
memories of once upon a time

Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.Synopsis Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you in any corner. Time passes but memories do not fade, this is the story of how every decision we make even those that are most insignificant to us are those that lead us to our destination, a destination that can be extraordinarily surprising, you never know what tomorrow will bring. , do not close yourself to it, or wait for it too eagerly, live today, which is the only thing you have, love, fortune and tragedy are sisters that can be waiting for you on any corner.

Yolanda_Pereira · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

chapter 2

The day after receiving that news was full of plans, I remember that although there is a saying that says that after the storm calm comes, I can say for sure that that day in my case was the exception that confirms the rule, since from the beginning until the sunset of the day everything was a complete whirlwind, I don't know if you can imagine it but hey, you better not imagine it, instead it is better to tell you ...

I stir in my bed, I feel warm, the sun's rays hit my face so I slowly open my eyes and little by little I look around me, the sheet is all rolled up around my body, the curtains are open and the rays enter through them. from the sun, I don't know the time but it must be after midmorning, so I slowly get up in bed leaning on my elbows until I can sit down and then I turn to the nightstand and grab my cell phone, my surprise when I turn it on And I see that it is 10 in the morning, maybe for some that is not too late, but for me, I am used to getting up at six in the morning to go to school that is too late. When I see the time, I immediately stretch out and get out of bed, I tend it and walk slowly because I'm still a little sleepy I go to the bathroom, the first thing I do as always is to look in the mirror, today I woke up with dark circles although not so deep for what I just wash my face with cold water to finish waking up, I wash and brush my teeth, after that I go to my closet and I start to think what to wear, sometimes I can be very indecisive with clothes but how today at least for the moment I'm going to stay at home I put on some denim shorts and a white sweater winter has not started yet but it's already a bit cold and since I'm allergic sometimes I tend to catch colds for nothing , so better to prevent, then I go directly to the kitchen I am starving my parents must already be at work so I allow myself to run down the stairs although I know my mother hates it after all my room is in the second floor and kitchen in the first, what was my surprise when I heard my mother's voice tell me

-Alma, how many times have I told you not to run down the stairs, that you could have an accident?

- I'm sorry mom I thought you were not at home, generally at this time you are at work

-Does that mean that when I'm not there, you always go down the stairs like this

-no mom, it's just that ... I was very surprised to see you at this time at home

- I asked for two days off at the firm, yesterday and today, yesterday because I wanted to celebrate the news and today because my dear girl we have a lot to do so you better hurry to breakfast because we have a lot to do today such as buying the plane ticket To be able to go to the university, remember that you have to go first I have to see those dormitories where you are going to stay, miss, we have to pay the tuition, and why not, take a tour of the facilities, I do not think they will deny us

-I'm sure not mom so tell me when you want to make the trip

-For now I have two complicated cases and another pending, but I think that in three weeks I could make a hole in the agenda, although I still have to consult with your father, I would like him to go with us so that he stays more calm, you know that this is sending your little princess to the other side of the country alone is not necessarily your preferred idea

What my mother says reminds me of one of the main fears that I have, it is true that the university is on the other side of the country, and it is also true that although I have traveled further, for example abroad, I was always accompanied by my parents or in everything In case there was always someone waiting for me, I think the longest trip I have made alone was the summer camp that lasted 2 weeks in high school but hey, nothing worthwhile in this life in this life is rosy as my grandmother Yolanda would say: the That he wants light blue that it costs him, and that is when I realize that between idea and idea I was locked in my own bubble and I did not realize that my mother still looks at me with the face of wanting an answer so I arm myself with value and tell him:

-Quiet mom, I'm not going to be alone, there will be thousands of students, I will not be exactly alone, I know I should tell you that I am also afraid, it is a very big change that I am going to give but I know that If I told her alone, I was going to wind her up so that later she would bring out those insecurities in my face, I love her very much and I know that she does not do it badly, but she is a lawyer and sometimes she gets some comments directly to the jugular, as long as to get what you want in any situation, in those moments it is as if we were in a trial and we were rival lawyers and believe me my mother in court is scary huy .. Better not think about it

-exactly surrounded by girls and boys that you do not know, with different customs, it will be a very big change, apparently you are not afraid but my dear I would not say the same

-There is mm if you only knew- I murmur to myself-

-What did you say Alma?

-Nothing mommy, although I think my dad was more concerned that you were, my dad didn't see like yesterday at dinner the only thing he talked about was boys, that if some were scoundrels, that if I had to be careful, that if I had to concentrate on studies, by God that seemed like the talk they gave me when I entered adolescence about the changes in my body

-You know that for your father you will always be his little princess, I don't think he will ever accept everything that shows that you are already an adult the first time, but we'd better leave that topic for later, better have breakfast and go shopping, okay?

-of course mom Already with the idea of ​​more or less the day that awaits me today, I sit at the table to eat my ham and cheese sandwich, and drink my orange juice 10 minutes later I am climbing the sunny stairs again, this time slowly heading to the room in order to get my shoes and my bag to go shopping with my mother. When I get to the room I go to the closet and take my favorite sneakers from it, they are comfortable and they also combine are white with blue touches, I take my bag and in it I made my cell phone and my headphones that I grab from the bedside table as well as my purse and now if everything is ready my face so I slowly open my eyes and little by little I look around me, the sheet is all rolled up around my body, the curtains are open and the rays enter through them. from the sun, I don't know the time but it must be after midmorning, so I slowly get up in bed leaning on my elbows until I can sit down and then I turn to the nightstand and grab my cell phone, my surprise when I turn it on And I see that it is 10 in the morning, maybe for some that is not too late, but for me, I am used to getting up at six in the morning to go to school that is too late. When I see the time, I immediately stretch out and get out of bed, I tend it and walk slowly because I'm still a little sleepy I go to the bathroom, the first thing I do as always is to look in the mirror, today I woke up with dark circles although not so deep for what I just wash my face with cold water to finish waking up, I wash and brush my teeth, after that I go to my closet and I start to think what to wear, sometimes I can be very indecisive with clothes but how today at least for the moment I'm going to stay at home I put on some denim shorts and a white sweater winter has not started yet but it's already a bit cold and since I'm allergic sometimes I tend to catch colds for nothing , so better to prevent, then I go directly to the kitchen I am starving my parents must already be at work so I allow myself to run down the stairs although I know my mother hates it after all my room is in the second floor and kitchen in the first, what was my surprise when I heard my mother's voice tell me -Alma, how many times have I told you not to run down the stairs, that you could have an accident? - I'm sorry mom I thought you were not at home, generally at this time you are at work -Does that mean that when I'm not there, you always go down the stairs like this -no mom, it's just that ... I was very surprised to see you at this time at home - I asked for two days off at the firm, yesterday and today, yesterday because I wanted to celebrate the news and today because my dear girl we have a lot to do so you better hurry to breakfast because we have a lot to do today such as buying the plane ticket To be able to go to the university, remember that you have to go first I have to see those dormitories where you are going to stay, miss, we have to pay the tuition, and why not, take a tour of the facilities, I do not think they will deny us -I'm sure not mom so tell me when you want to make the trip -For now I have two complicated cases and another pending, but I think that in three weeks I could make a hole in the agenda, although I still have to consult with your father, I would like him to go with us so that he stays more calm, you know that this is sending your little princess to the other side of the country alone is not necessarily your preferred idea What my mother says reminds me of one of the main fears that I have, it is true that the university is on the other side of the country, and it is also true that although I have traveled further, for example abroad, I was always accompanied by my parents or in everything In case there was always someone waiting for me, I think the longest trip I have made alone was the summer camp that lasted 2 weeks in high school but hey, nothing worthwhile in this life in this life is rosy as my grandmother Yolanda would say: the That he wants light blue that it costs him, and that is when I realize that between idea and idea I was locked in my own bubble and I did not realize that my mother still looks at me with the face of wanting an answer so I arm myself with value and tell him: -Quiet mom, I'm not going to be alone, there will be thousands of students, I will not be exactly alone, I know I should tell you that I am also afraid, it is a very big change that I am going to give but I know that If I told her alone, I was going to wind her up so that later she would bring out those insecurities in my face, I love her very much and I know that she does not do it badly, but she is a lawyer and sometimes she gets some comments directly to the jugular, as long as to get what you want in any situation, in those moments it is as if we were in a trial and we were rival lawyers and believe me my mother in court is scary huy .. Better not think about it -exactly surrounded by girls and boys that you do not know, with different customs, it will be a very big change. -There is mm if you only knew- I murmur to myself- -What did you say Alma? -Nothing mommy, although I think my dad was more concerned that you were, my dad didn't see like yesterday at dinner the only thing he talked about was boys, that if some were scoundrels, that if I had to be careful, that if I had to concentrate on studies, by God that seemed like the talk they gave me when I entered adolescence about the changes in my body -You know that for your father you will always be his little princess, I don't think he will ever accept everything that shows that you are already an adult the first time, but we'd better leave that topic for later, better have breakfast and go shopping, okay? -of course mom With the idea of ​​more or less the day that awaits me today, I sit at the table to eat my ham and cheese sandwich, and drink my orange juice. 10 minutes later I am climbing the sunny stairs again, this time slowly heading to the room in order to get my shoes and my bag to go shopping with my mother When I get to the room I go to the closet and take my favorite sneakers from it, they are comfortable and they also combine are white with blue touches, I take my bag and in it I made my cell phone and my headphones that I grab from the bedside table as well as my purse and now if everything is ready