
Melting Her Cold Heart

Cheated on by her fiancé weeks before their wedding, Sara, vowed to never love again. Men could not be trusted, especially with a woman's heart. She had made the mistake once, and that was more than enough for her. Never again would she make the same mistake to give her heart to another. But her resolve began to waver when she came across her new boss, Alexander Legend, a man whose reputation in his expertise and ruthlessness in business preceded him. Respected and feared by many, but to Sara, he was an annoying pest she wished she never met. Too persisted for her liking yet, she finds herself falling, slowly melting in his presence. Getting used to his stolen kisses and hugs and sometimes anticipating them. °°°°° Excerpts “You will fall for me, Sara. One day, I'll have your heart too,” Alex drawled. His voice had a seductive allure that had her heart racing. The fact that his hand was leisurely resting around her waist didn't help her either. “Try as much as you want to,” despite her body begging for his touch, Sara was determined to reject him today and any other day. She couldn't make the same mistake again. “You won't succeed in your seduction. NOT NOW. NOT EVER.” Alex smirked, kissed behind her ear and her body trembled, much to his satisfaction. That was all he needed to keep purising the stubborn woman in his arms right now. “We shall see, Miss Ambrose,” he cooed and then released her. He returned to his seat and asked in a professional tone. “What is my schedule for today?”

Precious_1 · perkotaan
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23 Chs

Take good care of him

"What is it?" Sara asked. Although she was hesitant, she sat down, deciding to hear what he would say.

"I did a little background check on you, and there are some things that just don't add up or make any sense… yet," he uttered, and her brows pulled together. She was not surprised that he did a background check on her, but what things was he talking about?"

"Don't get me wrong. It's just that there are some loopholes about your background, and I'd like to know what I am missing. I like to know my people so that I can better take care of them," especially you,' he added in his head.

"What did you find that does not add up or make sense?" Sara asked. She knew that at some point, if this conversation persists, they will eventually touch a sour spot. But he might have really found something, and that might be helpful to her as well.

"Your family, Sara. Who is your father?" He asked. He didn't mean to say anything wrong, but he just wanted to know if she knew anything and didn't care or if she was still clueless. In any case, he would know what to do.

"Logan Ambrose is my father, I believe you have found that out during your background check. Why do you ask this?" She knew he wasn't her biological father, but that man raised her and as a single father due to her mother's death during her childhood. She wouldn't let anyone look down on him. And she won't admit that they aren't blood related.

Alex saw how defensive she was about her father and didn't say anything that would make her upset. He couldn't tell whether she knew who her biological father was or not. "I see. I'm sorry for speaking out of terms."

"Is there anything else, Sir?" Sara was back to her normal self and no more glaring at him.

"No, not for now. Get ready for the next meeting, we will leave soon," he said, and she nodded her head and stood up. She walked away while he just stared at her back. "I won't let them get to you if you do not want to acknowledge them, I promise," he whispered under his breath.


Moments later, Sara and Alex left the office for the next meeting, which would take place in a hotel. They walked side by side into the hotel, unknown to Them that there was a stalker taking photos of them together.

"Hello, Miss," the person who had taken their photos said to a number he had just called. "I have them now. Shall I send them to you?" He asked and waited for the other person to reply before he smiled.

"Trust me, Miss, they are good. She just walked into a hotel with a man. I have the evidence, and as long as you pay up, you'll have the photos," he assured whoever he was talking to and then hung up. He walked into the hotel in time to find the two people he was looking for, entering an elevator.

He quickly took a sneak shot of them and then ran to catch up with them, but before he could get to them, the doors closed, and he was left out. But he didn't mind. He has enough photos of them already. A moment later, his phone received a credit notification from his bank. He beamed knowing his hard work had paid off. He then quickly sent the photos to the client and left the hotel.

CLIENT, "Delete my contact and our Chats from your phone," A message popped up from the client, and he sighed. This wasn't his first time doing the job.

"Got it," he sent back to the client and then deleted everything from his phone.

Meanwhile, Sara and Alex arrived at the meeting place. Inside, everyone that should be there was already seated and was involved in friendly chat while waiting.

Alex pulled the seat for her, and she sat down, although it didn't feel right that her boss was the one holding her seat for her. She couldn't complain here where there were strangers but then again, it may give the wrong impression to the people. And it did.

"Welcome, President Legend. It is an honor to meet you," one after the other, the men and women inside greeted and tried to make a good first impression.

"Could this be Mrs Legend? It is not right that you kept a secret all this time," a woman asked. She had a warm smile on her face as she looked at Sara, although her question was directed to Alex.

Sara was just about to deny it when he beat her to it.

"Not yet. She is still being stubborn," he uttered instead of telling them that she was his secretary. He even placed a hand fondly on her head and smiled like a doting partner. "When that happens, I'll let you know."

The people laughed but wished him goodluck, and he readily accepted their good wishes. Much to Sara's dismay.

"It's not like that. You misunderstood," she tried to explained but they gave her smiles that said they knew what was happening, and Alex didn't stop them. All of her effort just flushed down the drain. She could only glare at Alex, which further painted a more vivid picture in the heads of the people around them.

"We understand, he may be successful but you still have make him into the man you want him to be. The right man for you," an elderly man said and everyone else agreed and Sara realized how fruitless it would be to keep trying to explain it to them.

Who were these people and why was Alex do jovial with them? She expected a similair scenario to what happened in the previous meeting but this caught her off-guard.

"We will get there someday, Aunt," Alex said and Sara frowned.

'Aunt?' She uttered in her head.

"Yes, you will get there and when you do, treat her well even better than you are now. She deserves it if she was able get attention," the woman said.

Sara didn't knowing when it happened but the woman was now seated beside her and even grabbed her hand and the man who beside her had niw taken the woman's seat. She could only force a smile which she hoped appeared genuine.

"Of course, she is everything to me," Alex replied and everyone smile.

His words took her off and even made her heart skip a beat. Was he so good with words or was a renounced actor someplace she never knew? This was a bit too much even if you want to put on a show and fool others. Sara's thoughts continued to run wild.

Feeling her heary racing because of his words, she reprimanded herself. 'He is not the first to say such honey words, Sara. Others have and that didn't amount to anything,' she kept on reminding herself until her racing heart slowed down.

The mood was lively and Dara couldn't more out of place. Alex just threw her into an inescapable situation and she had to go with the flow even though she didn't want to. In the end, she decided to just leave it be. The people seem to be nice people and very close to Alex. So she would bear with it for now and reprimand him later. She thought without realizing how natural the thought of reprimanding her boss came to her.

The meeting later proceeded to business but it was still not as heated as the other one. The young people in the group asked a few questions as if taking a lecture from the expert. Nothing that Sara expected to happened but it was good to know that the man could live a normal life too.

"You take care, both of you," the same woman whom Sara has come know as Mrs Lawson said giving Alexal a hug even though he didn't return it she wasn't offended. She came over to Sara and did the same and she froze. "Take good care of him, alright? He may be grumpy most of the time, but he has a big heart," she said and in a gentle tone.

Sara's shoulders relaxed ans she hugged te woman back "I will," she said. Well, she has been playing alone the whole time why stop now?

Alex who heard her agree to take care of him froze for a while not expecting tha reply but then, he smiled as his heary warmed up.