
Memories of Mortals and Gods

This is a collection of different short stories/events that my mind makes up. This is aimed to make my writing better and not for a connected storyline. hopefully this will encompass a wide variety of tags and genres in the stories. I want to try my hands with battle scenes, horror, romance, possible smut(in future), wars, adventure, mystery and everything else. most stories will be unconnected but some characters/settings might make a reappearance. Use it for your Dnd storytelling or perhaps some bedtime stories? anyway this one is more for me than you the readers. Will appreciate any feedback and interactions :)

M_sama · Fantasi
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2 Chs

The torturer

Everyone had an ability. Some could draw better, some could memorize everything they felt, some had monstrous strength, some could fly, some created fire out of nothing, some controlled the natural forces, the laws of physics didn't exist because everyone broke a few by simply existing.

In this amazing world for opportunities there was a orphan who made a infamous legend for himself. It is written in fables that he realised his power through killing his bully after torturing him for hours. His power was to grow stronger the harder he tortured someone. The orphanage already abandoned by the society had no one to stop him. He continued by torturing his other bullies but once he ran out his thirst for power made him go for the innocents he shared the place with. The only source of outside connection was the AI robot which delivered food weekly but the Devil ensured that no other kid could reach it.

The caretaker of the orphanage was the first bully he had killed so there was not anyone who could stop him anymore. It is said one brave kid even managed to reach the food robot once but the robot programmed only to deliver food and ignore everything else shattered the kids final hopes and his struggle for freedom.

Only once The Lord torture had left the orphanage were his crimes discovered. No one survived. By the time the perpetrator could be discovered it was too late. he was too strong to be contained. it is said the investigators who investigated the orphanage committed suicide disgusted by humanity. The few pics that were leaked on shady internet forums shocked even the most twisted of minds there. But alas it was not the end but just a beginning.

The torturer grew more and more in power. He got stronger and richer through out the years. even his lifespan was increased and he died after living for over 500 years. He made his own army whose sole purpose was to plunder and rob the world. He would personally torture and murder through his own hand over 2 million humans. and on the day he died he launched 15 nukes his army had amassed over the years. with a kill count of 12.3 million humans and those were not done by his subordinates but on his own he is said to be the most heinous killer in history. His army which died with him had less kills than the torturer himself but the crimes they committed were not any less.

It is said the torturer was so bad that once he died there was world peace for the next 1000 years.




There was a keypad and a screen in front of him. The old man with bony hands appered very weak, but he was not. Infact calling him the strongest in the world would not be a lie. on his screen were marked 15 locations.

The first one was his own palace with his forced harem of thousands of unwilling concubines. Every concubine and their past lovers who were castrated and served as his slaves were forced to remain in the palace by his private gaurds. His private gaurds were the most evil beings ever born but they feared him enough to serve as faithful gaurds.

Second location was his army's Headquarters where the criminals and the twisted minds of the world were gathered in a feared force. They only knew how to destroy and plunder. There were men and women who had committed the sins that exceeded anything else. The army was trained to keep their victims alive as only their master was allowed to kill. currently every member of the army was assembled in their headquarters as demanded by the Lord.

Third location was his own city where every other criminal of the world was granted amnesty. Evil corporations, businessmen, small criminals, big criminals, and everyone else.

The rest of the 12 locations were the 12 cities he had lived in past.

He pressed the button and that day was called 12 dusk and 3 dawns. 15 suns blinded the world but finally he was gone. the demon was no more. Despite the tragedy people secretly rejoiced.

Torturer closed his eyes. He could feel his skin burning but it was not painful just annoying. He had not felt pain since that fateful day in the orphanage. He loved his life of a tyrant. No pain only enjoyment and fun. His twisted mind which experienced every luxury legal and illegal of the world but finally it was time to go. and with darkness he closed his eyes.




Everything went dark, then suddenly the torturer saw light.

when his eyes focused he say a kid looking straight at him.

After thinking a lot while the kid was moving the knife closer to him with a devious smile, he recognised the kid. It was him 500 years ago. Him when he was killing the evil caretaker who would molest him and other kids daily. The torturer after years finally felt pain and screamed. And at the same time a strange voice said inside his head.

"As a compensation for your power you will have to experience the pain and death you gave to others throughout your lives. The pain will be enhanced 3 times. You will be forced to feel the emotions that were used to torture your victims including their love and hate. Your sanity will be forcefully maintained so that you can not escape the horrors you bought. Best of luck Challenger"

The torturers eyes opened in horror despite the pain. He knew that he had done worse, way worse to others and now he will for the first time become a victim of his own action. And with another scream his torture had resumed.




Authors Note: Hi I hope this was not too dark. This story was mostly for me to practice writing something which recounts a tale of the past. Also i wanted to generate a character who was evil and didnt face any consequences all his life but I also wanted Karma to get to him. I dont know if I succeeded in my story telling but with this story 1 ends. Next ones will not be as dark as this one and i hope to write a few wholesome ones next.

PS: Also pls review the readability, clarity and how gripping you found the story to be...