
sweet talker

He smiles at me and pulls me close, kissing the top of my head. His phone rings but he ignores it, "You are so beautiful." He murmurs and guides me to sit down. "To better understand how to protect you, I need you to tell me what made him start hitting you. I know it's hard to talk about but please I need to know." I looked down, thinking back to when we first met. "He was so sweet, he used to buy me gifts and praise me on how submissive I was to him. It all changed when I told him about wanting to go to college and work, he thought that I wanted to leave him. I kept telling that I loved him and would never, ever leave him. He didn't believe me... He told me I wasn't going to do anything like work or go to school because I belonged to him. He stormed out and came home 7 hours later drunk, smelling like a woman and lipstick on his neck, when I asked about it he slapped me and told me to mind my business but how could I?! He cheated on me!" I wiped my face realizing I had started crying. "He started bringing women home to meet me and would make me watch them have sex, anytime I would make a sound or look away my beatings would be worse. It broke my heart so I stopped eating, stopped smiling and laughing, I cried a lot. When I first got with him, I was healthy, I was 186 lbs, curves in the right places and beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes, when I left him tho I weighted 140 lbs as well as having dull hair and eyes." I said looking away from him, I saw it all like it was happening all over again.