

As Megatron's optics flickered online, the dimly lit interior of the Nemesis materialized around him. Shockwave's monotonous voice cut through the silence, "Master, you finally woke up." The scientist's mechanical gaze bore into Megatron's form, analyzing his awakening.

Knock Out, the suave medic, interjected with concern etched into his voice, "Master, you inexplicably fell into stasis for a year, just as we were infusing your frame with dark energon. It was as if your body rejected the infusion."

Megatron's optics narrowed as he absorbed the information, his mind racing to catch up with the lost time. He surveyed the chamber, his loyal Decepticons standing at attention, awaiting his command.

"Leave me," Megatron commanded with a low rumble in his voice, his tone brooking no argument. A heavy tension lingered in the air as the Decepticons exchanged uneasy glances, but they swiftly obeyed, filing out of the room one by one.

Megatron's optics widened in disbelief as he caught sight of his reflection in the polished surface of the chamber's metallic wall. His own form, once familiar and human, now bore the unmistakable contours of the infamous Decepticon leader.

"Holy slag," he muttered, his voice echoing with a mixture of awe and trepidation. His gaze traced the sharp lines of his metallic chassis, the crimson optics glowing with a fierce intensity.


[ Distributing Starter Pack ]

[- Dark Energon Perfectly Fused]

[- Vibranium Body]

[- Ancient Relic Detector]

Megatron's laughter resonated through the chambers as he beheld the contents of his reward. With his form now perfectly fused with dark energon and enhanced by vibranium, he radiated an aura of ominous power, his visage reflecting the depths of his newfound dominance.

Turning his attention to the ancient relic detector, its sleek design gleaming in the dim light, Megatron's optics gleamed with anticipation. With this device in his possession, the secrets of lost relics would soon be laid bare before him, further augmenting his supremacy.

Megatron strode out of the chamber, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the dimly lit corridors of the Nemesis. With purposeful strides, he approached Soundwave, his trusted lieutenant, who stood at attention, ever dutiful.

"Soundwave," Megatron's voice boomed with authority, cutting through the silence like a blade. "Initiate the gathering protocol. Summon all Decepticons to the assembly hall, regardless of their current assignments."

Soundwave's single optic flared briefly in acknowledgment before he swiftly relayed the command through the ship's internal communications network. Across the Nemesis, Decepticons halted their tasks, their attention drawn to the directive from their leader.

In every corner of the warship, Decepticons abandoned their duties and converged towards the designated assembly hall, their footsteps echoing with a sense of urgency. No task, no matter how crucial, could outweigh the summons of their supreme commander.

Megatron's crimson optics gleamed with anticipation as the ancient relic detector pinpointed a location on the map, its coordinates leading to a temple nestled in the heart of India. A sense of intrigue danced in the Decepticon leader's circuits as he contemplated the possibilities that lay within.

"Hmm, India," Megatron mused, his voice carrying an undercurrent of interest. "Fascinating."

Turning his attention to his chosen operatives, he issued his commands with calculated precision. "Shockwave, Skyquake, Dreadwing," he intoned, his voice commanding obedience. "You have a mission. Retrieve the ancient artifact located at these coordinates."

Shockwave, ever the logical strategist, acknowledged the directive with a curt nod. "As you command, Master," he replied, his optics already processing the intricacies of the mission parameters.

Megatron's gaze then shifted to the formidable duo of Dreadwing and Skyquake, his expectations clear. "Obey Shockwave without question," he commanded, his tone brooking no room for error. "I want this operation executed swiftly and silently."

With unwavering determination, the trio embarked on their mission, disappearing into the shimmering portal that would transport them to their destination.