
Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

Cain wakes up like any other day--well I guess it would be night now. He discovers that with the nocturnal life, very few options for food are available. As such, he orders food, follows his daily routine, then takes a nap. Only to find out it was no normal nap, but a transdimensional nap. He wakes up in an unknown world filled with many fantasy like features. However, unlike fantasy games, novels, and tv shows, this is real life. This fact just excites him all the more. Despite feeling scared, worried, or panic. He just feels... free. No longer bound by the rules of the previous world, he can finally chase his dream. His dream that others called absurd and even crazy. But who cares? To him, it was one of the very few things that will always be fun, no matter how much time passes. Boredom is an eternity spent in a second, an eternity he never wants to experience again. Even if it means passing time by mindlessly. Watch the journey of Cain as he explores the unknown, gets kicked out of a few restaurants for eating too much, hibernates (sleeps) for 14 to 24 hours, and wreaks havoc in this new world. No one shall restrict his freedom any longer, and to those who do, he'll annihilate the obstacles and use the people or organizations in ways we can't even begin to imagine. ---------------------------------------------- Cover is made by Koi. Check out her instagram: koiijin This are two books to this boi and this is book 1. Huh... since we're starting to get some power stones I'll put some daily goals for you guys. 69 Power Stones: +1 chapter 360 Power Stones: +1 chapter 420 Power Stones: +1 chapter 1738 Power Stones: +1 chapter Rewards stack, of course. If you have any more meme numbers feel free to comment them at the end of a chapter and I'll add them to the ps goal. Extra chapters will be awarded 1-3 days after the ps goal is reached; it depends on how busy I am with work. This book will always be free and will probably end after 10k chapters so go drag your friends in here. The more readers I have to check this boi for plot holes and such, the more motivated I'll be and the faster I'll upload chapters. Comment if something seems to drag out too much, I don't mind rewriting entire arcs to patch up a plot hole. This is, afterall, a rough draft for the comic I'll be making. Alt name for the discord: To Get Super Brain; https://discord.gg/gTWs4fmGfM

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Day 7 (16)

'Dang, it's already 10:04pm. We should go back to the inn soon.' Cain thought while looking at the party. Veronica and Jared were nearly falling asleep while sitting, yet the excitement and wonder could still be seen in their droopy eyes. Only a couple of minutes had passed since Hunter's head was reassembled after all. Victoria drank her wine silently with her usual poker face, although Cain picked up a few hints of reverence and awe from her body language. And Jacob… well he was still staring at his crush.

Cain sighed while figuring out how to word what he was going to say next. "Hunter, I'll give you a way out since I pity your family for having such a stupid heir." Cain's words caused the fleeing Hunter to turn around. He was about to retort but was instantly slapped by the female noble that accompanied him. "Sorry, about that sir. Please go on." She commented; Hunter stared at Cain, his rage spilling out of his eyes.

'At least she has some sense…' Cain thought. "For every 100 tons of meat you give me, I'll answer one question truthfully. For every 1000 tons, I'll fulfill one request. The meat can only be acquired from the Shadowtrap family. If it is acquired from other sources, it must be paid for accordingly and you cannot buy meat from other families or shops they own. This has to be done by only the Shadowtrap family as this offer is for them only. If I find out that any of these rules have been violated, the deal is off and I'll take all of your food." Cain ate one of the last cookies after he spoke.

—Dms: Cain and Dresil— (6ms)

Cain: What would happen if I were to swear on my mana?

Dresil: Exactly what you're thinking. There shouldn't be too much difference between you and another person.

Cain: Sweet.


"As proof of my sincerity, I'll give you one free question. I also swear on my mana that everything I said during the past minute is true." Cain's mana within his body hummed slightly, responding to his words. 'Interesting… I feel restricted, but the place of restriction is not physical or mental, but rather vague. Is it on my soul?' Cain thought as he awaited Hunter's question. "What magic circle are you at?" Hunter asked after a brief moment. "Idiot! Why didn't you ask for his weakness?!" The female noble who accompanied Hunter stormed off as she said this.

'Seriously though… is he still overcoming the shock of regaining his head?" Cain contemplated as he sighed. Some nobles that were preparing to leave gathered around once again in eager anticipation of Cain's answer. "I have no magic circle." Cain replied then directed his attention to the half asleep party while the nobles were murmuring and trying to deduce whether or not he was lying. "You guys ready to head back to the inn?" Cain used SRI to open a portal underneath the speakers and camera that led to the Mana Trash dimension, then proceeded to disperse Hunter's brain model.

Cain's question went through one of Jacob's ear and out the other as he was… currently preoccupied. "Yeah…" Jared and Veronica groggily replied while Jared nudged Jacob. Victoria set down her wine glass and nodded. Cain opened a portal to the inn lobby using SRI. Veronica nearly stumbled as she walked, but was quickly caught by Cain. Cain took off his blazer and draped it around her shoulders then slung her right arm over his shoulders. "Hnng… why is this… pillow soft…" Veronica mumbled as her head rested on Cain's dress shirt.

"...she just fell asleep, didn't she?" Cain asked while poking Veronica's cheek. "Yep." Victoria replied with a sigh. Jacob waited to the side after he walked through the lobby. "Should I carry Jared?" He proposed to Victoria, who was propping the half asleep Jared up in the same manner as Cain did to Veronica. Victoria shyly shook her head then walked through the portal with Jared.

"Dresil, can you help me out here?" Cain asked Dresil who was storing the leftover food. She hummed a "yes" then positioned Veronica's arms around Cain's neck. After the deed was done, she merged into Cain's clothes. "...and, up you go." Cain mumbled as he picked up Veronica and princess-carried her through the portal. The party slowly walked through the inn to their rooms, overhearing some of the maids.

"Have you noticed some of the water in the buckets have been disappearing for a few days?" One of the maids asked the one across the hall in a hushed tone as she finished cleaning room 42 and locked it up. "Not just the water, even the rags too. I heard the inn—Greetings, guests." The maids were cut short of their gossip when the party walked through the hallway. Cain and Jacob nodded their heads while Jared was trying not to fall asleep on Victoria's shoulder.

'They noticed faster than I thought… well, the amount that was "stolen" wasn't a small either. It's a good thing I won't be needing to do that anymore at least.' Cain thought as the party walked up to their doors. Victoria passed off the dazed Jared to Jacob and they disappeared into their rooms. "Do you got her or should I carry her inside?" Cain asked Victoria as they awkwardly stood outside their doors.

"Umm… Can you have Dresil carry her in?" Victoria asked Cain, remembering the state of Veronica's side of the room. Dresil unmerged from Cain's clothes and secured Veronica in her arms. Cain disappeared into his room after handing her off; Victoria waited until his door was closed then escorted Dresil inside.

Cain started the preparations needed to take his alien pod bath while waiting for Dresil. Rex boiled the water within the pod and lowered the temp. Dresil walked into Cain's room at this time and laid out the mats on the floor while also creating two towels on a Table Circle, the magic circle mimicked the ground but floated at waist length. Cain undressed and handed Dresil the suit then dove into the water pod.

Dresil cleaned and stored the suit then prepared pjs for Cain as he cleaned himself within the pod. He left the pod and followed through the normal nightly routine before jumping into the bed. He set up all of the sensory deprivation techniques on himself, from sound-proof magic circles on his ears to the blanket on his face, and spent the next few minutes trying to sleep. Dresil merged into the blankets after tidying up the room.

And thus the day came to a conclusion… sort of.

It is currently 10:42pm (22:42)

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