
Memories Beyond Mortality

My eyes shot open. I had escaped death by dying; before me were so many choices, so many potential afterlives. And yet, somehow, they would all lead me to death. Countless deaths. Ah, but between deaths, I lived! I was a king, a killer, and everything in-between; I built empires, forged bonds, and fell in love. I was reborn on countless worlds, learned magic, and became powerful. More powerful than I ever should have been. Then, things changed. I died and found myself in the aether yet again ...and killed an angel. This is my story.

Adrian_Jeremy · Fantasi
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57 Chs

The Dorms

We were confronted with a crowd of familiar faces.

Looking around, I could see that nearly everyone who had made it through the written exam had survived the interview and been accepted. Like us, they had been invited to come to the Academy's courtyard to prepare to move-in for the dorms.

Eamon stood proudly near the center of the green courtyard. He was encircled by students, who were seated on the well-kept grass and positioned upon the pristine white marble walkways that encircled the central clearing.

With a proud smile, Eamon cast his discerning gaze upon the gathering of eager adventurers and uttered in a resonant voice, "Congratulations... Congratulations on your remarkable journey thus far. For surviving these trials of endurance, skill, knowledge, character."

"I am honored and privileged to welcome you to our Academy. I anticipate the boundless potential that each of you brings and await the transformations you shall undergo here."

A spirited cheer erupted amongst the diverse group of boys and girls who had emerged triumphant from the grueling examinations. As I surveyed the gathering, I beheld faces bearing the marks of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Some were slightly older and more weathered, their paths to this moment clearly marked by trials endured. A few, younger than ours.

However, in each face, I saw resolution. These children had fought for their lives; no, run for their lives - in order to come to the academy. Their eyes mirrored my own, ablaze with a fiery determination and unquenchable spirit.

Eamon continued, "During your time here at the academy, you will be expected to work hard. To challenge yourself. To succeed. Understand that of the ninety aspirants here, we expect only thirty to emerge as fully-fledged adventurers."

"Over the course of the next four years, you shall embark upon quests and undertake trials, earning the esteemed adventurer badges that will accompany your rise to greatness. Furthermore, you will be given accolades as a reward for graduating from this institution. However, let me be clear; these years will be filled with danger. You will face real risks. The challenges you have faced until now were difficult. It will only get worse."

I could feel the excitement growing within me. My future on Wardenas was finally being built - I was going to travel these next four years, to discover uncharted monuments, to fulfill my dreams.

A glance towards Eliza and Jonas revealed that their hearts matched mine; we were united in our fervor.

Yet, as Eamon concluded his oration, he left us all in a state of profound astonishment with his announcement, "Henceforth, we shall not permit cadets to venture beyond the Academy's confines unaccompanied until their third year. You will find dormitories awaiting your residence, and sustenance and shelter shall be provided. If any among you cannot agree to these terms, you are free to depart now."

Wait. Wait. .....What????

We weren't allowed to leave?

I glanced at Jonas and Eliza, panic in my eyes. Around me, all the other children were also stirring, surprised by the unexpected expectation.

Eliza and Jonas' eyes had also widened in shock - we had known we would be leaving Subterra, but we had assumed we would be able to visit. That I would be able to see Tobias soon. Just not often.

Quickly, however, we exchanged nods - none of us were going to leave. We had made our goodbyes. We were at this academy to stay, regardless of the rules.

Looking around, I could see many making the same decision. However, perhaps ten stood up, leaving in anger.

After some time, Eamon resumed, "It looks like there are 75 cadets remaining! That's a good, even number. I'm glad that so many of you have chosen this path. It will be hard right now. It will be worth it. Trust me."

"Now, let's get you all situated in the dorms."


As Jonas and I separated from Eliza and she headed her own way with a pout, we began to walk toward the male dormitories, anticipation coursed through us like a current.

The male dorm was noticeably larger, housing the majority of our fellow cadets, a bustling hub of activity that welcomed sixty students. In contrast, the female dorm accommodated the remaining cadets, including Eliza and seemed to be much more quaint.

As Jonas and I nervously approached the entrance to the male dorm, I took a moment to step back and appreciate the dorm's aesthetics. It was a striking building, its walls painted a pristine white, adorned with cascading ivy that breathed life into its stately exterior. The tendrils of greenery danced with the wind, adding a touch of nature's beauty to the man-made structure.

The architecture, though grand, had an inviting aura, with arched doorways and ornate windows that hinted at the history embedded within these walls. As I gazed upward, the sun's gentle rays played peekaboo through the foliage, casting dappled shadows on the dorm's facade.

With a deep breath, I followed Jonas inside the magnificent dorms, ready to explore whatever awaited us within these walls.


Within, we found a chart displaying everyone's housing locations. Me and Jonas were on opposite edges of the dorms. Eyeing the chart closer, I noticed that I was housed with two other guys - named Caspian and Rowan

Jonas, on the other hand, seemed to be sharing his room with a boy named Finn and another named Leo. As we exchanged glances across the room, the anticipation in our eyes mirrored each other's emotions.

As we stood in the corridor, about to part ways to explore our rooms, Jonas couldn't resist a mischievous grin. "Well, this is it, my friend," he said, putting on a mock-serious tone. "The moment our paths diverge, and you have to face your first adventure."

I chuckled, playing along. "You make it sound like I'm entering a dragon's lair. I'm sure they won't bite... hopefully."

Jonas raised an eyebrow, feigning concern. "Just remember, when you encounter any strange, mythical creatures, call for me. I'll come charging to your rescue with my mighty pillow sword."

We both burst into laughter at the absurdity of the image. "Deal," I said, extending my hand for a pretend handshake.

Jonas shook my hand with exaggerated solemnity. "Good luck, my brave cadet-to-be. May your bunk be comfy and your roommates snore quietly."

I couldn't help but laugh again. "And may your room be free of spiders, my fearless companion."

With that, we waved to each other and headed towards our respective rooms, leaving behind the shared laughter and camaraderie that had become an integral part of our academy journey.