
Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

Cain wakes up like any other day--well I guess it would be night now. He discovers that with the nocturnal life, very few options for food are available. As such, he orders food, follows his daily routine, then takes a nap. Only to find out it was no normal nap, but a transdimensional nap. He wakes up in an unknown world filled with many fantasy like features. However, unlike fantasy games, novels, and tv shows, this is real life. This fact just excites him all the more. Despite feeling scared, worried, or panic. He just feels... free. No longer bound by the rules of the previous world, he can finally chase his dream. His dream that others called absurd and even crazy. But who cares? To him, it was one of the very few things that will always be fun, no matter how much time passes. Boredom is an eternity spent in a second, an eternity he never wants to experience again. Even if it means passing time by mindlessly. Watch the journey of Cain as he explores the unknown, gets kicked out of a few restaurants for eating too much, hibernates (sleeps) for 14 to 24 hours, and wreaks havoc in this new world. No one shall restrict his freedom any longer, and to those who do, he'll annihilate the obstacles and use the people or organizations in ways we can't even begin to imagine. ---------------------------------------------- Cover is made by Koi. Check out her instagram: koiijin This are two books to this boi and this is book 1. Huh... since we're starting to get some power stones I'll put some daily goals for you guys. 69 Power Stones: +1 chapter 360 Power Stones: +1 chapter 420 Power Stones: +1 chapter 1738 Power Stones: +1 chapter Rewards stack, of course. If you have any more meme numbers feel free to comment them at the end of a chapter and I'll add them to the ps goal. Extra chapters will be awarded 1-3 days after the ps goal is reached; it depends on how busy I am with work. This book will always be free and will probably end after 10k chapters so go drag your friends in here. The more readers I have to check this boi for plot holes and such, the more motivated I'll be and the faster I'll upload chapters. Comment if something seems to drag out too much, I don't mind rewriting entire arcs to patch up a plot hole. This is, afterall, a rough draft for the comic I'll be making. Alt name for the discord: To Get Super Brain; https://discord.gg/gTWs4fmGfM

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Day 4 (22), The Talk (2)

---Group Chat: Cain, Dresil, Bob, and Rex--- (14,147ms)

Cain: Same thing Rex, tell me everything you can do.

Rex: …

Rex: Apart from making mana from heat, every flame within this planet are my eyes and ears. Including fire spirits. I can also order them how I please, even if they're already contracted. All fire spirits are unable to attack me or you, even if their summoners ordered them to.

Rex: I can also determine the temp of anything down to 0.0001 Kelvin. It used to be ±10 or so degrees, but after learning some thermo and practicing it, it has improved by a lot.

Rex: Your left arm, where my stigma is, is basically my body. It's fireproof up to what I'm capable of handling and can accurately determine the temp of anything.

Rex: If you give me a day, I can make it so it can also make mana from heat.

Cain: What about the strength of my arm covered by the stigma? Yours too Bob.

Bob: We can adjust the strength as we see fit; the limit is our limit. Right now it's adjusted to match the rest of your body so no inconsistencies appear.

Cain: Sweet.

Cain: Bob, where are the dimensions stored?

Bob: In between the seams of the major dimensions, the ones that house universes.

Bob: You can think of the major dimensions as planets and the dimensions we create as their moons. The major dimensions travel in a pattern that I have yet to understand.

Bob: The major dimension you're from and this one stay close during most of their travel. However, there are other dimensions that brush by this one, so you should be careful.

Cain: You're saying the residents here can summon other beings from those dimensions that pass by?

Bob: Indeed.

Cain: Heck… Remind me to study those paths once I'm able to.

Cain: How are the favors for knowledge between gods and spirits enforced? Is it similar to karma and tao, being a rule of the world?

Bob: Indeed. Rather, it's a rule imposed by someone higher than the higher gods to balance everything.

Cain: ...that's troublesome.

Dresil: Master, before you move on to discussing next steps, ask me a question too…

Rex: ooooh~ someone's jealous.

Dresil: :bonk rex:

Rex: mfer, come at me.

Cain: Rex, chill out or you'll be assigned more homework.

Rex: But…

Cain: Shush.

Dresil: :bleh:

Cain: Dresil, don't push it.

Dresil: Yes Master…

Cain: Hmmm…

Cain: Dresil, how did you gain sentience? When I was first summoned here your movements seemed to be instinctual.

Dresil: I was only able to do so thanks to your memories on that topic.

Rex: Woahhhh, you know how to turn a non-sentient being into another one?

Cain: I guess… Easiest way is to just copy someone's memories and make an AI out of it. Then put the AI in the correct simulated environment and it'll eventually grow like a child.

Dresil: Not that Master. Starting from 6th grade…

Cain: Oh…

Rex: Huh? There's nothing here…

Bob: Odd… Usually your long term memory is impeccable, rivaling some long lived races even. Yet there's practically nothing here; even half of 8th grade is gone.

Rex: ...what about 7th?

Cain: /s 7 ate 9 /s I skipped 7th grade.

Rex: Anyways…

Rex: Oh! This is interesting, all of your fragments of memories from 6th grade revolve around one person.

<A message from Rex has been deleted by Cain.>

Rex: What?! Why won't you let me say her name?

Cain: Leave the past in the past. I doubt she even remembers me anyways.

Cain: If you're interested, look into it on your own time.

Cain: Moving on… Rex, we're shipping you off to the Sun.

Rex: Wait! What?!

Dresil: :laugh popcorn:

Bob: :popcorn:

Rex: I didn't even do anything though! Admin abuse!

Cain: Pffft, relax. Until we create our own star, you'll be orbiting the sun and creating mana from its heat.

Cain: You'll also be responsible for making sure the temperature of the Sun does not fall or rise a single degree. The same goes for its mass. Don't let it rise or fall by a few thousand kilos.

Cain: Bob will provide you with some hydrogen as fuel since the Sun is basically a fusion reactor.

Cain: Your goal is to reach the center of the Sun.

Rex: ...why? How will this help me increase my firepower?

Cain: You'll be constantly reducing the temp while approaching the center, thus tempering your flames. If you can comfortably create mana in the center, or even on the surface, then that means your flames are also at that temperature.

Rex: How is this "mediocre work?"

Cain: Is it not?

Dresil: Maybe for you, Master.

Cain: Oh… Anyways.

Cain: Bob, you'll be creating a dimension to hold a star. It'll need to be roughly 2 million km in diameter, roughly 1.4 will be dedicated to the star.

Bob: Will the dimension need to increase as the star's temp rises?

Cain: Thankfully no. A star's size decreases as its temp increases.

Bob: What about the possibility of creating a supernova. My dimensions can't hold out against that.

Cain: As long as we limit the mass, a supernova won't happen.

Bob: Understood. It'll take a few months to complete.

Cain: That's fine. Rex, you have until then to be able to withstand the temp at the surface of the Sun. You must stay on the other side of the Sun so that people on this planet cannot see you.

Rex: Fine…

Cain: Now we just need to teleport him there. Ah that's right. Bob, what are the rules of your teleportation?

Bob: I just need the spatial sense to accurately create a portal. Whether it's in line of sight, perceived through your mana zone, or from your memories.

Cain: What about other people's memories? Also what if you know the distance and direction?

Bob: The latter works. The former will only work if they know where the destination is relative to their position, or a position they're familiar with.

Cain: Sounds good. Based on the rough feel of gravity and duration of a year, the distance between this sun and the planet should be the same as Earth and its sun.

Cain: Create the exit to the Hallway dimension 155 million km away just to be safe. If you can't calculate the direction of the sun from the time and where we are on the planet, peek out of a portal 7 thousand kilometers (aimed at the sky) and look for the sun.

Cain: After that, I'll prefer if you focus on understanding the time mechanics so we can manipulate it.

Cain: I want to get a dimension with a scale of 1000:1 (inside:outside) so I can /s sleep /s be unconscious in it. One thing I absolutely hated about manhwas/manhuas was how the mc would be cultivating, injured, or in a coma for several years and his peeps got rekt bc of it.

Bob: Understood.

Rex: Ooooh, are we going to be able to stop time?

Cain: …

Bob: …

Dresil: …

Rex: ...what?

Cain: That'd be completely useless. If time is stopped, then that means light is stopped. Therefore anything that moves while time is stopped must be moving faster than light, which is near impossible. By anything I mean neurons, nerves, muscles, mana, anything you want to manipulate, literally everything.

Cain: Theoretically, it takes an infinite amount of energy for something at 99.99% the speed of light to reach the speed of light. So it'd be basically impossible to surpass the speed of light, without bending any laws of the world.

Cain: You can create a space separated by the region time is halted; it'd act like a bubble in this case. However you won't be able to perceive or interact with anything outside of the bubble. Human eyes require light to see; that can't work since light is frozen.

Cain: You could try using a mana zone but it'd have to be sending and interpreting signals faster than the speed of light when it exists in the time-stopped zone.

Rex: ...damn

Rex: Then what do you plan to do with it besides creating different scaled dimensions?

Cain: I'm hoping Bob will be able to read the timeline. This will allow us to view the past directly, the most accurate source of information.

Cain: Unlike someone's memories or recordings which can be faked, altered, or deleted, the past is definite.

Cain: We could also try freezing or rewinding time on an object and eventually living beings.

Cain: I digress… After I deal with these assassins, I'll help you create the mana storage dimension.

Bob: Understood.

Rex: What's your plan for them anyways?

Dresil: Are you going to kill them, Master?

Cain: Pffft, and waste two valuable guinea pigs? Nah

Cain: ...that was a test, wasn't it?

Dresil: As expected of the Master.

Cain: Don't flatter. I'll be counting on you to make sure my state of mind doesn't get too skewed due to future interactions with mana and results of various experiments.

Dresil: Of course.

Cain: I'll alter Myles' supervisor's memories of this assassination. He'll believe that Myles died during the assassination and he barely escaped with his life.

Cain: I'll erase Myles' memories of this assassination and send him back to his house. Then I'll heal his little sister if possible.

Cain: We'll be observing the long term effects of both actions on their brains so it'd be best if there's no major changes to their personality from this day onwards. The death of Myles' sister has a higher chance of causing this than saving her.

Dresil: Shall I make mana models of their brains, Master?

Cain: Yep. We'll need to do it once a week. If we do it daily, it'd be hard to sustain all of the models. The mana from Rex's training will be used to sustain them. How much do you think you'll be able to make?

Rex: Maybe one mil? It should increase later.

Cain: Ok, if any model doesn't receive enough mana, I'll assign more textbooks to you.

Rex: :cry pain:

Rex: When will I get a break?

Cain: Learn how to make mana from heat idly so you can look at memes while working.

Rex: ...that's allowed?

Cain: As long as every model gets supplied mana.

Rex: :celebration:

Cain: Dresil, can you make some clothes and a towel? Bob, once I'm done dealing with the assassins, we'll work on preventing the mana from the Mana Trash dimension from decaying.

Dresil: Yes, Master.

Bob: Understood. I recommend converting it all to your mana and setting up a magic circle so it can be idly "used."

Bob: If left in its natural mana state, it'll have to flow similar to how it does here to prevent decay.

Cain: Natural mana can decay?

Bob: Only if it's not in the major dimensions. At that point it's more akin to slipping through the cracks of the dimensions or being absorbed by it.

Bob: Unfortunately, the best dimension I can create will only prevent 90% of the mana from "decaying."

Cain: Interesting… We'll go with that then since we'll have hundreds of millions of mana after today.

Rex: Why don't you just make your own clothes out of mana then?

Cain: I only know how to make a shirt efficiently. Besides, Dresil will probably be spending the majority of her time in my clothes, so I should let her create them to suit her needs.

Rex: … :confused:


There we have it peeps, everything has been setup to establish this metaphor: Dresil, Rex, and Bob represent the 3 parts of Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Dresil is the superego, Bob is the ego, and Rex is the id.

This is the only metaphor/reference I'll be pointing out (I'll still answer questions about them though). Remember to question everything since even something as simple as this was a metaphor.

Good luck on the journey to getting a super brain.

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