
Memories Of The Destroyed Earth

[Message Recording] [Type:- Wave Form with Celestial Energy Encryption] [Send To:- NOT SPECIFIED...Will be released in wave form all over the cosmos] [Tower has been destroyed Humanity has lost and the planet is rendered inhabitable. After the first cataclysm in 2019, Humans had grown rapidly and had fought against the Abyss god bravely, with the power of the mythos and the memories of this world, humans stood and opposed all the enemies for 24 years but we still lost. This is a message from Lisa The manager of the Tower from Planet 4032-Blue-877 which we also called The Earth. And to all and any human who has survived in the cosmos, please don't return to Earth and don't try to avenge, live safely because you are one of the last of your species.] The year 2047 After 24 years, we had lost its battle with Abyss. Everything had come to an end but somehow someone got a chance to change this future, now the question is will he be able to change the earth's destiny or earth will be destroyed again? With the power of the mythos in the memories of the Earth the future will change.

Liarisknight · Fantasi
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1 Chs

CH:- 001 New Present or Past?

The sky was dark, the sun was nowhere to be seen and even the moon was in pieces.

The ground had turned dark red because of all the blood and with all the corpses of humans and monsters, the whole place looked like hell.

And in the middle of them were a Man and the Monster.

The monster with three eyes and one wing was on the ground.

Sword, spear, katana, and many weapons were all over his's body, impaling him on the ground.

"In the end, the Abyss won...follower of Genesis...the nights envelop your world..."

The Monster spoke his last words as his eyes lost their light.


The man fell to the ground, breathing heavily. He had lost the feeling of half of his body and the other half hurt like hell.

Suddenly, the wind starts condensing in front of him and forming a silhouette of a lady.

The silhouette moved, and the hand caressed the man's face making him smile.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and asked

"We won, right?"

Listening to this, the hand halted as a sweet sound resonated in the air.

"You won Evan, but... Humanity lost."

Evan looked at the silhouette, tears mixed with blood flowed from his eyes as he suddenly started laughing


with tears, the laugh made the scene even more saddening.


The silhouette lady's voice spread again, as she tried to give Evan comfort

"It was not your fault!! Humanity could have survived if they had used the power they had been granted correctly but because of their greed..."

Evan smiled listening to this and reminiscing spoke

"what can we do? we are like rocks, some big, some small, some black like granite, some white like marble. Everyone is different but this is what we are. Not everything can be white or black, yes many people chose the wrong path but... many did right, they fought for the one they loved and were loved by everyone. No, it's my fault, if I have awaken two years earlier then this outcome would have been different...I was weak."

as Evan spoke, lady's voice questioned

"Is this confidence or overconfidence?"

At this Evan smirked

"I don't know...but whatever it is, it gave me the power to stand with the strongest S Rank Heros while being A Ranker, to defeat the monster that destroyed many worlds, and to be the last Human alive...no the last human dying, haha, ugh"

He laughed but just then he threw up black blood from his body, stopping him.

"you are dying...but answer me, are you confident that you can save that world if you had another chance?"

She asked quickly as she felt Evan's getting colder.

"What type of question is that? Of course, after all, I am..."

before he could complete his sentence Evan's eyes lost their light.


Lady looked at Evan's body and waved her hand over it, slowly a small orb of light came out of the body and settled on her hand,

"If you are that confident, let me give you one more chance,"

she said as she looked at the orb.

But just then one more thing came out of Evan's body.

A card, with a very unique and otherworldly pattern on one side while on the other side, a young man standing on the edge of a cliff, without a care in the world, gazing upwards toward the sky (and the Universe), unaware that he could fall off the cliff into the unknown. On his left hand was a white rose and on his right hand was a staff that he had over his shoulder with a bag at the end of it. And at last, there was a little white dog at his feet, with a huge mountain in the background.

After the card came near the lady some symbols appeared in the air on the front of the card.

The Lady's voice

"To use Celestial Font? why is a being like you here?"

Then the symbol changed again the lady looked at it and spoke

"I can't send you to the past, it can cause a Diversion."

Listening to the lady the symbol changed again, the lady looked at it and answered

"Yes, they combined the multiverse after the war 50000 years ago, But tell me, if I send you back what will happen to you present in the past?"

This time no symbol appeared seeing this the lady sighed

"Sigh, ok, I will put a seal on him to let him sense your location."

Then with her other hand, she started to push in front of her. It looked like she was pushing the air but as she pushed thousands of lines started to appear in the air, the lines were stitched together like clothes, but she pried in-between the lines and opened it like a rift, pushing the orb of light inside.

"Go, show everyone what you can do."

then the rift closed itself, leaving behind only the card and the silhouette in the dark and desolate Earth.



'what is this sound?'

Evan thought as he slowly opened his eyes and was shocked by everything

"Is this an illusion?"

He was in a small messy room.

The room was dimly lit, and the walls were adorned with various posters and books scattered all around. Evan felt disoriented, wondering if he was still in the afterlife or if he had somehow ended up in a different reality altogether.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, the sound of the ringing phone persisted. He noticed a phone resting on a nearby table. Confused, he reached for it and picked it up.

"Hello?" Evan hesitantly answered, unsure of what is happening.

A distinct but familiar voice greeted him, "Evan, where are you? It's me, Jack."

Evan's heart skipped a beat, recognizing the voice now, Jack, from the time when they were both in the same high school.

"Jack? But how is this possible? You... you died...years ago," Evan stammered, as the memories of the past started flooding back.

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Jack replied, "Bro, you are daydreaming. I won't die so easily, and if I die I will take you and Robin with me."

Evan's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the situation. Just then he suddenly saw the calendar on the wall, it said "March 6th, 2036"

First shock, then a mix of hope and uncertainty filled his heart. If what he saw was true, then he had a chance to alter the course of events and prevent the outcome he had gone through.

"How is this possible?" Evan asked as he looked around and saw the room he lived in almost 15 years ago.

"what is possible? Never mind, Evan, did you forget today is the day of awakening? everyone under 18 and not awakened must come to the tower." Jack's voice came

The memories of the past started to come to Evan, how he could not awaken, and how he was treated after that.

"Evan, only two hours are left. If you don't awaken now then you will lose the chance to awaken."

"I know, I Know. I will come."

Evan said, before hanging up.

He was still in shock but then his eyes fell on his reflection in the mirror, The skik was soft and youthful, all the scars and wounds that he had got were nowhere to be seen. His black hair was longer and unruly, covering most of his forehead. His black eyes looked pure with some tint of Gold in them, giving his relatively normal face some uniqueness.

"This is really!?"

He took some deep breaths and he walked to the window and looked outside after removing the curtains, what he saw was the most beautiful scene he had seen in years.

The bustling city streets, people everywhere happily walking all around, children running here and there, the sun in the sky giving its warmth to everyone.

And the most eye-catching thing was the big tower in the Middle of the city, going high in the clouds.

It looked like a pillar going all the way to the heavens.

Everything felt different, yet strangely familiar to Evan.

He could feel tears flowing from his eyes as he made a commitment.

"This is the world we longed for and this is the world we couldn't protect. To everyone in the past, I don't know how I came back but...I promise you all, The tower is still standing and I will make sure it never gets destroyed...I will make sure that this world never experiences the same catastrophe. "

He knows that he will meet the people of the past again, but he still made this promise to cherish their memories.

Where will this take you, reader?

Liarisknightcreators' thoughts