
Meeting the Mafia Monster

Fabien Nightshade is a monster .He's huge ,dark,powerful and ....tentacled.He's almost as terrifying as the nightmares that he inflicts on his victims.He's also my new undercover assignment.I'm supposed to gather evidence to bring down the mafia monster. Seducing Fabien and pretending to want to marry him is the only way to do that . Now,I've got a week to get the job done before the arranged marriage happens and I become the beast's bride and Fabien has made it very clear how much he wants me.The thing he wants to do to me when I'm fully his are dirty,depraved and involved a lot of tentacles .The scary part of is ,I'm starting to think that I'd enjoy it ....All of it

Saintnessa · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Chapter 31

"Ren? Is something wrong?"

"No, my lady! Why do you ask?" Her voice comes out in high pitched peeps. I decide to use some of my very limited power as Lady Nightshade…

"Ren, you will tell menow."

She freezes, and when she looks up from the bed, she has tears in her eyes.

"I don't know how I lost them, but after the wedding, they were to be cleaned…they were meant for you, bequeathed in Lady Nightshade's will…"

"For me? What are you talking about?"

"The lady's jewels. That is, Fabien's mother's jewels. They were to be cleaned and given to you as a wedding gift, but now they're nowhere to be found. This is my fault. It wasmyresponsibility."

"Well, let's calm down, okay? I'm sure they'll turn up."

"But, my lady…"

"They're somewhere, right? Come on, stop making my bed. We both know I never sleep in it anyways. Where were the jewels kept after cleaning?"

"In the antechamber near the library."