Noctis is reincarnated with a system. The system does not tell him anything except that he is in World One: Goblin Slayer and his list of Powers. Sadly he did not receive any powers except for his already athletic physique and good looks. He is also a half high elf. The System is also run through an indestructible phone. Obviously if not already assumed by the first world being Goblin Slayer there will be dark messed up moments. Not all the time but it comes with the territory.
The doors opened. Where Noctis then saw a line of maids and guards near a red carpet. The line led to another set of grand doors. Where Noctis assumed the throne room was.
When the door was opened by some heavily armed guards it did lead to a throne room. In the room Noctis saw the king in a big grand chair. The queen was off to the side in a slightly smaller chair.
Looking at Faye's parents one thing Noctis could think was scary. They looked extremely strong everything in Noctis was telling him to be careful. He knew they were strong as well because he could not see their easy kill points. They were at least as strong as the Goblin Champion and Ogre combined most likely stronger.
Faye's dad was an extremely built out elf. Noctis could only think of the link parody where he is extremely buffed out an a meat head. He could still feel the magic coming off him however this lead Noctis believe he could be a monk warrior. One other question came out of Noctis's mind 'How do you get that big on veggies?'
Noctis then looked at Faye's mom who was in one word stunning. Noctis used the word stunning because he was simply stunned by her beauty. She looked like a more mature version of Faye but filled out in all the right areas.
He analyzed all this in under a few seconds as he kept moving up with Faye. When Faye stopped walking forward Noctis stopped as well. He saw Faye begin to curtsy so he bowed as well.
Faye's dad then got up and had a huge smile on his face he went and hugged her "So happy you made it back Faye."
Faye's mother began to walk up as she hugged Faye as well. Faye's father then turned to Noctis virtually losing his smile "Who are you?"
Noctis bowed once again "I'm Noctis Prince. Who are you?"
You could hear the silence echo throughout the room "You don't know the name of your own King?"
Faye then ran up "Father stop. I did not inform Noctis of your names. He is not from our kingdom so naturally he does not know."
Faye then turned to him "Noctis let me introduce you to my parents my father king of the elves Elegast Treant. Then my mother Tari Treant."
Image of Elegast
Image of Tari
Noctis went towards Tari and grabbed her hand gently kissing it "Nice to meet you queen Tari I thought for a moment you were Faye's sister."
This caused Tari to give a light smile and giggle "Oh why thank you Noctis."
Noctis then turned to Elegast "Hey."
Elegast scowled but Tari quickly said "Calm down dear."
Tari's intuition saw some kind of connection between her daughter and Noctis.
Faye then got nervous as she built up the courage to say "Dad, Mom this is Noctis Prince my boyfriend."
Noctis was immediately picked up with one hand by Elegast and was being shaken and pointed at "This scrawny guy here is your boyfriend. What about the guy I picked out for you."
Faye stomped her foot "Dad that guy was about half my height."
Elegast scoffed as he dropped Noctis "He was nicer then him though."
Tari quickly said "Now dear there is no reason to be rude to Faye's boyfriend he is a guest of our kingdom and should be treated with the respect he deserves."
Noctis swore when he looked up at Tari light started to shine behind her with angel noises in the background.
Elegast frowned "Very well."
He then turned to Noctis "However he must abide by our traditions."
He then said "Guards prepare the arena."
Noctis tilted his head "I'm not going to fight you right?"
Elegast scoffed "Kid you would be dead on the floor before your brain registered the start of battle."
Noctis kind of believed him the man was dripping with magic power. Elegast then said "In our land a better suitor must prove himself over the last suitor. You will have to fight the man who I thought would be better for my daughter. Only if you win will I allow this."
Noctis smirked "That's easy I already have your daughters heart now I will just win you over."
Faye blushed as she smiled this did not go unnoticed by Elegast or Tari. Elegast internally sighed and then said aloud very smugly "We will see. The fight will begin tomorrow. After all I do not want to hear any excuses such as we just travelled all day to get here."
Noctis shrugged "Why wait? I won't make any excuses let's start it right now."
Elegast nodded "I respect your boldness however this is a national event. My guards will announce it to the people today so we can hold a festival tomorrow for whoever the winner is."
Noctis smiled "That's great I hope you will still enjoy it after I win."
Elegast scoffed "I always am happy for the winner. Now it's getting late I will have a maid take you to your room and then we can have dinner."
Faye shook her head "Noctis can stay in my room tonight."
Elegast was bewildered "That's definitely not going to….. ow ow ow."
Tari had starting pulling on his ear "Why don't you let me handle it dear, you still have a lot of paperwork regarding the demon king defeat."
Elegast frowned "But..."
Tari gave Elegast a 'kind' smile as he then nodded "Of course right away."
Noctis swallowed his saliva 'Scary.'
Tari then turned to Noctis and Faye "Faye it's fine if he stays in your room with you. But as much as I would love to have some grandchildren it would be bad if that took place before the fight tomorrow."
Noctis ears and cheeks turned bright red as he tried to calm down. Faye was much worse with steam coming out of her ears. Tari smiled "Well it was nice to meet you Noctis. We will have a maid come by your rooms when dinner is ready."
Both Noctis and Faye nodded as Faye grabbed his hand and started to lead him to her room. Tari smirked as she watched the couple leave.
(A/N Short chapter will post another one later today.)
Word Count: 1059