
Medicine God

Arga was a remarkably brilliant doctor in his time, able to cure almost any disease. Because of his genius, he was given the title of the God of Medicine. Due to a mistake by a god, he was struck by lightning and died. To make amends for his mistake, the god brought him back to life as a prince in ancient times. He was reborn with the memories of his previous life. With his genius and the god's help, he will change the fate of the world.

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After testing his strength, Xiao Tian wandered around the royal medicinal forest area.

Seeing unfamiliar herbs, Xiao Tian asked, "Hey, Thunder God, why do the herbs here look strange? Why aren't there any that resemble the ones from my old world?"

"Because this is indeed a different world," replied the Thunder God.

"Oh, right. Is being a one-star fighter enough to be safe from the rebels who want to kill me?" asked Xiao Tian.

"You're far from being safe, but for now, you'll be safe as long as you keep your abilities well hidden," replied the Thunder God.

"So, how do I get stronger? Do I just need to absorb qi like I did earlier?" asked Xiao Tian.

"For now, that's all you can do unless you find a high-level medicine," replied the Thunder God.

"High-level medicine?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Medicines can not only cure diseases, but some can also enhance your abilities."

"In your current case, you only need a level 1 medicine to enhance your abilities," said the Thunder God.

"Medicine, huh? If I'm not mistaken, the previous owner of this body once hid a money box in this forest," said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian tried to remember where the previous owner had hidden the money box. After thinking for a while, he finally recalled that the box was buried behind the building where the forest guards rested after their patrols.

"Why are there so many people here?" said Xiao Tian.

"It's a royal medicinal forest. If it's not guarded, many of the herbs would go missing," said the Thunder God.

"Hey, Thunder God, help me so I won't be seen by them! I want them to leave the back of the building so I can get my money," said Xiao Tian.

"You're a prince. Why sneak around? Just show up and order them to patrol. Problem solved," suggested the Thunder God.

"You're right. Why didn't I think of that?" said Xiao Tian.

"Can you even think?" teased the Thunder God.

"Ugh, you're really annoying. Let me hit you!" said Xiao Tian angrily.

Xiao Tian tried to hit the Thunder God but couldn't touch him.

"Why can't I hit you?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Well, I'm a God. I can only be seen by you. Even the most skilled expert can't see or feel my presence. In other words, you're the only one who can see me, but you can't touch me," explained the Thunder God.

"So, only the lightning from the Sky Emperor can hurt you?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Exactly," replied the Thunder God.

"Whatever. I need to get my money first. That's more important," said Xiao Tian.

"If you need money, you can ask the king," suggested the Thunder God.

"What should I say if they ask why I need money?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Ah, I almost forgot. You only get money at the beginning of each month, and the last time you came to the medicinal forest, you'd already spent all your monthly allowance," said the Thunder God.

"Now that you understand, stop babbling. You're really bothering me!" said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian revealed himself and approached the guards.

"Greetings, Prince. What brings you here?" asked Taizheng.

"Hello, Lord Taizheng. My father ordered me to check the medicinal forest. You're the chief supervisor here. Has anything gone missing in the medicinal forest?" asked Prince Xiao Tian.

"Don't worry, Prince. Not a single plant has gone missing under my supervision," said Taizheng.

"Really? Then what about the tiger that attacked me last time? Was it under your supervision too?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Forgive me, Prince. I didn't know. At that time, several of my subordinates were found unconscious, and their clothes had been stripped off. The guards here are all two-star fighters, and I myself am a four-star fighter."

"But, according to my subordinates, they saw some strangers who claimed to be new guards. Because of their attire, some of my subordinates believed them."

"I have tightened security and instructed my subordinates not to trust anyone claiming to be new unless I say so," explained Taizheng.

"Then, why was I able to enter the forest so easily today? There were no guards patrolling. If I wanted to, I could have stolen some herbs from this forest," said Xiao Tian.

"I don't know, Prince. I'm sure I ordered my subordinates to patrol."

"It seems they didn't follow my orders. Tainam Chun, find those disobedient subordinates and bring them to me!" ordered Taizheng.

"Yes, father. I'll find them," replied Tainam Chun.

"For those of you still here, replace them on patrol!" ordered Taizheng.

"Yes, sir," replied the guards.

"Alright, Prince, everything is under control. Forgive me for trusting my subordinates too much. I will make sure this doesn't happen again," said Taizheng.

"Very well, I trust you, Lord Taizheng, but I don't trust your subordinates. So please go and oversee the subordinates you just ordered to patrol the medicinal forest," said Xiao Tian.

"But is it okay for me to leave you alone?" asked Taizheng.

"Don't worry, I'm safe here. Or is this place not safe?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Ah, I guarantee it's safe, Prince. Alright, I will take my leave," said Taizheng.

"Wow, you really managed to deceive them," said the Thunder God.

"Hehe, when it comes to acting, I'm an expert," said Xiao Tian.

"Alright, quickly dig up the ground and get your money!" said the Thunder God.

Xiao Tian found the chest from the spot he dug up. Inside the chest were some gold coins and several acupuncture needles.

He put everything into his spatial ring. After finishing his business, he left the forest.

"Prince, where are you going?" asked Taizheng.

"I have some matters to attend to, so I must go. I leave the security of the medicinal forest to you. I won't mention your negligence today to my father."

"As long as you don't bring up today's incident, I guarantee you'll be safe, and my father won't punish you," said Xiao Tian.

"Thank you for your help, Prince."

"Do you need a guard to accompany you on your journey?" asked Taizheng.

"No need, I just want to return to the palace. Besides, the distance from here to the palace isn't that far," replied Xiao Tian.

# Outside the Medicinal Forest

Princess Jia Li was still trying to find Prince Xiao Tian. She observed the medicinal forest, knowing that the prince liked to visit that place.

"Why has the security of the medicinal forest suddenly tightened? Usually, many guards are lazy," said Princess Jia Li, hiding in the bushes.

"Okay, you already have the money. What are you going to do with it?" asked the Thunder God.

"Of course, to buy medicine. Did you hear earlier that the levels of the guards and Lord Taizheng are far above mine? I need to enhance my abilities if I want to stay safe," said Xiao Tian.

"So he came here? No wonder the security suddenly tightened. It seems they fear being caught by the prince. I don't know what he's doing, but he often comes here every month to study medicinal plants. But the beginning of the month has already passed, and I thought after the tiger attack, he wouldn't dare come here again," said Princess Jia Li.

"Hey, it looks like your fiancée has found you again. Do you need to find a way to get rid of her again?" asked the Thunder God.

"Let her follow me. When we reach Shandian City, I'll leave her, hehe," said Xiao Tian.

"Wow, you really have no mercy for your fiancée. I've heard that although the city is famous for pills that can enhance abilities, it's also notorious for its thugs. Are you sure about leaving your fiancée there?" asked the Thunder God.

"She's a princess. I'm sure she has basic martial arts skills because she dared to call me a coward back then. I think she'll be safe and can take care of herself," said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian went to Shandian City to buy pills that could enhance his abilities. Princess Jia Li continued to follow him to Shandian City.

"Is she still following me?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Uh, it seems your fiancée is in trouble. She's being confronted by some thugs," said the Thunder God.

"Are they fighters?" asked Xiao Tian.

"They're just ordinary people who don't understand qi, but they're quite skilled at robbing," said the Thunder God.

"If they're just ordinary people, Princess Jia Li should be able to handle them. Ignore it," said Xiao Tian.

"Are you sure?"

"It seems she can't handle them. Look closely," said the Thunder God.

"Hey, pretty lady, I've never seen you here before. What are you doing here alone?"

"Do you want us to accompany you?"

"Hahaha," said Bing Zi.

"Poor girl, there's no one to help her if Bing Zi is bothering her. Even though they're just thugs, they're protected by the local officials," said a local.

"Get out of my way! I don't have time to deal with you!"

"I am the princess of the Cloud Kingdom. My name is Princess Jia Li. If you commit a crime against me, I guarantee you won't see tomorrow!" said Princess Jia Li.

"Pfttt, then my name is Prince Xiao Tian. We're a couple, so you don't need to be shy," said Bing Zi.

"Hahahaha, do you think the boss will believe you're a princess?"

"A princess would have guards. You're here all alone."

"And if I'm not mistaken, Princess Jia Li is good at fighting."

"So if you're going to lie, be more creative,

 little girl," said Bing Zi.

"Just come with us."

"Grab her and take her to our hideout!"

"Hahaha," said Bing Zi.

"Let me go!" shouted Princess Jia Li.

"Damn it, if my strength wasn't gone, I'd have taken you all down," Princess Jia Li thought to herself.

"Hey, let her go!" shouted Xiao Tian.

"Who do you think you are, kid?"

"You dare to interfere with us? Want to play hero?" said Bing Zi.

"I am Xiao Tian, the Prince of this kingdom. If you don't release her, I guarantee I'll take you down," said Xiao Tian.

"Hahaha, what a funny day. One claims to be a princess, and the other claims to be a prince. But claiming to be a prince is the dumbest. Everyone knows the prince is a coward weaker than an ordinary person and uninterested in martial arts," said Bing Zi.

"I don't know where scum like you get your courage, but know this: the person you're harassing is my woman!"

"So get ready to face the consequences, you coward!" said Xiao Tian.

"Is he trying to help me?"

"But he can't fight," Princess Jia Li thought to herself.

"Prince, run away! Don't worry about me!"

"I know you can't fight them. Go and bring your soldiers here!" shouted Princess Jia Li.

"If I leave you, what will I tell your father?"

"Besides, for now, you are my fiancée. I won't let anyone harm you, especially lowlifes like them!" said Xiao Tian.

"Hey, what are you waiting for?"

"Get him!" ordered Bing Zi.

"Yes, boss!" replied Bing Zi's men.

Bing Zi's men lunged at Xiao Tian, their fists and feet flying. However, none of their attacks landed on Xiao Tian. Not only did he easily dodge them, but he also managed to land punches on their stomachs and heads, sending them flying backward and knocking them out.

"How... how is this possible? Since when did you become a fighter?" Bing Zi said, stepping back while holding Princess Jia Li.

Tap, tap, tap. Xiao Tian stepped closer.

"Stop moving!" Bing Zi threatened.

"If you come any closer, I'll kill this woman!" Bing Zi pointed his sword at Jia Li's neck.

Shut, shut, shut.

Cleb, cleb, cleb.

Xiao Tian threw three tiny, nearly invisible needles at a speed Bing Zi couldn't handle.

Xiao Tian kept approaching, while Bing Zi tried to graze his captive's neck to scare Xiao Tian. But his plan failed because his body didn't move as he wanted. He stood there, paralyzed.

"What's happening? Why can't I move?" Bing Zi muttered.

"Do you see the three needles in your right hand?"

"Those needles contain a paralyzing poison that can numb all your nerves," Xiao Tian said, walking closer.

"When did these get in my hand?" Bing Zi thought, looking at the needles stuck in his right hand.

"Luckily, the previous owner of this body was a fan of alchemy. I found those needles along with the money in the box earlier," Xiao Tian thought to himself.

Xiao Tian approached Bing Zi, forcibly pulled the sword away from Jia Li's neck, and struck Bing Zi's nape, knocking him out.

After dealing with Bing Zi, Jia Li asked, "Since when did you know how to fight?"

"Is that how you thank your savior?" Xiao Tian asked, looking at Princess Jia Li.

"Thank you," Jia Li's face blushed, and then she fainted due to her illness.

"Sigh, such a hassle. Now I can't buy the body-strengthening pills," Xiao Tian thought, exhaling.

"You'll have to pay for this later," Xiao Tian muttered, looking annoyed.

Xiao Tian returned to the palace, giving up on his primary goal because he had to take Princess Jia Li to a safe place.

# At the Palace

"Isn't that the prince?"

"And who is he carrying?"

"Isn't that...?" said Taiwu.

"Prince, how did you get out without anyone noticing?"

"And why are you carrying Princess Jia Li?" Taiwu asked.

"It's a long story. Take me to her room; she's just exhausted. The princess fainted on the way," Xiao Tian replied.

Xiao Tian took Princess Jia Li to her room and laid her on the bed.

"Hey, Thunder God, what's really happening to her?"

"I've never heard of a disease that can strip someone of their martial arts abilities," Xiao Tian said.

"That's because in your world, there are no cultivators. Your modern world and this ancient world are vastly different," the Thunder God replied.

"Then do you know how to cure her?" Xiao Tian asked.

"You must first become a three-star alchemist," the Thunder God replied.

"Then teach me how to become a three-star alchemist!" Xiao Tian said.

"To become an alchemist, you need to be at least a five-star fighter first, and even then, you can only become a one-star alchemist. So your primary goal now is to increase your abilities!" the Thunder God said.

"So, whether I like it or not, I have to go back to that city," Xiao Tian said.

"That's right," the Thunder God replied.