she administered a sedative to the young pup, allowing it to slip into a peaceful slumber before proceeding with the stomach pumping procedure. In order to effectively eliminate the toxins, it was necessary to flush them out with copious amounts of water. As they observed the process, a vivid green liquid emerged from the hose, indicating the successful removal of the harmful substances.

After administering charcoal to aid in toxin absorption, they disconnected all the equipment and patiently awaited the puppy's emergence from sedation.

She lowered herself onto the ground, her scrubs drenched in a putrid mixture of fluids and bile. Leaning against the wall, she patiently awaited the puppy's awakening, determined to thoroughly examine for any signs of tremors before tending to her own cleanliness. 

In a moment, the puppy awakens and springs to her feet. Gently caressing him and beaming with joy as his quivering subsides and his body temperature gradually decreases.

"Hello, buddy, Are you awake?" With a gentle touch, she caressed his ears, allowing him to nuzzle against her before he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, since the tranquilizing effects would not dissipate entirely.

As she delicately slipped off her gloves, a flurry of footsteps echoed down the hallway as another technician hastily approached the room.

Alana was presented with a pregnant canine who was experiencing difficulty delivering her litter.

The command was given to prepare the surgery suite. Ryan and Meg are to be tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the puppy.

"Join me for the surgical procedure, both you and Melanie."

With a sense of urgency, she made her way to the surgery suite and quickly donned her scrubs. Without hesitation, she began the intricate procedure.

The clock ticks away as the night wears on, inching closer and closer towards the early hours of the morning. In the span of a mere seven hours, a series of emergency cases had arisen, leaving her utterly drained from the physical and emotional toll of standing and expending her energy. Within a mere span of 72 hours, she has managed to accumulate a meager total of 12 hours of sleep. The gravity of her situation is such that she now finds herself in dire need of rest, lest she be forced to operate on autopilot mode without respite.

After a thorough cleansing, she donned a fresh set of scrubs from her office stash. At long last, she lays her eyes upon her messages, and among them are texts from Cameron. In these messages, he reveals that Shin had fallen ill and had taken medication, unaware that she had dozed off during her shift at the clinic.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips, reassured by the knowledge that Shin was safe and sound. After all, it was highly improbable for her to be absent from work without a valid reason.

As Dr. Suzettes entered the clinic, she emerges from the hallway with a box of delectable donuts in hand. A wide grin adorns her face as she gazes upon Alana, who appears to be grappling with notes and charges for all the patients.

"I have brought the donut for you!" With a grin on her face, she was well aware that she had successfully avoided the night shift, considering she was the one on call the previous night.

"You owe me, bitch"

were spoken with a sharp and forceful tone, leaving no room for negotiation or compromise. Alana's eyes rolled in a gesture of familiarity, fully aware of Suzette's tendency to be unreliable during her designated on-call period.

With a pout on her lips, she placed the donuts on the table before Alana, who had been eagerly anticipating their arrival since the sweet cinnamon scent had first wafted through the air.

"I spent last night with Michael, who had just returned from overseas," she lamented.

"With a heart full of compassion, I forgive you"

With a sense of anticipation, she lifted the lid of the box and retrieved the donut, savoring each bite as she chewed. Despite the offer of coffee, she politely declined, recognizing that a good night's sleep was what she truly needed.