
Mechanical Storm

A legendary man, clad in powerful mech armor, has become an immortal hero. His story brims with invincible battles and astonishing adventures, his name already a legend in countless mouths. He possesses not only remarkable combat skills but also an indomitable will and boundless courage. His mech, a war machine merging state-of-the-art technology with limitless power, renders him unbeatable in combat. Fearlessly challenging all adversaries, every battle he engages in becomes a legend, and each adventure inscribes history. However, the hero's journey is far from smooth sailing. He faces formidable foes, endless dangers, and daunting choices, yet he never gives up, forever upholding his beliefs and mission.

Jyrtsunoeso · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Intense Confrontation

The Blade Warrior is online.

No need for many words; as soon as online players see it, they know what to do. Everyone awaits the Blade Warrior's choice. In the realm of interstellar warfare, the Blade Warrior isn't the sole highlight, but certainly the most recent and flamboyant. Every battle involving the Blade Warrior is extravagant.

The challenger is the renowned Death Knight, Major, hailed as the strongest Major in interstellar warfare. Piloting the standard UA military model, the Cano III, with a record of 321 wins, 0 losses, and 5 draws, undoubtedly an awe-inspiring figure. But the Death Knight's online appearances are irregular, only interested in formidable opponents. His choice of mech leans towards practical combat, unlike the Blade Warrior.

The Death Knight's combat style is known for its ruthlessness and swiftness, reminiscent of an ace mobile warrior. Scores don't define everything; there are many ways to inflate scores, but genuine combat prowess stands out. Clearly, the Death Knight is legitimate, daring to engage even after watching the Blade Warrior's battle recordings, indicating considerable confidence. This is undoubtedly the pinnacle showdown that practical combat enthusiasts have long awaited.

Blade Warrior vs. Death Knight!

The officials contacted both immediately. After all, both are influential figures. The Blade Warrior's appeal rivals that of a general, if not surpassing it, while the Death Knight is also a renowned powerhouse. Despite not being promoted to general due to fewer combat engagements, similar to the Blade Warrior, they both prioritize combat over scores. Their clash is highly anticipated by players.

Apart from the costs of video streaming, the officials promised a $100,000 prize to the winner. This demonstrates the Blade Warrior's appeal. Popularity is a resource; others can't match it.

The Death Knight just logged in, and both began their pre-battle preparations. It's evident the Death Knight is extremely confident. He knows the Blade Warrior's habits well. Finding an advantage in terrain isn't realistic. So, the Death Knight chose the most conventional simulated urban warfare.

In any environment, BS001 doesn't possess many advantages.

Both contestants remained calm, each with their own objectives. The Death Knight treats the Blade Warrior like any other opponent. However, contrary to popular belief, the Death Knight, while aware of the Blade Warrior's reputation, doesn't engage in forums or discussions. He's solely interested in real combat and disregards discussions from those who haven't seen action.

Only strength, greater strength, relentless strength leads to victory!

While the contestants remain calm, players eagerly await, eyes glued to their screens. This battle is a feast, an incredible value!

The official statisticians find it hard to believe the numbers on the screen have already surpassed five million viewers without any prior announcement. Without a doubt, breaking ten million viewers wouldn't be an issue with the Blade Warrior's appeal.

If they delay another ten minutes, it might set a record. Perhaps they should negotiate with the players?

"Fool! Use your brain! What have you been doing all day? After so long, you still don't understand the Blade Warrior's personality. He doesn't care about money or fame; it's purely based on personal interest. I bet this person is either some rich kid or a secret weapon of the military. He doesn't care about thousands. He'll do as he pleases. Such people detest interruptions, understand?" The manager scolded the employee, then went to command others. They don't have much time left with the Blade Warrior, and he's not easy to communicate with. But what can they do? He's a big shot!

Ever since this battle-hardened guy became famous, the online rate of players increased by three percentage points. According to online surveys, eighty percent of players are there for the Blade Warrior, while three percent admit their interest increased because of him!

Interstellar warfare is more than just popular; it's ingrained in people's hearts. As operators, they must continue to improve. The simplest and most effective way is to nurture stars, and the Blade Warrior is a treasure trove. Last quarter's turnover increased by an unprecedented twenty-three percentage points, undoubtedly a remarkable achievement. He must have received recognition from the board. If he can keep it up for a year, his promotion is certain.

The command from above is clear: cooperate fully with the Blade Warrior, fulfill his various demands, even if they seem outrageous. In short, if anyone annoys the Blade Warrior, they can pack up and leave!

Much of the work has already been prepared once the Blade Warrior's challenge is accepted. All advertisements were rolled out immediately. Additionally, a new feature was added: online reminders. Although this feature was tried before with little success, things are different now. Given the Blade Warrior's unpredictable appearances, many players have jobs or school and can't wait indefinitely. So, it's best to provide notifications. However, no one can demand the Blade Warrior's schedule. One employee came up with this idea, and his reward is a promotion and triple the annual bonus. Of course, he's also a devout fan of the Blade Warrior, or else he wouldn't have thought of it.

The Blade Warrior's online reminders are sent directly to Tianxun, a high-end reminder ten minutes before the battle starts, including detailed information about the opponents and the battle situation.

Thirdly, there's Tianxun's live broadcast. This service is very expensive; ordinary students certainly can't afford it, and neither can regular wage earners. It's a pay-per-minute system, charging ten US dollars per minute. But it's like robbing money. Of course, thirty percent of this revenue goes to the Blade Warrior, a legally mandated rule. Only a few top generals enjoy such treatment.

In the span of five minutes, many things happened. Some were dining with their girlfriends when their Tianxun beeped. The men glanced at it casually but then their faces changed drastically, apologizing before disappearing. The women were about to explode but then noticed their own Tianxun messages and ran after them. Typical interstellar warfare enthusiasts.

It's not easy to skip classes when teachers aren't fools. Once or twice might be overlooked, but more than that would be a big problem. Lately, schools have been locking the doors during classes to prevent students from escaping.

Nevertheless, there's a solution even for those without money: online text broadcasts on Tianxun. Although not as exciting as watching the battle, it still satisfies the curiosity!

"Entering the final three minutes; the live audience closes in thirty seconds!"

"The online live audience on Tianxun has surpassed two hundred thousand, with twenty percent coming from MN!"

The staff kept shouting, continuously refreshing the data. They were somewhat repressed but also excited. Although interstellar warfare is a mixed bag, NIP citizens rarely play in UA, and UA citizens rarely play in MN. Yet, now, thirty percent of MN citizens are paying to watch on Tianxun. It's unprecedented!

Fortunately, it's almost time for everyone to finish work. If they delayed for another hour, the viewership would at least double. The staff looked at the screen with a tinge of regret. People from all walks of life are interested. Apparently, people like the Blade Warrior are big shots in real life, caring little about money and fame.

The staff speculated randomly. But regardless, the Blade Warrior is their bread and butter now. Ever since he appeared, they've received fewer

scoldings, and all they see are their bosses' lecherous smiles.

Players are on the edge of their seats, glued to their screens. The practical combat faction is trembling with excitement. In the list of suitable challengers for the Blade Warrior, the Death Knight ranks ninth. Now, they finally have their wish fulfilled.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the long-awaited realist classic battle is about to begin. The challenger, known for his ruthless and tenacious tactics, the Death Knight, with a record of 321 wins, 0 losses, and 5 draws, faces off against the eternal miracle maker, the eternal BS001, the eternal Blade Warrior!"

The commentator's voice began to rise, "This is indeed a thrilling battle! Both the Blade Warrior and the Death Knight players have second-level technical frequency modulation skills, a skillset held by only thirty percent of the military, and seldom mastered even then. They must avoid being predicted by the opponent's movements. The Death Knight seems extremely skilled, able to maneuver the Cano III in such a manner. But our Blade Warrior is stronger. He can match the Death Knight's skill with BS001. We have every reason to anticipate an exhilarating battle!"

The two mobile warriors are now less than ten meters apart, Titanium Blades and Alpha Alloy Blades drawn simultaneously, one forward and one backward... clash!

Alex, replacing Li Feng, and Sasha, replacing Marka, along with Kim, engaged in combat. UA replaced USE, and MN replaced NUP.

Both Alex and Sasha knew their advantages: Alex's strength lay in BS001's power, while Sasha's lay in the Cano III's speed. Sasha's skills were impressive, and his physique robust, effortlessly piloting the Cano III. Alex couldn't afford to be careless; someone of this caliber could easily gain the upper hand at critical moments. A thirty percent increase in skill at a moment's notice was possible.

Within a short period of time, the two giant mechs clashed seven or eight times, their titanium and alpha alloy blades constantly intersecting, yet neither side gaining any advantage.

The speed of their exchanges was like something out of a sci-fi movie. Players watched in silence, knowing that being able to spar with Blade Warrior so many times was quite a feat; with someone else, they might have been defeated in just two or three encounters. Unfortunately, no one could see the expressions of the pilots. Li Feng was excited; opponents like this were rare, and he had been waiting for this. However, Blade Warrior wasn't having as easy a time. His face was beginning to redden; while piloting a mech like this usually didn't require much effort, the recent clashes with BS001 had been intense and exhausting. Sometimes, the skill of a combatant was tested not only by their technique but also by their physical endurance.

Blade Warrior wasn't facing this situation for the first time. Thanks to the natural advantages of the MN's Ivante people, they usually had the upper hand in physical strength. However, even an Ivante pilot couldn't maneuver a BS001 like this or possess this kind of strength.

Quickly analyzing the battlefield and making judgments, Blade Warrior decided to continue tangling with BS001. No matter what, he still had the upper hand; he wanted to see how long the pilot of BS001 could hold out in such intense consumption. Unless he was a machine.

The alpha alloy blade traced a strange arc towards BS001's ribs. The angle of this strike was quite cunning, and it wasn't easy for Blade Warrior to defend against it. The titanium blade swiftly parried, the heavy force striking against Blade Warrior, but he could endure this level of attack. The continuous attack moves followed suit.

"Oh my god, this is the military mech's Tier 2 attack technique. Looking at Death Knight's proficiency, it's definitely not just an ordinary imitation; this is an A+ attack!"

Facing Death Knight's consecutive attacks, Blade Warrior also had to retreat to defuse them. After all, there was a gap in the mechs' models. It was obvious that the opponent truly understood the mech; they were quite familiar with BS001's weaknesses. This type of attack had also been evolved by the military through numerous trials. It wasn't considered an absolute secret, but mastering it and flexibly applying it in combat was quite challenging. If Death Knight could also execute it in reality, he would definitely be an elite among the military's mech pilots.

Death Knight gritted his teeth, his gaze calm and composed. There couldn't be the slightest slackening at a time like this. Though the opponent seemed to be retreating, there was no sign of disarray; it was more like he was guiding them. There was someone like this out there!