
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · perkotaan
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733 Chs

Chapter 8 If Reborn, You Come to Save Me_1

At the entrance of the alley, watching Jiang Chen's tall figure approaching slowly, Xu Yan suddenly felt an urge to turn around and flee.

Her heart was completely shattered. Such a formidable fourth brother, accompanied by so many men, was actually beaten down by Jiang Chen like dogs, kneeling and begging for mercy.

Was this still the good-for-nothing she used to trample underfoot and look down upon with contempt?

How could this be!

Li Liyun's eyes were even more complicated.

If she hadn't known Jiang Chen before, she would have definitely been attracted to his extraordinary bearing today.

But that was not the case.

Jiang Chen was the husband who had once loved her with all his heart, only to be ruthlessly trampled by her.

Unexpectedly, the man who should have been despised by her had re-entered her sight and heart in a way that shocked her soul.

She felt she had lost, like a blind person who held a golden bowl but treated it as scrap metal, defeated and in disarray.

Yet she couldn't turn back now, she couldn't even afford to run away.

So, she held tightly onto Xu Yan's hand, trembling all over, but not wanting to take a step back.

Jiang Chen was nearing, getting closer and closer.

Li Liyun's heartbeat accelerated, her body standing up straight.

She told herself that she must still maintain her proud bearing.

With this demeanor, she must tell Jiang Chen herself: No matter how powerful he was, in her eyes, he was still a nobody!

Finally, Jiang Chen was in front of her.

But before she could speak, Jiang Chen passed by her side without as much as a glance, as if she did not exist.

Li Liyun was stunned, her red lips parted as if she was a fool.

He didn't look at me?

Just like a stranger, not even saying a word to me?

No! It can't be like this!

I'm his wife, he can't treat me like this.

Li Liyun turned around frantically and screamed at Jiang Chen's retreating figure.

But at that moment, Jiang Chen casually threw out a phrase:

"Don't bother me again if it's nothing, next time I see you, I hope it's when we're signing the divorce agreement—you disgust me."

With those words, Jiang Chen walked away.


Li Liyun collapsed onto the ground, feeling an immense wave of humiliation rising from within her, causing her to burst into heart-wrenching sobs.


After leaving the alley, Jiang Chen went straight back to his little rental room.

Although he had just intimidated the fourth brother and his men, they were certainly not of good kind, and they probably knew where he lived. So, he had to consider his mother's safety.

Back in the rental room, he made up an excuse and then took his mother out, hailed a cab and went to a hotel. Now that he had a check for two million in hand, he wasn't going to be thrifty, booked two rooms, and settled his mother in before setting out again.

At this time, his destination was Ye Jingyi's Liying Cosmetics company.


In front of the office building of Liying Cosmetics.

Jiang Chen stood there, looking up at the towering building, but his mind was filled with the intimate moments of the dream he had the night before.

He had dreamt of his confidante from future memories, Ye Jingyi.

In that dream, after an intimate moment, Ye Jingyi traced circles on Jiang Chen's chest with her fair little finger and asked softly, "Jiang Chen, if we have a next life, would you still be with me?"

The Jiang Chen in the dream, holding her voluptuous body, said in a deep voice, "I don't want any next life, I only wish to live once more, and then rewrite the fate of both of us."

Ye Jingyi smiled with pursed lips, "Is that so? If it's a new start, I might not fancy you then."

Jiang Chen looked at her tenderly, "I know, at that time you will be the most beautiful woman in Jinhai, the goddess in everyone's eyes, of course you wouldn't fancy me, the insignificant son-in-law from someone else's family."

"But now I have already... "

Suddenly, Ye Jingyi's expression darkened and tears fell from her eyes, rolling past the startling scar on her clear cheek, and dropping onto the corner of her mouth.

Jiang Chen suddenly lowered his head, wiped away the tear from Ye Jingyi's mouth with his hand, and then held her tightly in his arms.

Ye Jingyi, too, responded emotionally, hugging Jiang Chen tightly.

After a moment, Jiang Chen released his lover, and said softly yet firmly, "No matter what you were like before, what you are like now, or what you will be like in the future, you are the woman I love the most. If there really is a day I could live again, even if you do not like me, I will spend my life pursuing you, loving you, until I have you. Then, I'll give you the whole world."

Ye Jingyi shed tears once again, but this time, they were tears of emotion.

She suddenly wrapped her arms around Jiang Chen's neck, hugged him tightly once more, and held him close.

It took a long while before the two separated again.

With eyes like shining stars, Ye Jingyi looked at Jiang Chen emotionally and said softly,

"If there really is a chance to live again, remember, on that day, come and rescue me first, be my knight in shining armor, and let me become your wife, handing myself over to you completely.

Remember, that day is October 12th."

This dream, so real yet dreamlike.

As if, it was right before his eyes.

In reality, Jiang Chen, lost in his thoughts, felt a deep love and an unbreakable bond of affection.

Tears, gradually, moistened his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the Jiang Chen from the dream of ten years.

He called out quietly in his heart:

Jing Yi, can you see it?

I have truly come back to life.

Is this a coincidence?

No, maybe this is fate.

Because, today…

is October 12th.


As Jiang Chen was lost in his surging thoughts, a sudden noise came from beside his ear.

Jiang Chen instantly woke up and caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye of a raging red windstorm coming at him from behind.

Startled, Jiang Chen hurriedly dodged, and at the same time, he saw that it was actually a fiery red sports car.

Clearly, the driver of the sports car was in a hurry, driving so fast that it seemed as if the lives of pedestrians didn't matter at all.

Damn! Had they gone mad?

Jiang Chen's scalp tingled, and he twisted his body as much as he could, but he still couldn't avoid being grazed by the edge of the car.

Fortunately, he was not truly hit, and there was not the slightest sensation of pain.


The ear-piercing sound of brakes screeching rose as the red sports car came to a halt, and a female driver got out of the car in a flurry.

"Are you okay?"

Hearing this voice, which was like the sweet chime of a heavenly bell, and seeing the familiar yet strange silhouette in front of him,

Jiang Chen was struck by lightning, staring blankly.

Ye Jingyi!

The owner of this fiery red sports car, it was the very same woman from his dreams he yearned for, Ye Jingyi.

All this was such a coincidence.

Nothing other than fate could describe this arrangement.

"Did it hit you anywhere?" Ye Jingyi, seeing that Jiang Chen hadn't spoken, quickly asked again.

This time, it snapped Jiang Chen out of his stupor.

A bold plan instantly formed in the depths of his heart.


Jiang Chen immediately showed a pained expression on his face, cried out, and his body went limp, collapsing onto the cold, piercing ground.