

Clyde is a 27-seven-year-old unemployed drug addict who's given up on life. No, life gave up on him as did his friends and family, and with a cancer-ridden body, he barely convinces himself to not commit suicide but he slips and falls to his death anyway thanks to his bleeding dick. He wakes up in a cave in a much younger body and rejoices only to be eaten alive by slimes. Yet at the very last second, he crunches on a slime core, killing the thing killing him. And though he dies, he awakens something. The slime system. But can he awaken the mega slime system and destroy the world? [Would also Release this on RR And SH]

Nr_Yet1208 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Future Of Megaslime (Copied from RR)

Hi Yet here.

Megaslime was a passion project because I kind of liked the Litrpg genre and wanted to try it myself. It wasn't intended to be sold as a product. 

However, lately, my situation has changed. Remember the hectic release schedule? Well, long story short, I'd been sitting ducks in my parents' place for the last three years after high school; a lot of drama took place in these three years but I'll spare you. I enrolled into Uni literally this week. I actually got into the one I really wanted to go last month but couldn't afford it cause me broke. Which was why, I'm having to settle down with this one, in a city I utterly hate. Quite miserable to be honest.

I will be moving cities and I need cash. This is where Webnovel comes in. They offered me a contract on this novel. I used to write there and then stopped since their 'All your copyright are belong to us' didn't sit well with me anymore. But such is life XD. Mega Slime is doing pretty well there and signing the contract means I'll be making at least a hundred bucks. Might not be much to you, but that's a lot to me.

I think I will sign the contract and that means MegaSlime will be pulled from RR and SH or maybe it'll be left here like this with no future updates. The contractual process usually takes weeks, so for the time being I'll continue to upload here. No, I haven't signed it just yet. I plan on doing that tomorrow. It's pretty late today actually. I kind of wanted to keep this thing free but shit doesn't work out the way you want to. Feel free to rant or send me hate mails. Lately I'm only getting scam mails though.

Sorry guys; thanks for reading. 

I wish you all a great day.