
Chapter 37&38



( Addicted To You... )

THEME: Love's Sweet Melody


By, Ariel Mirabel




✮(𝓐 𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓨𝓸𝓾)✮

Her eyes slowly began closing and before she knew it, darkness engulfed her as she kept sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Almost immediately, a figure ran towards the lake. He pulled off his backpack, shirt,and hoodie and without wasting a second, he dived into the water.

The person swum till he grabbed Harmony's hand and pulled her to him then began swimming back up to the surface.

They both got out and he laid her on the grass...

"Harmony! Harmony!!" Angelo tapped her cheek, before he began pressing her chest.

His long hair stuck to his face as he did that.. He brought his lips to her and began giving her the mouth resuscitation.

"Candy.." He called as worry marred her face.

He kept doing that for almost 5 minutes before her eyes flew open and she jerked up, coughing out water.

"Candy.." Angelo hugged her immediately, fighting back his tears.

"What.. What happened?" Harmony stuttered weakly

"Thank goodness. I heard someone screaming here so I rushed here, I had no idea it was you." Angelo cupped her cheek, gazing at her eyes which were so red due to the water

"Someone pushed... They pushed me... I was.. I was so scared,, I thought it was going to be the end" Harmony cried out and Angelo hugged her for comfort.

"It's okay.." Angelo patted her hair.

"You must be feeling cold. Here change into my hoodie" Angelo handed it to her then turned his back to give her privacy.

He was actually going to camp on his own like he does each time he comes to California when he heard screams

He looked round the forest and bit his lips. No magician needs to tell him that they're lost. He actually knows the forest since he has been to California a lot of time but he has never been to this side.

He looked at his phone and there was no network where they were.

"What do we do now?"



"What do you mean by you can't find Harmony and Angelo!!" The lecturer shouted.

"Yes. We asked her roommate and she said she didn't see Harmony" Barbie said.

"Same as Angelo, he didn't return to our room" Chance said.

"Oh my goodness" The lecturer exclaimed, already panicking.

"What do we do now?" Barbie asked worriedly.

"Let's form a search team. We'll search for them around the area okay?" The lecturer said and the students nodded before going back to their room to grab their equipment.

Winter scoffed and walked to her room then met Tasha on the bed. She was tying her hair in a ponytail.

She was putting on a nightie.

"Didn't you hear the news? Your friend is missing" Winter said

"She went after Angelo so why I'm I bothered with that? They're probably together right now" Tasha rolled her eyes and went to bed.

Winter smirked and walked to her own bed..



Marco could be seen sitting on a table, smoking while drinking at the same time. He had a picture in his hand.

It was a group picture of Tasha, Barbie, Harmony and Kaylee. They took it at Kaylee's work place.

His gaze was mostly focused on Harmony. Those two beauty moles, he would recognize it anywhere.

He actually went to Kaylee's room to get something only to see this pictures in her belongings. He had so many questions running through his mind and he is about to get answers to the first one.

Soon, an elderly woman walked in the bar. She held a terrified look on her face as she walked to Marco's table before sitting down

"Marco, it's really late for an old woman like me to be wandering around. Why did you invite me-"

"Why is she still alive?" Marco asked, smoking slowly.

The woman's eyes widened..

"Alive? Who.. Who-"

"Don't act dúmb old rag! You know what I'm talking about... What we did 19 years ago..." Marco yelled.

The woman swallowed hard.. How did he find out?

"Marco.." Her lips trembled.

Marco shifted his chair closer to hers. Her eyes bulged out when she felt a cold metal on her tummy.

"You better start talking, my patience has limits" Marco muttered, pressing his gun harder on her tummy.

"I didn't have the heart to kíll an Innocent baby! I couldn't just do that,,, so I left her in an orphanage" She said, fighting back her tears. God knows how terrified she was.

Marco smirked, a smirk that meant no good.

"Idîot!" He spatted and pulled the trigger. The gun was a silent shooter so it made no noise.

The woman's eyes widened and Marco pulled the trigger again. Her head dropped on the table as blood escaped her lips.

Marco kept his gun and stood up.

"I need to eliminate her before my plans get foiled" Marco thought as he left the club like nothing happened.



Harmony was seen laying on a small bed, hugging her body. Thanks to Angelo's hoodie, she wasn't longer feeling cold.

She was currently in a bungalow that contained a single bed in it. Looks like the bungalow was like a refuge to those who went camping.

She heard the door opened and she quickly stood up from the bed. Her mind relaxed when she saw it was Angelo.

"So..." Harmony walked to him.

"I already patrolled the area and nothing to do. There's no network and places are still dark" Angelo said and Harmony sighed.

"Let's just hope that someone will be smart enough to localize our phone with a GPS or else we're doomed" Angelo sighed, sitting down on the bed.

"I can't help but wonder, why did you follow me?" Angelo asked and Harmony bit her lips.

"I thought you were mad at me because of the dare so I wanted to explain myself" Harmony pouted then looked at him

"I didn't kiss Brandon back, he was the one who did so... Please don't be mad" Harmony said

"Whether I'm mad or not, it shouldn't be your headache so why does it bother you. Do you perhaps like me?" Angelo smirked.

Harmony's eyes widened and she took in her lips while blushing. She opened her mouth and made to reply him but Tasha suddenly flashed through her mind.

"But Tasha..."

"I don't like her... I already made it clear to her, I hate it when someone wants to force a girl on me. And besides, Chance is into her" Angelo said.

"Then why did you sleep with Brandon's ex?" Harmony asked and Angelo looked at her.

"I.. I'm sorry" she muttered.

"Where did you hear that?" Angelo asked.

"My friends told me" Harmony said. Angelo smiled slightly before laying down on the bed.

"To be honest with you, I don't know really know what happened that day. I was the one who hooked those two together because I knew how much Brandon loves her. I'd never think of doing that especially to my best friend whom I took as a brother. I don't know what happened that night, but I woke up only to see her naked in my bed with vivid flashback of us having s*x then almost immediately Brandon barged in and saw us" Angelo smiled sadly

"So that's what really happened.." Harmony sat down next to him

"I tried countless times to explain things to him but he refused to believe me since I've always been a playboy, nobody believed me so I just accepted it the way they see it. To them a playboy will always remain a playboy" Angelo said and sat up.

He took her hand gently, caressing it.

"Tell me, do you believe me? You don't hàte me right?" Angelo asked and Harmony smiled then nodded.

"I believe you, it's such a shame that Brandon doesn't but I believe he'll come around" Harmony said.

"I hope so.." Angelo said and opened his bag, bringing out a blanket.

"It's getting late already. Here, you'll sleep on the bed while I sleep on the floor" Angelo handed her the blanket.

"What! No!! You gave me your hoodie and you're also sleeping on the floor? What if you catch a cold?" Harmony said worriedly

"But I can't allow you to sleep on the floor" Angelo said.

"Then let's share the bed" Harmony bit her lips

Angelo looked at her.

"We can't... I'm a guy and you're a girl, I don't want you to-"

"It's just for tonight, I trust you. And besides... I'm scared of this place" Harmony picked her nails.

"You're such a baby" Angelo smiled and laid on the bed.

Harmony laid down too and he covered them with the blanket. They both smiled at each other as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Harmony's eyes widened when Angelo's hand snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer to his chest.

"Goodnight Candy" Angelo kissed her forehead and closed his eyes.

Harmony stared at him in silence. Her hand slowly went to her chest.

"Why is my heart beating so fast?"



Kaylee walked out of the bathroom while drying her hair with a towel. They just came back from searching for Angelo and Harmony and the results were fruitless.

They decided to call professionals who will help them tomorrow.

Kaylee stopped on her track when she saw Brandon sitting on the bed, staring into space.

Harmony's action earlier really bothered him. Does that mean she fell for Angelo?? What about him??

"Must I always be on the loosing end?" Brandon thought. He could feel his heart breaking just at that thought

"Hey" Kaylee smacked his head, bringing him back to reality.

"What the f**k!" Brandon glared at her.

"I ordered burger. Here" Kaylee said, handing him a takeout bag to him.

"What should I do with it" Brandon looked at her.

"Remember when you asked me about a girl and I told you to go eat a burger? Here, have it" Kaylee smirked.

Brandon sighed and shook his head, looking away.

"If at the end she chooses Angelo you shouldn't feel bad, the heart can't be controlled. Just look at me I the ended falling for a jerk that-" Kaylee immediately paused.

"You're in love... With you?" Brandon wiggled his brows, bringing his face closer.

"That's not what we're talking about!" Kaylee pushed his face away.

"The point I'm trying to make is that, love can't be forced. Harmony is just a kid in a teen's body, she's still getting to know the outside world.. And as for you why chase love when they're millions of girls out there dying to be with you" Kaylee said..

"You mean Winter?" Brandon made a disgusted face.

"I said dying to be with you... I didn't say desperate" Kaylee rolled eyes and Brandon laughed.

He opened the bag and brought out the burger then began eating it.

"Thanks... For trying to cheer me up" Brandon smiled.

Kaylee nodded with a smile.

"You can thank me by letting me have the bed" Kaylee said.

"In your dreams, girl" Brandon said, eating his burger

"C'mon Brandon!!"



Harmony's eyes brightened when when she caught her first fish. She was standing at the shore of river.

"I caught one! I caught one!" Harmony held the fish that kept wiggling, trying to escape.

"Doll! I caught my first fish!" Harmony said when she got to Angelo who was cleaning the fishes he caught.

That will be their breakfast.

"Good job. That makes it five in total" Angelo took it from her and killed it before he began cleaning it too.

Harmony squatted in front of him, watching him clean the fish with keen interest.

Angelo looked up at her and smiled. Harmony looked up to see him staring at her.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Harmony asked and he shook his head.

"You look beautiful" Angelo said and her eyes widened.

"Uhh.. Thank.. Thank you" Harmony touched her cheek and blushed..

Angelo smiled more and resumed what he was doing.

He finished cleaning the snake and then placed on the fire he made for it to roast.

"While we wait for it to roast, what should we do?" Angelo asked.

"Sing me a song" Harmony said

"It's being long since I sang, I don't even know if-"

"C'mon Doll!" Harmony whined.

Angelo sighed and brought out his phone then played a beat.

He cleared his throat

🎼When I saw you, my heart skipped a beat

I felt a connection, something sweet

I knew in that moment, we were meant to be

Together, forever, you and me

We've got a connection, can you feel it too

I'm falling for you, what am I to do

You've got me wrapped around your finger

Cause every time I see you, my heart starts to linger

I can't help but smile whenever you're near

You light up my world, nothing to fear

I want to hold you, kiss you all night long

Cause I know that with you, nothing can go wrong🎼

Harmony smiled sheepishly as she watched him sing. She had no idea his voice sounded this sweet when singing.

Her heart couldn't stop palpitating at every lyrics he sang. It was as if he was singing them to her.

Angelo pulled her closer and her eyes widened when she fell on him.


Angelo held her cheek and tilted his face to the side, pressing his lips against hers. Her whole body froze when their lips made contact.

Angelo slowly pulled back.

"I couldn't control the urge any longer" He said and took her hand then placed it on his chest.

His heart was beating insanely fast..

"That's how my heart beats each time I'm close to you. That's the effect you have on me" Angelo muttered.

"Harmony, I'm crazily in love with you, from the very first day we met. I don't know what you did to me but I don't want it to stop" Angelo said and tugged a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You.. Love.. Me?"

Angelo nodded with a smile..

"I might not be a strong person but I promise I won't let anything harm you. I don't mind being hurt because of you, because with you pain looks beautiful, Harmony-"

Harmony placed a finger on his lips, preventing him from speaking any further.

"K... Kiss me" Harmony said and Angelo's eyes widened.

"Just forget I said it" Harmony immediately said and turned away but Angelo's hand gently went at space under her ear

He wrapped his hand around her slender waist and immediately slammed his lips on hers. Harmony's eyes instantly closed..

Their soft lips moved against each other. He made sure to pour out all his feelings in the kiss.

Harmony's hand slowly went to his hair and she ran her hands through them.


✎.. .. .. ..『𝐓.𝐁.𝐂』