
Mediterranean hegemon

It was an era of the rise of the greats: the vast Persia, the Sparta which was founded on martial arts, the Athens which dominated in trade and commerce, the Thebes which was a rising star, the ambitious Macedonian, the twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, and the newly-emerged Rome. ...... It was an era of brilliant generals: Agesilaus, the last king of Sparta, Epaminonda, the famous general of Thebes, Philip, the founding king of Macedonia, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, and Camillus, the dictator who saved Rome ...... It was a time of a hundred schools of thought: Plato, the great philosopher; Antisthenes, the founder of Cynicism; Pythagoras, who made number his god; Democritus, the encyclopedic scholar; Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Aristophanes, the great dramatist ...... The protagonist crosses over and is reborn as a lowly mercenary in this era, what will he bring to the world?

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60 Chs

Chapter 34 - Escorts

"Chieftain, Tormid came over on orders from Kerisopus to make sure the situation is true." Asistos made his report.

 Tormid also came forward to salute.

 "Okay." Davos nodded in agreement, understanding that this was normal procedure. With the prudence of Hakri Sopes he had to make sure that Kristoia had voluntarily asked to come to Davos' barracks and was not being coerced.

 This Tormid, who was known as the first crier of the whole army, was obviously much better than Aeschistos, and he faced the beautiful and charming Kristoia with a calm demeanor, asked about the situation in detail, and, after receiving her affirmative answer, he turned to Davos and said: ''Since, of her own free will, Kristoia has asked to come to you, and Keresopus and several other chiefs had said, before I came here. 'Though Cyrus the Younger is dead, he was always a good friend of the Greeks! We must not forget that he helped Greece! For his concubine, and also our Greek Christoya, we must take good care of her, that's the way we Greeks treat our guests!' I hope that Chief Davos takes care of Kristoia and doesn't let her be bullied!"

 I'm afraid I can't forget the help that little Cyrus gave to Sparta! Davos slurred in his mind, then asked, "What is Timazon's attitude toward this?"

 Tormid understood what Davos was worried about and replied without hesitation, "Chief Timasone has no problem with that!"

 "That's good!" Davos nodded, "Acistus, you take Krystoa to Melsius and put him in charge of getting him settled!"

 "Yes!" Acistus replied excitedly.

 "Thank you Chief Davos." Kristoia walked out the door with a calm face.

 "Kristoia! If there's any difficulty you can just give it to me!" Davos couldn't help but shout again.

 "I will." A small smile flashed across Kristoia's face.

 After the two had gone out, Tormid laughed at him, "Chief Davos, you are worthy of being a 'God's Favorite', not only do you give good speeches, but even the most beautiful woman in the mercenary camp has taken the initiative to stick up for you!"

 "Not only does the first crier of the whole army pass orders accurately, he even speaks flattery so well!"

 The two men laughed.

 Tormid looked at the young but deftly mannered chieftain and asked earnestly, "I noticed on my way in that there were no guards outside your tent door."

 Instead of saying outright that it was because he was rushed and hadn't had time to make arrangements, Davos humbly asked for advice, "Before today, I was an ordinary soldier, and it was only because the brothers of the entire battalion trusted me that they unanimously elected me to be the new chief. If I immediately arrange for guards and isolate myself from my brothers, will it make them think I've changed?"

 Tormid said with a straight face, "A military rule is a military rule, it is made to guarantee victory in battle! Look at how much chaos the killing of Krilkus and the others caused to the entire army. You should then know that the safety of your life is very important to your barracks! Also setting up guards prevents idle people from frequenting the army tent and disturbing your thinking and resting, which is just as important!"

 Davos nodded and said, "Thanks for the lesson, I know!"

 As Tormid looked at Davos' modest appearance, not a trace of contempt could rise in his heart, and he said affirmatively, "It's not easy to be a good chieftain, but I'm sure you can do it well!"

 "Thanks for the encouragement!" Tormid's words dispelled Davos' last vestiges of concern.

 Sending Tormid away, he waited until Acistus returned, and immediately said to him, "Go to Antonius and ask him to send the Hieros squad as my escort."

 "Understood!" Asistos turned to go out, and was called back by Davos, "Asi, I've just become the chief, I'm still not too familiar with the military affairs, so you have to point out any omissions to me directly."

 Acistus blinked and said nonchalantly, "Then I'll start with one. You should add two more messengers to me, or else there will be a delay in conveying orders when it really comes to battle." Indeed, with fourteen squadron commanders, plus supply battalions and wartime hospitals, it was time-consuming to have only one person to convey orders, and when it came to battle, time was life.

 He had neglected to do so! Davos was busy saying, "Yes, personnel will be selected by you for the entire battalion."

 "And horses."

 "Looking for Melsis."

 Acistus went out with gusto.

 ............... ...

 "Xellos, you're finally here, come on in!" Davos greeted him happily.

 "Chief!" Xilos immediately gave a military salute.

 "All good brothers, just call me by my first name in private." Davos gave him a warm hug.

 "I've told you before, Davos won't forget us when he becomes chief! He's not Menon, he's Davos!" Matonis hammered Davos in the chest with his fist.

 Davos grinned, "You won't complain about me if I give you guys additional tasks."

 "Guards can be treated better than ordinary soldiers, you are taking care of us. Don't worry, with us here, absolutely no one can harm you!" Matonis patted his chest and made a guarantee.

 "It's supposed to be your job to protect me, Matonis, and if I get hurt, you'll be punished! When that happens, I'll only share half of your food!" In front of his former comrades on the same team, Davos deliberately created a relaxed atmosphere.

 "Damn, you're worse than Menon!" Matonis complained, scratching his head.

 The crowd laughed.

 "Davos, don't worry, I'll set up the escort!" Xilos said solemnly.

 Davos nodded.

 ............... ...

 Next, Davos called Marigold to be his guide.

 Because the death of Clilicus was on Marigi's mind, and also because the Greek mercenaries were at war with the Persians and he didn't have to worry about being found out anymore, he readily agreed to Davos' request.

 Davos learned from him in detail about the terrain of the road ahead and the surrounding barbarians, especially the Duchess ...

 Having just sent Marigi away, he noticed that Matonis was already standing at the entrance to the tent, fully armed. Seeing that Matonis was staring straight ahead without looking away, Davos did not disturb him, and as soon as he turned around, he suddenly witnessed two short javelins sticking out of Matonis' back crosswise, and paused for a moment.

 Having the Greek heavy infantry equipped with javelins was arguably a failed proposal by Davos. At that time, he remembered the historical Roman heavy infantry, and hoped to let the Greek heavy infantry, which could only fight in close quarters, also have close to medium-range projectile firepower, and be able to attack the Persian cavalry, which was roaming fast, and had this proposal. Who knows the next long period of time, the Greek and Polish armies safe and sound, carrying two javelins instead became a burden, not conducive to marching, most of the soldiers threw the javelins away, only Hieros squad firmly believe in Dyfus, still with javelins, only they cut the javelin into a meter long, inserted it in the back, made a strap to fix it so that the insertion and removal are very convenient, but also conducive to carry.

 It might be useful in future battles someday, Davos thought to himself.

 That night, Davos did not sleep soundly, after all, the next day was the first time he had ever led a march, and probably the first time he had ever led an army into battle, and it was impossible not to be nervous in his heart, and he tossed and turned until late at night before falling asleep.

 The next day, he was awakened by Acistus.

 "What time is it?" Davos asked a little sheepishly.

 "The soldiers are eating, and it's still early for departure." Acistus said, bringing him up breakfast: two loaves of bread, a slice of cheese, a meat sausage, and a glass of water.

 "That's hearty, is that what the soldiers are eating?" Davos asked, pointing to the breakfast.

 "Pretty much. Since there might be a battle today, I must eat more to have the strength." Acistus replied.

 Davos dropped his heart at that.

 After a while after eating, the camp resounded with the sound of a long brass horn. Davos began to put on his armor, all other gear remaining the same, except for a change to a red helmet with plumes adorning the top.

 The soldiers also came out in full dress, one after another, and began to dismantle their tents and send them to the supply camp.

 Then they began to line up.

 "First Squadron! First Squadron! ..."

 "Second Squadron! The 2nd Squadron is here! ..."

 "Brothers from Squadron 4, Fifth Squadron, get over here! ..."

 Shouting and shouting, sometimes accompanied by horses neighing and cows mooing, that is the provisions battalion to the pack animals on the car gear, the whole camp is like a noisy market ...
