
Melting the cold female duke

Synopsis Akira Arcana reincarnated on a body of a child. She grew up as a fine soldier. When she was guarding the bolder, she accidentally killed an elder witch, who cursed her not to feel and give love to others. One night, when she was under the influenced of an alcohol, she barged inside a commoner’s house. Dandelion, a handsome and reserved man happens to own that house. That night, Akira him harassed him merciless and left him alone in the morning. After 5 years, they met, but the girl didn’t remember him, but he won’t forget that night. But he mistakenly falls for her. Will he be able to capture the woman’s heart, despite she can’t feel love or express it? Will they be able to break the curse? ..... “We..ll?” she was amused seeing a handsome man trembling while holding a knife. The drunk person pounce on him like a predator. He tried to hit her but to no veil she easily caught his hand and grip it hard. Hard enough for him to drop the knife. Hmm….. Suddenly the woman kissed him, .... “So, who am I, who are you?” Inquires the girl, who was staring at the man with eyes need of answering and full of excitement. Her lips were pressed together, giving out the idea of nervousness that Lily feels inside. As she mistakenly misunderstood the words of her nemeses that she was his wife. A beautiful mistake that leads to love.

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Melting The Cold Female Duke


{Love is salvation, but can be the cause of destruction.}

* Author had a poem about love. It was rhymed, and it's nice to read, hehehe if someone motivates me I'll recite it here. Actually, I loved poems and even made one. And oh, I'll be calling her Lily from now on.*

"Ughh, where the heck am I?" groaned, the woman sprawled naked on the bed. She got up to sit, but stop hallway, seeing the clothes laying messily beneath her feet. She recognized what dress she wore last night and for sure the simple orange dress was hers. It made her confused as to why there's a robe intertwined with it. It's not Lexus' isn't it? Just to make sure. The woman turns around to her side.

An unknown man lightly snore came into view. It's not Lexus or any other man she knew. It's a stranger, a man she hadn't been an acquaintance before. Uh. Even though I became cold and devoid of emotions, I still had an ounce of it left within me, only a little though. How should I compensate this man? Come to think of it, where's that stupid guy? I didn't see his shadow here since I woke up. Don't tell me he just left me here with this stranger.

I better leave quickly and settle this matter with money later. I sounded like a disgusting old man who shared a night with an unknown woman. It's kind of the opposite, though.

The woman observes the man laying naked next to her. He had a gorgeous and at the same time innocent features. So unlike that stupid man who only knows how to seduce girls with his smile. What am I doing? I shouldn't compare them after all, Lexus had a great stamina not like this *Hwarang. (Flower boy~~)

My ears almost bleed because of his moaning last night. It is as though it was his first. He moans so loudly while begging me in tears to stop. I won't deny it. I like him begging more, but I don't want to trouble myself with this. Furthermore, I should go home now, and I clearly remember that I have a meeting with someone important. How troublesome.

The woman picked up her clothes from the floor and hastily wore it. Glancing one last time at the man sleeping soundly, she opened the door and closed it quietly.

When she was out of the small house, a sarcastic remark accompanied by a mocking comments greeted her. "How's your night, did you have fun?"

"By the moaning last night, it seems like he did satisfy you." Wrong. He didn't, that man lasted one round only. Lily wanted to correct him, but she also wants him to stop babbling, so she didn't stop him.

"He had a great stamina, right?"

"So you like that kind of man who knows only how to beg for pleasure." She frowned at his word. Something's not right about him.

Yes, Lily had a sexual relationship with Lexus. She will continue to be in that kind of relation with him as long as he wants it. If he had a fiancée or a lover, she will cut all ties they had about that thing and will maintain captain-subordinate relation between the two of them. She can pinpoint that he was somewhat jealous. Well, to be frank, this is the first time Lily had a one-night-stand since Lexus and her started to have a sexual relationship.

"No, and his stamina is worst." Despite being a girl, she bluntly express what she thinks about the man shamelessly. It's not like it was her first time, and she knew that Lexus knew it too. "Why did you let me sleep with a stranger?"

"I… remember what you did to me when I interrupted your love making?" With that said, the woman shouts her mouth. Yeah. Lily would have sent him flying like a penguin if he dare disturb her time with her man.

Last time she checks, he was black and blue. What can you expect? She wouldn't be their captain for nothing, even if she doesn't have magic powers. Her physical strength is enough to make him fly. And she seems to like the man last night and if he…

He shook his head at the thought of it. If his lucky enough, then he will only have his face disfigures or have at least several fracture bones. For the worst thing, he might lose his life, and he doesn't want that to happen. Lexus didn't fulfill his promise yet, until then he will endure everything.

"Fine. Come back here later." Lexus knew why. It's because he had to give the man some money to exclude him completely from making gossips that could ruin the woman's reputation.

Watching the scenery at this town made Lily recall the town she always used to pass. It gives her the same feeling of peacefulness mixed with a creepy atmosphere. "Let's go back." It's not a request, but an order.

Lexus who understood what she meant went behind the woman and embrace her. He rests his face on the crook of her neck, smelling the woman's scent. Then a circle formed beneath the pair, soon a light burst and swallows them.

They teleported to Lily's bedroom.

Embracing the woman he loved and cared so much made him smile. His left hand starts to roam on her thigh, making small circles down there. The other hand playfully tugs the laces, rested near the woman's breast. "It's still early. How about…?" he made a seductive suggestion while his tongue licked her neck teasingly and rubbing his pointy nose at the curve.

Lily, who was not satisfied last night, gave in to the man's seduction. "Hmm… ahh…"

The moan encourages him to continue, it's a sign she accepts his offer. Right, he wanted to kill that man who spend the night with her. But he knew he was jealous over nothing because he is the only one who could make her moan in pleasure like now. Neither that stranger nor any other man can make her. Instead, it's quite the opposite.

"I had a better stamina than that man, and I can make you feel bliss." If he said this while she is in her right mind, he might have been punched in the face already. Everything should be timing, and he needed to hide his greed away from her or this relation he barely tried to hold would be cut.

(Hi guys! Hope you like this chapter. If you caught some misspelled words, grammar errors, something that confused you, etc. feel free to comment below. Have fun reading. Wink.)

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06/01/2022 10:43 am