

... Wizz house.... midnight...

The place was filled with finalist and semi finalist students having the time of their life.

Sinful acts we're not absent.

In a corner ,their leader can be seen. Jayden gage.

" Phoenix...mph " the bitch cried as Jayden Po unded her hard " damn" he whispered hotly and carried her pinning her to the wall while kissing her like his life depended on it.

She dipped her fingers into his hair brushing it slightly as the hook up got intense. " pH.. Phoenix..take it easy..ahh" she nearly cried. Who wouldn't, it's Jayden gage we're talking about here , a beast when it comes to sex.

The bitch shot out her wet, creamy, hot, cum and moaned in pleasure as Jayden brought her down. " Fuck " he groaned .

" That was the best I had in years, we should do it another time." She grinned biting her lips but he only smirked and left.


The main party was situated here and immediately Jayden came in , screams filled the air.

* Jayden !

* My gosh, his tattoos!

* My Phoenix !

*You're rocki'n the shirt baby!

Jayden gage , a dangerously handsome sensation, with neck length long hair with foxy amber eyes and pink plump lips with lip ring.

And hoop earrings and his tattoos showing itself from the white armless shirt . Giving him a sexy look.

He sexily licked his lip ring enjoying the compliments.

" Hey big daddy" Gabby called. Gabby , suga and Drake are his colse friends.the only ones who can handle his maniac side.

"I told you not to call me that" he said bringing a pack of cigarette from his pants.

" He's right ,call him big daddy , that's what he is afterall " Drake winked and they laughed.

"Screw you"Jayden smiled puffing out a smoke. Drake took a stick and grabbed a lighter from Jayden " want one ?" He asked suga.

" You know I don't smoke " suga reminded.

"So ?" Drake shrugged " so why the fuck are you giving me this shit ? " He rolled eyes leaving. And Drake offered Gabby one " I'll pass." He said leaving too.

* Bae's residence *

The loud sound of music blaring across a room could be heard. Diva sat on her side of the room with an uncomfortable look watching her sister dance crazily.

" Why on earth did mum and dad tell me to share a room with you ?" She complained squeezing her face . " Because I'm fun to be with !" Jana said dancing crazily.

" Thank the heavens I'm starting school tomorrow" she muttered aloud to her surprise , the music stopped and she looked forward, Jana was standing there with a shocked look on her face . She heard it.

" What ! " She yelled." What, you never heard ?" Diva said with a dead panned look on her face. " How will you go to school without telling me? Neo michinyeosseo ! (Are you crazy!)" She yelled again " I was planning on going next week but your so annoying to be with so I had to rush everything. " She shrugged. Jana just stared emotionless at her " you.. tiny.. little..punk!.. I'll miss you" she hugged diva making her chuckle. " Me too" she said.

" Since today is the last day I'll be seeing my little sis, please do the honors and dance with me" Jana begged " absolutely not" diva shook her head. " Jebal ( please)" she tightened the hug. " Andwae ( no)" diva whined. Then Jana gave her the puppy eyes and she sighed." Fine" she said and Jana smiled widely. She turned on the music with a louder volume this time and they both danced having fun .


Diva blinked thrice before finally opening her eyes. She got out of bed but couldn't find Jana. She wore her fuzzy bunny slippers and went downstairs.

" Diva , you're awake" her mum bae Rona said eyes brightened. " Yeah , good morning" she yawned . " Where's Jana ?" She asked .

" On a job hunt " her dad baehyung sun said coming in. " Go get ready , im waiting for you " .


Party was over, it was a day remaining for classes and school curriculum to begin. Jayden sat on his bed , his hair a total mess. Gabby and the others were still in bed. He sighed and went to the bathroom.


Diva already set to go said her goodbyes to her mum and left in her dad's car and they drove off.


Diva got down the car before her dad " you sure you didn't forget anything ?" He asked bringing out her luggages. "Ne(yes)" she replied. Diva's mouth formed an 'O' at the sight of the building. It's goddamn big and everything reikes money.

" Here " her dad gave her a bag " this is ?" She asked " Jana's good bye gift" he replied. She opened it to find a lot of sweets, candy, cereal, chocolates, biscuits, cookies and a lot more.

" Sweet gumdrops"she exclaimed surprised. " I put everything you need in your luggages and your mum packed a lot of ramen for you. " He said and she hugged him " thanks dad " she gushed and he reciprocated.


After getting her keys and what she needed from the housing office, she began looking for her room.

* Hallway*

She Dragged the luggages behind her. She wasn't finding it easy though and to make it worse, there was a huge crowd running towards her, screaming like they saw a ghost.

Thanks to stamina, diva didn't fall in the process.

* Phoenix !

* Hot daddy!

* My heart!

They screamed excitedly, on seeing this , with great rage diva screamed " are y'all nuts !!!!!" .

All attention was diverted to her . " Why scream like monkeys for a guy , do you lack sense ?! " She said and went straight to Jayden " and you , take your crazy fandom somewhere else this is a hall way not an arena " she glared at him but he kept his poker face .

" You'll really wish you hadn't said that." He said and licked his lip ring but to everyone's surprise, she kicked him in the shin and spat at his face making him wince kneeling on one foot. With that she Left making him smirk evilly.


Finally , she got to room fifteen and opened the door to find a girl on her bed operating her phone. " Oh you're here " Abby her room mate said dropping the phone. " Hi am bae diva freshman " she said " Abigail Adams finalist" she shook her hand . " Is it just us girls in here ? " Diva asked almost immediately the door opened with two girls coming in " hey roomies " she said coming in " am Chelsea Matthew a fresh man ." she said " bae diva " diva said " oh my gawd you're Korean !" She squealed.

" Thanks for noticing ." Diva smiled sweetly.

Another girl came in but this time never said anything. She only grabbed something and left leaving diva and Chelsea dumbstruck.

" Thanks Nikkiy Martinez. Forget about her ," Abby said rolling eyes. " Anyways lunch time is near better get ready so we can go together. " Abby said leaving.

* Dinning hall *

The girls settled after getting their meals but no sign of Nikki. " I miss my mum's dishes." Chelsea said babyish making Abby chuckle, "well, you're not home any more so you better get used to it." Abby said .

Just then, the doors opened , all eyes on the person coming In.

* Paisley Braun !

* What a beauty !

* I love you !

Paisley the school's queen walked In head high enjoying the praises. " Oh , no water , I'll go get us some " Chelsea said as she got up leaving then bumped into paisley who's face is as red as a tomato now . " Fuck!" She cursed.

" I'm so..." Chelsea didn't finish her words what she got slapped in the face earning gasps.

" You good for nothing low life creature, how dare you ?!" She said wanting to slap again but her hand got held in mid air . It was diva .

" That's enough , you've done much " she said and paisley jerked her hand off from diva's grip. " Who are you to tell me what am supposed to do huh ?!" Paisley raged " I go by the name bae diva, and you've done enough , kindly leave before I make matters worse " she said earning gazes of different expressions from everyone. " I'll show you...." Paisley raised her hand to slap but diva caught it and this time twisted it inappropriately. " Ahhhh... please ...stop !!!!" Paisley screamed but diva twisted it the more making paisley fall down and crying.

" Bitch"

hi everyone this is my first ever book and I wrote chapter one to see how you will react to it before I move further . please support me , you won't regret it .

love noel.

enweremprecious454creators' thoughts