
Melted The Heart Of My Mafia Boss

Even loving him is painful but still, I love him and will always! "Getting his love was the hardest thing I could ever achieve but still, I achieved it." Kaitlyn Forester is an innocent girl, who passed out her college. Her dreams are very high and she has the talent to achieve heights. She wanted to be a fashion designer and have the zeal to do more. Robert Williams has suffered a lot. Fate has always played worst with him. Those things and horrible memories made him heartless and cruel, a Mafia boss. He is a monster who doesn't give mercy to anyone. The demons inside him are eating him alive. Can they be together and make a successful match? "You can trust me," She said, taking a step toward him. "Trust you?" He said, turning around just to see her in tears. "Robert please, at least give me a chance." "Dare you to say another word." "You have to trust me." He raised his palm to slap her but stopped in the mid-air. He closed his hand in a fist and backed off. "I don't want to hurt you anymore." He whispered to himself, closing his eyes. "Then give me a chance to heal you."

Dallas_Official · perkotaan
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12 Chs

Chapter-9 Worst Nightmare


It was a peaceful and romantic place. I was sitting in his lap, holding him tight. My arms were around his neck.

My face was engulfed in the crook of his neck and he was patting my head, softly.

"I don't know if this is love?" I heard him saying.

"It's okay, I will wait." I kissed his cheek.

"You are unbelievable"

"Because I love you"

We looked into each other's eyes. He leaned in towards me just to kiss me when...


I heard a loud voice. To protect me I hugged the man behind me.

I closed my eyes and after a long wait, I opened them to see him laid down on the ground.

No! Please!

"Sorry," Just that was the word I could hear before he fainted. His voice was broken and weak.

My world stopped when I saw him like that. Everything was a blur in front of my eyes. The wind around was so clear to hear. The sky above my head was pure blue with no clouds. The cold breeze around me swept through my body freely.

I never thought that this moment would come in my life.


"Robert, please, get up! Please!"

"You can't leave me. Get up, ROBERT"



"Robert" I shouted as I got up.

Breathing heavily, sweat covering my whole body. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to calm myself.

I fidget my fingers on the comfortable thing on which I was laid down.

On the bed? I looked around, everything was dark. The silence was the thing that was there.

I slowly fidget my fingers on the bed sheets. Was I dreaming?

A nightmare? HELL!

Wait, Robert? Where is he?

I stood up from the bed. I was unable to see anything, not even where I am standing right now.

I wiped out my face which was sweating with fear. I crumbled while walking.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone.

"Robert, is it you?" I murmured as I sensed his presence.

I put my hands on his chest and hold on to his shirt in my fist.

"What are you doing awake at 4 a.m?"

My lips trembled to answer him.

What should I answer? Should I tell him about the nightmare? How will he react? No! No! No! Bad idea, Kaitlyn!

I realized taking him a step forward to me which made us come closer to each other. I felt his hand on my waist and sensed his face near mine.

"Having nightmares!" He whispered in my right ear. I sensed him smirking.

I hate his smirk.

He ruffled my hair which was coming in front of my eyes and was stuck on my face because of sweat.

I started to feel comfortable and safe. His touch was not harsh like earlier but tight around me. It was comforting. He was giving me the warmth which I never experienced before. Even the cold breeze inside the room was not touching me.

After a moment, he pulled back. Pulling the warmth with him which I needed.

Still, I know, he has the intention to break me. Some day he will kill me or something else.

He switched on the lights of the room and went into the bathroom.

I sat on the bed.

It was the worst nightmare ever. But why did it come in my dream? Why does that mean? Or does it mean to my life?

And I told him that I love him. What the hell is going on in my life?

I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep. I closed my eyes.

"You are unbelievable."

"Because I love you."

These words roamed into my mind and I opened my eyes again.

I took a quilt over my body and tried to sleep.



After a long try, I was engulfed with sleep. I felt my eyelids heavy which forced me to close my eyes.

Thank God, now I can sleep peacefully.

Suddenly, I felt the bed sheets ruffling. I felt a figure beside me. I turned around to see him laid down on the bed. My sleep flew away.

I sat up and was going to stand when he held my hand.

"Don't you want to sleep?" He asked.

"N...No! I am not sleepy anymore."

He smirked.

"L-leave...my hand." I struggled to get my hand back.

He held on to my hand, harshly and pulled me towards him. With the sudden impact, I landed on his chest.

"We are married," He whispered in a husky voice that was enough for me to hear.

"The marriage is fake." I tried to talk back.


"It's a...contract marriage" I struggled to push him.

But he held my waist more tightly.

"Robert ---- Leave me."

"You said that this is a contract marriage and if I make this a real marriage. Then?" He smirked.

"What...what do you mean?"

"Wait and watch, babe! You are going to have fun." Saying that he left me and got up from the bed.

What? What does he mean by that? Is it planning to kill me? Or something more dangerous!

I looked at him. He was going to switch off the lights when I stopped him.

"Don't...don't switch off the lights," I said.

He looked at me with that sharp gaze. "Nyctophobia?" He questioned.

"I don't know."

He smirked and waited for a moment. The silence between us was the thing that made me fear. Without saying anything more, he left the room.

Why did this all happen to me? I just want rest, REST from everything. Every single thing!

I closed my eyes and didn't know when sleep entangled me.



I woke up as I heard a knock on the door. I rubbed my eyes and lazily hid in the quilt. I heard the knock again.

Who the hell?

I sat up on the bed irritatedly. I looked around to see the time. What the...it's 10 a.m. Shit!

I got up from the bed, adjusting my clothes and hair. I opened the door to see Kelly.

"Good morning, Kaitlyn!" She wished me in a cheerful voice.

"Good morning, aunt."

"You know, you are very late today."

I giggled childishly.

"Kaitlyn, I have something important to tell you. I mean -" She stopped.

I nodded to relax her so that she could speak further.

"First, get ready. You have a big day!"

"Big day?" I was confused.

"Go and freshen up! Keep yourself refreshed! Okay?"

"Okay, aunt!" I said.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up, taking a bath. I wore my common household clothes. I came out of the bathroom, just to see Kelly aunt sitting on the couch waiting for me.

What's so special today? A big day?

She cleared her throat. "Baby, there are two people to meet you."

"To meet me?" I was shocked.

"Yes, they are way too close to you. And you must be very happy meeting them."

"Aunt, I don't know what are you -"

"Don't be scared! They are your closed ones and I will make sure there will be no problem."

"Oh, okay" I nodded.

"Come with me! They are waiting down there." She asked.

She started to walk out of the room and I followed her.

We reached the hall and she signaled some actions to the guards in response of which they nodded.

After a moment, they came with a girl with bold hair who was wearing blue jeans with blacktop and there was a boy who was wearing peach-colored trousers and a simple coloured shirt.

A big smile covered my face as I saw them. I ran towards them and they hugged me immediately.

"Oh God, I didn't know this marriage can make my little sister more beautiful," Camila said, hugging me.

Camila Rosemary, my uncle's daughter. My elder sister is married and currently living happily with his husband. There is no good bond between our families but we still keep up with ourselves as good brothers and sisters.

But still, it feels awkward as our parents never followed us to talk to each other.

"Nice to see you, little sister!" Sean said and hugged me.

He is also my elder brother and younger than Camila, just 1 year younger.

"Same to you" I hugged him back.

"We are shocked that you married without even letting us know. And a contract marriage!" He took a deep breath. "We are sorry about uncle and aunt." Sean said.

They know about the contract!

I hesitated to answer. Mom-dad? They know about them. I don't want to talk about mom-dad.

I had difficulty making my heart not cry more, thinking about them. It's so hard to forget someone so important to you more than your life.

"Umm-hmmm" Kelly aunt cleared her throat. We looked at her. "Kaitlyn, your brother and sister came for the first time. Take them to your room."

I nodded obediently to her.

We walked to my room. As soon as I entered, Camila hugged me from behind.

"Whoa! I am so happy for you. I mean, really? You are married. And not any common man. The billionaire! Robert Williams! But huh, a contract marriage?"

I chuckled unwillingly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Your aunt told us. And she informed us not to say it publicly. So, we are just asking you."

"Will you tell me about uncle and aunt?" They both asked.

She is happy because she knows he is the CEO of the William Corporation but I am the one who knows his real side. He is a monster. He is the mafia king.

Who knows the marriage was not with my will. It was forced. He forced me to marry him. Who knows my unwanted husband was the...was the...killer of my parents.

And I am forced to live with him. He is torturing me to be with him.

I swear, I will never forgive him for this. NEVER!

"Kaitlyn, answer us!" Sean said.

"Sean, it was just..." I tried to answer but nothing came to my mind.

"How did you meet Robert?"

"Do you love him?"

"When did you marry him?"

"And tell me about uncle and aunt. Explain us?"

"I ---"

I did not have a single answer to their questions.

What should I even say?

"Kaitlyn?" Camila said in frustration as hoping for an answer.

"Please don't ask me anything. Please."

I felt my eyes getting teary. Everything started to play in my mind. Everything!