
Mediterranean hegemon

It was an era of the rise of the greats: the vast Persia, the Sparta which was founded on martial arts, the Athens which dominated in trade and commerce, the Thebes which was a rising star, the ambitious Macedonian, the twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, and the newly-emerged Rome. ...... It was an era of brilliant generals: Agesilaus, the last king of Sparta, Epaminonda, the famous general of Thebes, Philip, the founding king of Macedonia, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, and Camillus, the dictator who saved Rome ...... It was a time of a hundred schools of thought: Plato, the great philosopher; Antisthenes, the founder of Cynicism; Pythagoras, who made number his god; Democritus, the encyclopedic scholar; Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Aristophanes, the great dramatist ...... The protagonist crosses over and is reborn as a lowly mercenary in this era, what will he bring to the world?

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Chapter 45: Spring Breeze

 Helps was focused on saving patients and didn't have time to run a medical camp and maintain order. Moreover, he was not a person who was good at management, he preferred to delve into the medical arts. Therefore, after everything was running smoothly, Davos had to let the chief of the guards, Hieros, stay behind and temporarily take charge of the management of the medical camp. However, as Davos's beloved, Xilos was stable and intelligent, Davos had the intention to cultivate him into his own strong arm, as a small head of the medical battalion, it was really a bit of talent, and he could only find a suitable position in the future.

 Davos returned to his tent, which was nearing dusk.

 Finally free he began to review today's battle, analyze his own problems in commanding the battle, looking for better means of coping; at the same time and his previous life of military knowledge against each other, this is his daily homework before going to bed, but also he came up with the self-consciousness can be faster to improve their own military command ability method. Some people are engaged in war all their lives, always a mediocre general, while some people are young, can turn war into art, the most important lies in the attitude towards war.

 The last battle had shown Davos how much damage could be done to dense formations in the Cold War era by the limitations of terrain and space on infantry, by trampling incidents caused by fear! And today, it had shown him the powerlessness of archers against heavily armed and heavily armored infantry.

 What if it was a javelin throw against heavy infantry? Davos thought to himself: surely the killing power is better than a bow and arrow, he had asked Martonis to throw javelins against discarded armor, and at close range they were perfectly capable of penetrating heavy armor, and as for bronze shields they could poke holes in them, so why didn't Tissaphernes do the same? The answer was obvious, he had no strong javelin throwers at his disposal, whereas the Greek mercenaries had nearly three thousand light shields, mostly Thracians, who were the best light shields in all of the Mediterranean, with top-notch javelin skills.

 He then associated it with the javelins later used by Roman soldiers, with a thin front end that bent when lodged in a shield, becoming a liability for the enemy when they moved and had to throw away their shields, thus effectively lowering the enemy's defenses. He even further envisioned: what if Tissaphernes also had heavy infantry? After thinking about it, Davos felt that the Greeks only had one way to surrender. Because even in the Battle of Cannae in the past life, Hannibal with few against many, dared to creatively use the thin curved line to face Rome's thick formation, the most important prerequisite is that his cavalry is much stronger than Rome, in order to break down the two flanks, to complete the roundabout encirclement. And at this time the Persian cavalry was dozens of times that of the Greeks ...

 Davos was continuing to think as he jotted down his insights in Chinese characters on a piece of papyrus. This time, he was thinking about what the Persians would do next from Tissaphernes' point of view ...

 That's when someone came in, "Chief Davers, there's someone outside looking for you."

 "Olivers, it's you! You're all healed up?!" Davos was so surprised when he realized the matter standing in front of him, Oliverus, that he didn't notice the odd look on his face.

 "Alright, Helps told me to come back." Oliverus reluctantly explained, he had actually asked to leave of his own accord, and Helps had let him go when he saw that he wasn't in any serious trouble, plus the fact that the medical battalion had taken in too many wounded soldiers today.

 "Why are you here on guard duty when you should be resting more after just recovering from your injuries? Where's Xellos?" Davos asked with concern, and as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he remembered that Xillos had been left behind at the medical camp by him.

 Oliverus hurried out and ushered his visitor in.

 The visitor was dressed in a flowing hidon, with a hima-chun (i.e., a cloak) over her head, and a loose linen garment that could not hide her shapely figure.

 "Kristoia!" Davos blurted out.

 The visitor stretched out her snow-white, slender hands and lifted off the Hima Pure, revealing her beautiful face. She saluted with graceful movements, "Chief Davos!"

 Oliverus scowled and backed away.

 Davos suddenly remembers that it was Oliveros who spoke of 'Christoya being as beautiful as Aphrodite' when he was first reborn.

 Krystoa saw Davos go off on a tangent and said upside down, "Chief Davos doesn't welcome me?"

 "Your arrival has made me so happy I've forgotten I don't know what to say, and your beauty has made my mind lose its train of thought!" Davos was the body of a nineteen year old and the mind of a thirty-five year old, and there were a few hints of teasing in the words of casual compliments.

 "Chief Davos, you are so good at talking!" Kristoia smiled sweetly and said, "In the past few days, I've heard everyone in the supply battalion extolling your battle achievements! Mithradates and Artauzus, as far as I know, were generals of outstanding ability under Little Cyrus, both lost to you, enough to dispel anyone's doubts about your abilities, I wonder if it's too late for me to congratulate you now?!"

 "Your word is worth a thousand others!" Davos laughed, "You didn't come here just to congratulate."

 "I have a request!" Kristoia looked at Davos, "You said 'I can come to you with any request'"

 "Sure! Of course! Go ahead."

 "I want to go to your medical camp!" Kristoia said seriously.

 "What?" Davos thought he'd heard wrong, "Someone at the medical camp treated you badly?"

 "Melsius has been good to me." Krystoa paused, weighing her words, "But everyone is so busy marching and fighting that I'm the only one who's free ... I've been to the medical camp a couple of times, and what those slave girls do, I think I can do, and I can do it better than they can!"

 "Are you sure you want to go to a medical camp? There, one will see gruesome wounds and scarlet blood every day, touch the dirty, smelly bodies of soldiers, comfort patients who are mad from their wounds, and maybe even be harassed by them ..."

 Davos tried to persuade Kristoia to give up his idea, but she looked determined, "I'm not afraid! In fact you don't know much about the wounded soldiers in your battalion, not only have they not bullied them, but they have always been grateful to these former slave girls ..." Kristoia closed her eyes slightly, as if recalling what she had observed at the time.

 Davos watched her, feeling like he was dealing with a woman in modern society struggling to do something meaningful to justify her existence.

 "Okay, I agree."

 "Really?!" Kristoia's eyes widened in disbelief. The Greek city-states were actually very conservative towards the women of their citizens, they were under the control of their fathers before marriage, their husbands after marriage, and their sons in old age, and basically had no freedom of their own (except for the civilian women and ** of course). Christoya was insecure inside, afraid that if she had nothing to do, she would be abandoned by the mercenaries, and envious of the respect those female slaves in the medical camp received, through contact with Davos, she found the young chieftain to be different, so she tried to make a request, and didn't expect to get a yes so quickly.

 In fact, as far as Davos was concerned, he didn't know much about traditional Greek customs. On the contrary, he had long been accustomed to the idea of equality between men and women in modern society, and the hospital, which was already predominantly female, had objected to it at first only for fear that Kristoia's beauty might lead to trouble.

 "Really!" Davos said seriously.

 Christoya with an agitated face came to him in a hurry, and he could not help stretching out his double back, and embraced her in his arms with an ethereal scent, and at that moment, heavenly thunder stirred up earthly fire ...

 "Oliverus, what are you doing lying by the tent eavesdropping instead of standing guard! This is a violation of military rules, you'll be thrown out of the barracks!" Giorgis, who had come over to change the guard, shouted anxiously.

 "Hush!" Oliverus made a gesture of silence and whispered mysteriously, "Come and listen, the battle is raging inside!"

 "Battle?" Gilgrist was a little confused.

 As soon as Oliverus pulled him towards him, he immediately heard blood-curdling moans from within the tent, and blushing whispers ...

 "Spring has come for Davos!" Oliverus' face was full of envy: "This guy is really favored by the gods, he's actually hooked up with the most beautiful woman in our entire team ..."