
Mediterranean hegemon

It was an era of the rise of the greats: the vast Persia, the Sparta which was founded on martial arts, the Athens which dominated in trade and commerce, the Thebes which was a rising star, the ambitious Macedonian, the twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, and the newly-emerged Rome. ...... It was an era of brilliant generals: Agesilaus, the last king of Sparta, Epaminonda, the famous general of Thebes, Philip, the founding king of Macedonia, Dionysius, the tyrant of Syracuse, and Camillus, the dictator who saved Rome ...... It was a time of a hundred schools of thought: Plato, the great philosopher; Antisthenes, the founder of Cynicism; Pythagoras, who made number his god; Democritus, the encyclopedic scholar; Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; Aristophanes, the great dramatist ...... The protagonist crosses over and is reborn as a lowly mercenary in this era, what will he bring to the world?

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60 Chs

Chapter 27 - The New Chief

 Davos and his party returned to the Menon barracks, where the soldiers had been eagerly awaiting them, eagerly welcoming them into the camp and then inquiring about the situation.

 "Clilicus, Menon, and the others have been killed by the Persians, and the Persians also tried to get us to surrender, which was rejected by the team officers, and war between us and the Persians is inevitable!" Antonius deliberately exaggerated the state of affairs.

 The soldiers were in an uproar. Although they had been informed by Xilos and the others before and were prepared in their hearts, they still held a slight illusion of peace. Now, this last illusion was shattered. They were panicked, confused, and at a loss for words.

 "Now, we must immediately elect a new chief to replace Menon and lead us back to Greece!" Felicius shouted.

 As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Axiostes, the nephew of Antonios, that young man whose life had been saved by Davos, raised his right hand high in the crowd, and cried out impatiently, "Brothers, who forewarned young Cyrus of his death?!"

 "... is Davos." Xillos and the others led the response.

 "Who invented bacon sausage so that we didn't starve?!" Acistus continued to shout.

 "It's Davos." The soldiers responded.

 "Who created the medical battalion so that we would no longer have to worry about injuries and illnesses?!"

 "Davos!" The soldiers began to answer in unison.

 "Who foretold that today's meeting with the Persians was a conspiracy and tried to stop Menon and the others?!"

 "Davos!!!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

 "Who are the divine favorites of Hades? Who will shelter us back to Greece?!"

 "Davos!!!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

 "Who-" Ashestus pointed at Davos and roared in a hoarse voice, "is our new alpha?!!!"

 "Davos! Davers!!! Davos!!! ..." shouted excitedly throughout the barracks for a long time.

 Felicius and the squadron captains, suddenly faced with such a scene, were all a bit at a loss for words, and looked in unison at Davos, who looked surprised and seemed to know nothing about it as well, but his eyes quietly glanced over the crowd of dancing Martonius, Giorgis and the others, not expecting that it would be Acistus who would lead the soldiers, but the effect was clearly more than he had expected.

 The shouts of the soldiers grew louder and louder, to which the teamsters had to respond, and after an urgent consultation among the crowd, Felicius stepped forward, and with a complicated look at Davos beside him, he then shouted to the assembled soldiers, "Brothers, are you sure you want to choose Davos as your new chief?!"

 "YES!!!" The soldiers shouted in unison with Acistus leading the way.

 "Are there any other candidates?!"


 "We need guidance from the Divine Favorites!!!"

 Felicius turned around, Antonios, Capps nodded, then Amyntas, Alexis ... and other squadron captains nodded helplessly one after another.

 With a solemn look, Felicius shouted, "Witness the gods, by the election of the soldiers and the consent of the teamsters, Davos is our new chief!"

 The cheers were loud.

 Davos unclenched his clenched fists, his palms already wet with sweat. He breathed a sigh of relief and was thrilled in his heart: the hard work and effort during this period of time had not been in vain! He, a traveler, an ordinary young soldier, had directly crossed the ranks of squad leader, sub-captain, and lieutenant, and had become the leader of more than a thousand soldiers. Even though he was only a mercenary, his dream was finally realized in a short period of time, turning from a pawn into a chess player. Of course, this also meant that he would be taking on a great responsibility, but compared to going to his death as cannon fodder, what was there to be afraid of in a great responsibility!

 Facing an excited face, he raised his right arm high.

 ............... ...

 Compared to the other barracks, Menon's barracks suffered the fewest losses, and due to everyone's lack of cooperation, only three team officers followed Menon to the Persian barracks, and the soldiers were again quick to elect their successors.

 The soldiers next retired, and the new chief, Davos, and the lieutenants held their first meeting in the great tent. Felicius was only an adjutant dependent on Menon, and had no right to lead the army; when the new chief took the throne, he was naturally relieved of his duties, and so had to remain outside.

 Davos surveyed the thirteen lieutenants, some he was familiar with such as Antonius and Capps, and many more less familiar ... The lieutenants also looked at the overly young new chief, some with anticipation, some just curious, and some simply ignoring them and talking to themselves... ...

 It wasn't like he hadn't been a hand in his previous life, Davos didn't have any timidity at all, he met their gazes with a serious expression and remained silent for a long time, causing the tent to gradually become quiet from the initial clamor. The invisible pressure that this young man exuded in his silence made the squadron leaders begin to look at him squarely.

 At this point, he spoke without delay, "Thank you soldiers for trusting me! I also thank you all for supporting me! I will use my actions to prove that your choice was correct!"

 This young new chief isn't modest at all! Alexis and the others opened their mouths slightly in surprise, and Antonius and Caps were infected by his confidence, showing a small smile.

 "For now, I have decided to keep Felicius as an adjutant to assist me in the management of military affairs." This proposal gave temporary relief to a few squadron captains who were worried about Davos' inexperience and messing up.

 Felicius was invited in, he smiled and thanked Davos before sitting down next to him.

 "I've decided to set up a medical battalion, with Helps as the medical officer, and he must be present when there are important meetings!" The field hospital at Menon Barracks had long been operating independently, but now it was just officially on the table.

 Amyntas objected, "It's enough for the doctor to heal the men's wounds, it's not like they know anything about attending a military meeting, and it's never happened before!"

 "This is a special time!" Davos said in an aggravated tone as he looked at the burly man with the stocky body and somewhat menacing appearance, "We may encounter quite a bit of fighting on the rest of our journey, and we need to protect our medical battalion, and we also need to know how many of our wounded soldiers the battalion will be able to treat? Is there a shortage of labor? Is there a shortage of medical supplies? ... All of these need to be discussed with Helps!"

 Amyntas froze, scratched his head, and stopped talking. No one wanted the injured soldiers under their command to go without medical attention, and Davos's proposal was easily passed.

 "I would like Melsis, from the supply battalion, to be present at the military meeting as well. Because we need to know at all times if there is enough food? Are there enough pack animals? ... "Davos's second proposal was once again accepted by everyone, after all, food was everyone's main concern, not to mention the fact that the supply camp also contained their pay and looted money, which of course needed to be known and protected at all times.

 Three personnel appointments in a row sailed through, and Devers stopped proposing.

 At that moment, Felicius, who was beside him, touched Davos lightly and opened his mouth towards him.

 Davos realized from the other party's mouth: he had forgotten a key position - the commander. Don't underestimate this position, uploading and downloading, the smooth flow of military orders and government orders, all rely on him. If you don't set it up in front of everyone now, it will be easy for you to make a mistake when the time comes. Still lack of experience!

 Davos pondered a little and said without moving, "Furthermore, I appoint Acistus as the herald!" Not only to return the credit for the push just now, but before that, Acistus had been assisting his uncle Antonios with some trivial military work, and was more familiar with the Menon barracks. Besides, Davos had come into contact with this young man many times, he was cheerful and energetic, and the team officers all had a good impression of him. And, again, he was full of gratitude to Davos, so who would he use if he didn't need him!

 And sure enough, the candidate was successfully endorsed by the crowd.

 Antonius went out and called for Acistus.

 After excitedly thanking the crowd, Acistus immediately began to fulfill his duties. He quickly called for Helps and Melsis.

 So far, all the new top brass of the Menon Barracks have arrived.