
Wait what?

I whimper and try pulling away from the man behind me but all he does is turn me around to face him. Wait Alex?! My eyes flicker between the "Alex" sitting down and the "Alex" in front of me. "Let me explain he's my twin, my name is Mark. That is Alex and the girl, Tiffany, is his ex-sub." He says while glaring at Alex, moving me away from him. I could feel Alex's stare on my back but I was hurt and jealous, which made absolutely no sense because I just met him. I pull away from Mark and move back to the bar still confused, I keep my eyes on Alex finishing my drink before I order 2 shots, which I slam the moment I get them, feeling more confident I stand up and storm over to Alex before I yank the girl away from him with a growl. She looks up at me and stands up putting her hands on her hips, "Just because you are screwing him doesn't mean it will last sweetie." She looks at Alex and says, "You downgraded in my absence but if you still want me you know where to find me babe then we can finish what we started." I smack her not even thinking, "Stay the f*ck away from my Master." I say angrily, she grabs her cheek and glares at me before stomping away. "You f*cking assh*le! I can't believe you!" I say with venom in my voice. "I'm leaving." I turn around and start stomping away. "Babe wait!" I hear Alex coming after me but I keep walking. I can't believe he would bring me here just so he could be around that girl. I'm deep in my thoughts and I'm not paying attention when I run into a body. "I'm so sorry!" I keep my head down while I apologize. "It's perfectly fine baby girl." A women's voice whispers in my ear, I shiver. "Look at me, beauty." She whispers in my ear. I look up and gasp, shes beautiful! Baby blue eyes, blonde hair, curves in the right places and soft seductive lips which were almost begging me to kiss her. Wait where are these thoughts coming from I've never thought of a woman like that! "You look confused." She says as she wraps her hands around my waist bringing me closer.

Why do you think she had that thought? What will happen with Alex and her?

jfoustcreators' thoughts