
Chapter sixteen

By Prescoviah Merilyn

Chapter sixteen

The criminal code makes attempted murder punishable by a maximum sentence of life imprisonment once proven guilty. Frank hates injustice, insecurity, much less chaos at the farm. After Simeon had been admitted to a nearby hospital, unconscious and later to Kampala hospital, Frank had called for police. Evans was still pacing to and fro in the woods like a mad man. Had he even realized what he had done? He had Simeon's life in his hands and he had decided to take it away.

Evans had been detained at a local police station in Koboko. He had to be in court the next day. However the court had adjourned the case after prosecution, telling court that the main witness of the crime, was allegedly in a coma and couldn't really testify. And just like that, Evans got free, on a bail of ten million Ugandan shillings.

When he returned to Kampala, l opened up a rape case in court. I had had enough with Evans, from coercing me to attempting to kill the man I love, as if nothing mattered, as if he was above the law. He had gotten away with Simeon's case but couldn't get away with me. I had the power and money just like he did.

I had all the evidence I needed. I had kept my bloody clothes, and my wounds were still visible... I went for a checkup and the results were valid. And I had a witness, Torah.

Evans had tried denying the accusations, using my dad against me. But not this time!

"Mr. Mats... That's just an excuse Vanessa is using to push me away... For us not to get married... I can never do that…We just talked and... She is lying!" my dad was quiet for a moment in his study, looking at Evans, until he broke the silence.

"I don't think Vanny would lie about such a thing, Evans... She was checked... You did it... And it disgusts me how little of a man you are... Get out of my office!" He asked him quietly.

"But Mr. Mats... Please believe me... I didn't do anything, it was her fault... She cheated on me first with your farm worker behind our backs... All of us... Okay, think about the business deals we have together... By chasing me away, your screwing yourselves!"

"I don't keep murderers in my company, much less rapists... Evans, we don't do things that way, we use our heads , you think like a man, not act like a lunatic. And you don't hurt my daughter!"

Evans is set to fifteen years in prison under, Chapter 120 of the Penal Code Act, with or without corporal punishment. It was initially supposed to be thirty but his mum's lawyer pleaded that his mentality wasn't stable. And it indeed isn't. So during his sentence, he will have to see a mental doctor on weekends.

I haven't heard from Ashanti lately, I last saw her at court. She sat alone, a Black Veil covering her pretty chocolate face. When we got out, she said nothing, but left. Did she really love him? Why? How!

I hold his hand tight, he is sleeping again. From now on, everything is going to be okay, I promise. I leave Simeon with Jonny and head home... I haven't heard a nice hot shower in days... I feel exhausted.

I'm welcomed by Torah and Dalia's pitiful awkward faces. Oh, stop looking at me like I have cancer. I survived!

"Hey nannies" they both smile. "am just here to take a shower, and then I will go back."

"okay... Your dad is inside, in case you want to talk? That is what he said!" Torah says. When am leaving, I can hear Dalia in the background.

"You know, I will never stop blaming myself for what happened to her... If I had only come with her... My poor girl has suffered a lot... And I wasn't there!" Torah places her right hand on her back, caressing her, Oh mother! It's not your fault.

After a cold shower I head to my dad's room. He is covered in newspaper on his bed. He seems down, is everything fine?

"Hey" I say gently as I knock on the door.

"Hey" he takes his glasses off.

"Just wanted to check if your alright"

"I am... " as I attempt to leave, he calls me. "Vanny... Come in... Please come sit... Come on" I join him on his bedside.

"How are you?" I don't know. I never knew I would lack answers to this question, I have always been fine. Now I don't know how the hell I am.

"I will be fine." Will I?

"Things have been hard on you... " he holds my hand. "I have been hard on you... I haven't been your daddy, things have happened without me even knowing...When I heard the noises, I thought it was just another fight between you two... I thought I was doing the best for you, but I instead have ruined it." yes, you have father. And you said, everything was under control.

For a long moment, am quiet and just looking at him... It's not like am not touched, it's just too late, am damaged. I don't know what to say. Telling me all of this, isn't going to take anything away, my anger away. I need time.

"I tried to do what I thought was best for you, child. I failed terribly with Evans...with everything... Maybe if your mum was here you know... That's why I have given it deep thought... From now on, your going to do what you want... A little democracy doesn't hurt." He smiles at me, and I kind of smile back. Until I burst out.

"I want Simeon!" Let democracy begin with that.

"The tree pruner?" yes dad, please. "Do you mind telling me, what really drew you to this guy... Dalia says, at the farm... You followed him everywhere... I never knew my daughter would be a stalker. " I can't help a laugh...

"First of all, I didn't follow him anywhere like your reporter told you, I just checked on him"


"Yesss... I saw him in the woods… And... I fell in love with him, the first day I set my eyes on him… And I just really adored him since then, he is fine, humble."

"Wooow" What now dad? "And him?"

"He adores me dad, he looks at me like a treasure, like he hit a jackpot."

"He did hit a jackpot though, when you look at it critically" Dad! We remain quiet for a moment, smiling.

"What are you going to do about the company?" he remains quiet for a moment, and puts on his glasses again.

"In this partnership with Mr. Harts company, we were both benefiting. I was going to pay the debts, and their company was going to get a big brother...an old guy in this tree business."


"Mr. Harts still wants the partnership."

"What? Why?"

"it's a big opportunity to blow away just because of his crazy son, he believes…"

"Wow dad... Congratulations." I hug him... When is the last time we hugged? I rest on him... I love you dad.

"and what can you do for Simeon? I don't want him to go back."

"He can be my second hand"

"Daddy! Your kidding?"

"I will need to test him myself, if it makes you happy"

"Thanks dad... Really"

I hug him again. Tighter this time... Oh I missed my daddy!