
Memoirs of the Journalist That Followed Hero's

The year is 2060, and Michael has turned 65 this year. He lived a long life of action and excitement, witnessing the turn of a new age and writing it for all the world to read. But age is coming for him, and the great change that Covid-19 brought did nothing for him. He decided to do one thing that he could do, which was to write all the great tales of old. Those that many may have forgotten, and how the world changed right before the worlds eyes.

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The Drake of New York

Garic Williams was a teen in New York, He didn't particularly stick up from his pears. He was roughly 5.8 ft tall, and his skin was a dark shade of brown. He would slack off a bit in school, but when push came to shove, he knew when to get down and hit the books. Often times after school, he would play basket ball with his friends. Afterwards, he would go home to what remained of his family.

His mother was this small white women, who got up early to work and came home early enough to have dinner with her son. She worked as a nurse, and the long hours were hard on her. Despite that, she did her best to never seem tired. Though that was with the help of copious amounts of coffee and other caffeinated drinks. Of course, she only did this to herself since she couldn't bear just to give herself a rest, and time to think. The reasoning can be found from all the pictures that were facing down or storied away in closets out of sight.

Those had one thing in common and that was Garic mother and his late father. His late father was a tall yet thin man. He was a gymnast and his dream was to perform on the Olympics, something that he had worked hard his entire life for. When he finally got the chance to go to the try outs, he pack up and got onto a taxi. Sadly, on the way to the airport, the taxi was hit by a drunk driver. Other drivers stopped attempted to help get people out of the vehicles. One of the people that came to help was smoking and his cigarette fell out of his mouth and onto the ground. The person ignored it at first, but the gas leak from the taxi soon ignited. Out of fear, the drivers that were helping ran for cover.

A fiery explosion took the lives of two people that day. Those lives being that of the taxi driver and Garics father. But when 2020 hit, his life changed for the worst.

His mother was practically living at the hospital, leaving him alone. She would barely come home as she didn't want to get her son sick. So they lived separated from each other for two months. The hospital was full, and so were other medical facilities. And then, she got Covid-19.

She was forced to return home as there wasn't any room in the hospital for her to stay, and they couldn't have one of there staff working if they are sick. She put up a fight against it, but eventually it turned into an acceptance that she would pass. Her job as a nurse over worked her, Covid-19 was making it impossible to sleep due to pain, and she couldn't even obtain proper medical care for herself due to how stretched the resources were.

Garic did what little he could for his mother. He made food using what little amount they would receive from the state food distribution centers, doing every little thing that he could. But he himself soon got sick as well. He couldn't do anything to keep himself from getting it, sanitation supplies had long gone dry. The closest store was closed and other delivery services weren't in operation either.

Eventually something had to give and that was his mother who soon passed away with Garic at her side. Holding onto her hands, he begged her to stay with him. Tears rolled down his face, he felt her life leave the hand that he was holding.

His tears continued to fall and his crying soon turned to ugly crying. His tears soon began to sizzle and boil as they fell. His cries of anguish turned to flame. And in his sorrow, he light the city block on fire. But he didn't feel the heat, nor did his skin burn. Eventually the building collapsed and burned down with him inside.

Emergency services were able to control the fire eventually, though 5 houses were burned down and a few were too damaged to live in. Emergency services eventually began picking through the rubble to find a reason for the fire. As they were moving through the remains of ground zero, they heard the soft cries of somebody trapped. Emergency service personnel on the scene sprang into action to free them. Upon finding removing the rubble, the rescuers found a young man, naked, un-burned with his knees tucked to his chest with tears of fire streaming down his face.

A little backstory for our friend Garic WIlliam. And I know what you guys are wondering, "Why are all super hero stories tragic?" My answer is, I have no idea. Maybe its to get you more invested or something?

Anyway, the first set is a go! I hope you all enjoy reading the tale of the Drake of New York because that is the one I will be focusing on until I decide its time to move on to the next main character in our saga

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