
thirty one


At the art center now things are getting better, now Mr. Morgan seems a bit able to breathe calmly. Because the reporters, finally left too. Mr. Morgan could only hope that the journalists were gone forever and would never return to the arts center. At first, Mr. Morgan thought the storm had passed, but at this point, he didn't know. If a new big storm is coming, this time a group of luxury cars is coming to invade the art center. It was young master Rio who came with his confidants, young master Rio came with anger. No wonder, Easy Lord Rio was famous for his unstable emotions. Everyone who worked with him dared not move. When young master Rio first came, the security forces as well as the arts center officials. Everyone gathered and lined up, they all greeted their young master very politely.

“Young master, at this time you come? Why don't you let us know first if you want to come," said Mr. Morgan very politely to young master Rio.