
Memories of The Void (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Alec wakes up in a world that could have used a more welcoming brochure. It's not his room, and it's definitely not his body. Nope, he's stuck inside the fabulous frame of a demon cat. So, what's a guy – or cat – to do? He embarks on a magical, thrilling journey to find his place in this delightfully cruel land. Knights, spells, swords, mythical creatures, and dungeons filled with all sorts of surprises are the name of the game. Forget about discovering his lost existence; Alec's real goal is to figure out how to make it as a monster in this world that seems hell-bent on making life interesting. Join him as he tries to survive and thrive, all while dealing with the not-so-hospitable locals.

MistahMango · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Alec sat on the wooden desk, his eyes intently scanning the updated quest screen. This isn't right. His thoughts drifting back to when he had first considered the possibility of these creatures either hunting each other or being hunted by something else. There were 67 initial spawns and by the time I took down one of them, the quest updated to show that only 53 remained.

He contemplated this revelation. The quest hadn't specified that they were centipedes but rather referred to them as "blood spawns." Who knows? Maybe these 'blood spawns' are something even scarier. Or maybe they just decided they've had enough of gross centipede drama and split in different directions. Centipede divorce, anyone?

By the time I was out of that mess something had hunted all 53 of them down. Did a different monster appear?

Alec's mind raced as he contemplated the possible scenarios that lay ahead. The centipedes he had encountered were formidable adversaries, especially considering his own diminutive size. If something or someone was hunting them with such efficiency, it was likely a force to be reckoned with. I was relieved that someone else was handling those blood centipedes, but who knew it was a tiger in wolf's clothing... Not that I could handle the wolf either. But that's not my immediate concern. I need to stay focused.

In essence, he realized that he had to exercise extreme caution. The situation was filled with unknown variables, each one potentially threatening his very survival. Every uncertainty was akin to a blazing sword hanging over him, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

Alec contemplated the mysterious nature of the quests and the potential dangers they might entail. He was wary that accepting a quest reward might lead to unforeseen consequences, perhaps even a new nightmare waiting to unfold.

His initial plan was to invest his remaining free points into agility and mind. He intended to track down the remaining creatures, secure a high vantage point, snipe them one by one, activate Mystic for stealth, retreat to recover, and repeat the process until he had eliminated all of them.

The cornerstone of his strategy was his mind stat and the Blood Bullet skill. If his assumption about mind being the primary factor in magical intensity was correct, then this would significantly boost the power of his magical attacks, making them more effective against his enemies.

The Blood Claw had a base power of 40, and it managed to break through the outer defenses but was blocked by the inner ones of the centipede.

On the other hand, the Blood Bullet had double the base power of the Blood Claw. Additionally, his mind stat was nearly double his strength stat. By calculating based on these values, the Blood Bullet should have inflicted 400% more damage than the Blood Claw, which should have been sufficient to break through the inner defences.

Furthermore, the secondary effect of the Blood Bullet further multiplied the intensity of the explosion by two, reaching a total of 800% blood damage. There was no conceivable way that the centipedes could have survived such an attack.

Alec knew he couldn't just wait around and hope for everything to pass by uneventfully. He glanced at the surface of the crushed library floor and pulled up the quest screen.


Strange Fortress (Blood Beast Extermination)

An influx of blood mana on the ground floor of the fortress is leading to an increased spawning of blood beasts.

Objective: Eliminate the spawned blood beasts (1/1). 

Difficulty: SS

Reward: Skill (Blood Chains)(T1)

Claim Rewards: Y/N?



As Alec accepted the reward, an electric thrill coursed through his body, leaving him with a tingling sensation, as though he could feel the raw energy of knowledge being etched into his very brains. Goosebumps spread down his spine, a sensation he still couldn't quite get used to.

Alec scanned the dimly lit library, making sure there were no immediate threats in sight. Satisfied that he was safe for the moment, he focused his attention on unlocking the information for his newly acquired skill.


[Blood Chains][Lv1(0/400)]

Power: Varies (20+)

Type: Ranged, Status, Conjuration

Mana cost: Moderate, varies

Maximum length of chains: 2m

Maximum range for chains: 1m

Maximum number of chains: 2

Cooldown: 1 hour


This skill allows the user to conjure two blood chains. The chains have the unique ability to absorb mana from their surroundings and convert it into pure mana, which can then be absorbed by the user to increase base mana regeneration. The user can manipulate the chains for various purposes, including attacking, defending, or restraining.

Special Attributes:

[Effect increased by 300% for blood mana]

[Maximum length of chains increases with skill levels]

[Maximum range of chains increases with skill levels]

[Cooldown decreases with skill levels]

Woo! Okay, kitty, you've got some potential here.

This new skill was intriguing. It allowed Alec to summon and manipulate two blood chains, which in itself was a valuable asset. However, it had an even more appealing feature: mana regeneration. Alec had been struggling with a painfully slow mana recovery rate, gaining only 12 points in the past hour, equivalent to a base regeneration speed of 0.003mp/s.

Alec lowered his emerald gaze toward the floor, the surface of which had been the canvas for his mental arithmetic. He finally had a way to put his blood claws to good use, doing calculations on the floor. You know, I've always considered that doing math on the floor adds at least ten IQ points. At least, that's what my high school teacher told me. 

While the skill was promising, it was frustratingly vague about the specifics. It disclosed the base regeneration but left the exact increase undisclosed. Alec knew better than to use it carelessly, given the potential penalties and the horrific memory of mana starvation. He wasn't affected by it now, but he had no desire to revisit that painful experience.

First, he needed to calculate the actual increase in base mana regeneration and determine a reasonable cost for maintaining and manipulating the chains. To do that, he opened his status screen.


HP: 220/220

MP: 44/95

SP: 216/216


Nearly half of his mana tank was full. Alec closed his eyes, took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

[Blood Chains]

The moment he activated the skill, he felt his mana surge through his surroundings, depleting his mana tank. In this surge, he concentrated his thoughts on two specific points within the swirling mana circle, which he had chosen as the summoning locations for the chains.

The mana around him shifted, responding to his intent. It rushed toward the summoning points, and Alec could feel the energy swirling with chaotic patterns of blood mana. The points, which were once just abstract locations in the mana surge, now became distinct, drenched in a crimson hue.

With a final surge of power, the blood chains were evoked and swam into existence before his eyes.

Alec took a moment to assess the situation. Before he proceeded, he quickly checked his mana tank:

MP: 18/95

The initial summoning of the blood chains had consumed more mana than he expected. Nevertheless, he remained determined to investigate the cost of maintaining these chains over time. This information was crucial for planning future actions.

Alec had four options to choose from, and he decided to activate two of them simultaneously: Restrain and Defend. These choices would help him gauge the ongoing mana expenditure.

Alec initiated the experiment. He then settled in to observe the situation, counting down the seconds as they ticked away. After a full minute had passed, he couldn't wait any longer and checked his mana pool.

Alec quickly realized that maintaining the blood chains came at a steep cost. His mana pool had dropped to:

MP: 12/95

The expenditure for merely keeping the chains idle around him was substantial. It had drained 6 MP in just one minute, equivalent to 3 MP per chain per minute, or 0.05 MP per second. This cost was significantly higher than his base mana regeneration, which he decided to disregard for calculations. The situation was more complex than he had initially thought.

As Alec prepared to experiment with the absorption aspect of the blood chains, a sudden earthquake-like tremor rocked the area, causing him to lose his focus. In the wake of the disturbance, a thunderous and bone-chilling roar, originating from a distant location, echoed throughout the fortress.


Alec's heart raced as he realized the sheer power behind the roar. Although its source appeared to be some distance away, the intensity of the sound sent a shiver down his spine.

The sudden, earth-shaking roar sent Alec into a state of panic. He swiftly dismissed the blood chains and leaped off the desk, realizing the importance of putting distance between himself and the source of the roar. In his mind, there was no room for hesitation.

As he hurriedly scurried towards the exit of the library, his thoughts raced. It became increasingly evident that he had been correct in his earlier suspicion that another formidable creature was hunting the centipedes. The sheer power of that roar reinforced his understanding; he was dealing with a being of monstrous proportions.

Alec, much like any other prey, possessed an instinctual understanding of how to identify a predator. He knew that no amount of cleverness or strategy could stand against overwhelming power. With a heart pounding in his chest, he focused on one thing: getting as far away from the source of the roar as possible. He sprinted down the deserted hallways, driven by the instinct for self-preservation.

Panic coursed through Alec as he sprinted with all his might, driven by sheer fear and determination. The entire situation was beyond his comprehension. He had only one unwavering thought.


As he was about to make another turn within the hallway, his frenzied rush was interrupted by a sudden creaking sound. His heart raced even faster as he glimpsed two ominous, blood-red eyes piercing through the darkness of the corridor ahead. The sinister clacking of mandibles added to the eerie atmosphere.

Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!

Alec's dread reached its peak as the creature revealed itself, its armored body gleaming with a crimson hue, confirming his worst fears.