
Mechanic Vs Apocalypse

After the passage of a meteor through Earth, humanity faces an apocalyptic scenario. Fragments of the celestial body release a mysterious substance, causing mutations in plants and animals, which become monstrous creatures. As society crumbles, a portion of the survivors awaken extraordinary abilities. However, the apocalypse brings to light a buried past that was forgotten, where myth proves to be more than imagination. Ryan Drake, a young mechanic, is one of those affected, awakening powers he never imagined he possessed. In a world where danger lurks around every corner and nature turns against man, he uses his power to ensure his and his sister's survival.

onlyBOT · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Expanding the Domain.

Ryan placed his hands on the vehicle intending to feel its structure, just as he had done with the exoskeleton. The moment his hands touched the Land Rover, an electric current flowed from his body and began to spread throughout the vehicle.

At the same time, Ryan could feel a projection forming in his mind. However, unlike with the exoskeleton, he felt as though he was using much more energy. With the exoskeleton, it felt like a minor effort, but with the car, it felt as though his body was undergoing intense exercise.

Feeling as if he might lose all his initial effort halfway through, Ryan gritted his teeth and tried to use even more energy. The electrical arcs emanating from his body intensified, infiltrating the structure.

Sweat began to drip from his forehead, but he felt as if he was almost there. "Come on, just a bit more," he growled, using every ounce of his energy.

After a few moments, Ryan finally managed to visualize the entire internal structure of the car. Then, he knelt down taking deep breaths, feeling as though he had run a marathon.

"Damn, I didn't think it would take so much effort," he sighed, regulating his breathing. "But, I did it," he smiled with satisfaction.

After a few minutes of resting, Ryan seemed to have regained his energies. He then slowly stood up and opened the hood of the vehicle. When he managed to analyze the entire structure of the car, just as he had done with the exoskeleton, it was as if he had formed a complete projection of the vehicle in his mind. Every piece of its structure, the size, and the number of components were much larger than those of the exoskeleton, which nearly pushed him to his limit. But now he knew each of the structural flaws of the Land Rover.

Placing his hand on one part of the engine, his energy spread to a specific corner, and he could pinpoint exactly the faults that were preventing the engine from working.

During the modification process, both the external structure of the vehicle and its engine were altered. Several assembly errors were left, preventing the engine from functioning.

Before, Ryan would have needed time and specific tools to fix the problem. However, the more he used his ability, the more he realized that he could do much more than just visualize and control.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, Ryan managed to visualize the burnt electrical circuits and also the mechanical faults of the engine. His energy infiltrated the parts and magically, even without needing to touch them directly, Ryan was able to mold them using just his will.

Soon, the circuits reconnected and the electrical problems left during the modification and also caused by the electrical pulse, were fixed. Then, doing the same process with the engine structure, he corrected all the mechanical faults of the engine.

Removing his hand from the engine, Ryan opened an excited smile. His new ability was simply magical. The ability to manipulate mechanical structures at this level gave him an infinity of possibilities.

Even though he had corrected the main problems of the vehicle, Ryan did not try to start it; the noise would surely attract whatever was outside the workshop.

The monster with which he had fought a while ago was still firmly imprinted in his mind. He did not know how many more there were out there, let alone if there were worse things.

"Just a few more adjustments, and I'll be able to get out of here," he whispered.


In the hours that followed, Ryan delved deeper into his experiments, exploring the reach and limits of his newly discovered ability. He discovered he could connect to any type of technological structure. He could feel every component, every wire, and every chip as if they were laid bare before his eyes. He analyzed the structure, detected flaws, and, with almost supernatural precision, made modifications without the need for physical tools.

The possibilities seemed infinite. Tasks that previously required hours of meticulous manual labor and a series of specialized equipment could now be executed in moments, directly with the power of his mind. The complexity of the work still determined the level of energy required.

As Ryan explored the limits of his new abilities, he began to understand that his energy operated similarly to a battery, which could be depleted with use but recoverable after some rest. The electromagnetic pulse had destroyed all his electronic devices, but now he could repair them one by one with his newfound power. He restored all the devices he considered useful and made several modifications to the vehicle, adding equipment he deemed essential for his survival.

Moreover, he scoured his house for supplies that might be useful on his journey. While he worked, external sounds—distant screams, strange roars, and even gunshots—were audible, constantly reminding him of the dangers that surrounded him. Carefully, he kept the noise to a minimum, avoiding attracting the attention of any creature that might wander outside.

Upon finishing his preparations, Ryan looked out the window and noticed the sun beginning to set. He decided it would be wiser to rest and regain his strength, planning to leave at dawn. Aware of the uncertain situation in the city and the risks of venturing out at night with monsters loose, he knew that any mistake could be fatal.

Looking at the screen of his phone, which he had fixed, Ryan looked at the photo his sister had sent him, while she was gathered with her friends, waiting for the meteor to pass.

Strangely, even though fixed, his phone should still be out of charge, but he could charge it with the energy produced in his body. Perhaps he really had become some sort of walking battery.

"I hope you're okay, Elena," he whispered.

Turning off the phone, he settled in for the night, reflecting on the day's events and the numerous possibilities his new ability brought. The excitement of his discoveries mixed with the tension of imminent danger, creating a whirlwind of emotions that accompanied him as he prepared for the challenges that would come with the new day.