
Mechanic in the post-apocalypse

A mechanic from the future found a couple of old interesting artifacts, and got into a post-apocalyptic world. * I noticed that some readers did not quite understand the direction of my book. In this story, there will not be a lone traveler who is trying with all his might to survive in the wasteland by collecting garbage and making tools out of it, no, this story will be more about the development of the faction and the war between them. * The cover doesn't belong to me https://www.patreon.com/Lianes For those who want to support me. I warn you right away I will not have paid content, like extra chapters

La_Boule · Derivasi dari game
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45 Chs

Chapter 25 - New weapon

After chatting a little about everything, Brandon issued an assignment for Victoria.

-Torey, today I looked at your drawings and, after making a few corrections, sent you an email. I really liked your idea and I'm ready to give it the green light, but I need you to make a prototype within a month, and after 2 months so that 5 machines are ready. Can you handle it?

-It will be difficult to make 5 completely finished samples in three months, but I will try.

-Excellent, the whole workshop is at your disposal.

After seeing Victoria out, Brandon began thinking about weapon design.

Approaching the drawing table, he slowly began to sketch out the details of the weapon.

After a while, a long black sniper rifle with a telescopic sight appeared in the picture. On the rifle barrel you can see holes for cooling the electromagnetic coils inside the barrel. Instead of bullets, GR uses thin needles that accelerate to a certain speed during a shot, causing huge penetrating damage, it is very difficult to defend against such weapons, even power armor will not save you from several shots.

In addition to the penetrating properties, the advantage is also the noiselessness of the shot.

The emblem of the salamander on the rifle, Brandon did not put, but instead put the emblem of the hourglass. He decided that Salamander would produce weapons for sale, and that his organization's weapons would be highly specialized.

A few days after the start of preparations for the expedition, Marcus brought the list of participants to Brandon for verification. Looking at it, Brandon recognized most of the names, they were city guards, and the rest were just experienced travelers.

After a month of hard work, Victoria called Brandon to the shooting range to test a prototype of her first assault rifle.

It was a really beautiful weapon, and most importantly a deadly one. The machine gun is white, but with black stripes coloring the lower part of the barrel and butt, the machine gun shoots with 7.62 bullets, there are only 25 bullets in the store, unfortunately, due to the design, it was necessary to use a more heat-intensive material than plastids, so the machine gun is slightly heavier.

Victoria originally planned to make orange stripes, but Brandon asked her to replace them with black ones for his soldiers.

[Judge - 1]

[Damage - 38]

[Magazine –25 rounds]

[Weight-6.1 kg]

[Cost – 428]

[Feature: The student did not put the teacher to shame: a 25% chance to shoot 2 rounds instead of one, no additional round is wasted]

Seeing a new point in the assessment of weapons, Brandon immediately thought about the Legendary weapon from the game, apparently thanks to my assistance, the influence of the system spread to his student, allowing her to create a legendary weapon.

After several tests of the assault rifle, Victoria happily approached Brandon awaiting his verdict.

Brandon rubbed the bridge of his nose and said.

-Great assault rifle, you did your job perfectly, but do not overpraise yourself, you still lack a lot of knowledge, I will give you access to 4 levels, opening you a world of really interesting things.

-Thanks Brandon, I'm really glad you liked my [Judge], but what about the clearance level, is there really something that I didn't know before?

Laughing Brandon ruffled her hair.

-Basically, the 4th level of access has information related to non-ballistic weapons. Of course, there is also other information not related to mechanics, such as hydroponic technology.

-Hurray, finally laser weapon, I can't wait to read about it. By the way, what to do with the experimental sample?

- Consider that gunsmiths have a rule to keep their first weapon with them, so this machine gun will now be your partner.

-Em, okay, I certainly don't go outside the walls often, but I think it won't be superfluous.

-And it would be worth going out more often, you know wastelands are dangerous and combat experience is a very important thing. Sigh * Ok, I will not lecture you, I have already assembled GR Sniper, let's just check your accuracy.

Brandon ordered his men to place a bottle of water behind a thick layer of iron plates, similar to those found in power armor.

Having moved 1.5 km from the target, Victoria took a position aiming at the target.

A feature of this sniper rifle is a thermal sight, by pressing a button, the sight turns into a cold blue color, with spots of red reflecting the warmth of objects. Aiming at a bottle of warm water, Victoria stabilized the scope, then exhaled and pulled the trigger.

But the expected loud shot and strong recoil did not happen, there was only a small sound of charging the coils of electricity, and then a slight whistle of the needle. Thinking that something was wrong with the weapon, Victoria looked inquiringly at Brandon, to which he only pointed to a target, in the center of which, if you look closely, you can see an even hole through which you can see the ground.

Brandon grinned and said.

-Good, it works perfectly, almost silently, leaves behind only a small hole, with your machine gun and this Gauss sniper rifle, few people will be able to threaten us in Boston, now there is only Armor left, but this is after the expedition.

Having dealt with the testing of weapons, Brandon went to the training field, where at the moment Marcus is training a squad for the expedition.

Walking over to Marcus, Brandon asked him.

-Well ? How is the training going?

-So far everything is going well, mostly volunteers are city guards who already have experience, and the rest of the people are travelers who earned their living by shooting, but having joined the city they had nothing to do, thanks to the expedition they had a chance to show themselves.

- Okay, have you found the snipers yet? Their weapons are not quite standard, so you should start training them earlier.

Marcus turned over a sheet of notebook while reading the statistics.

-Yes, there are 5 people who have the best long range shooting performance.

Clearing his throat, Marcus shouted loudly.

-Frank, Karl, Luke, Arthur, Breen come here.

A few seconds later, 4 men and 1 woman ran up to the brothers.

It is noteworthy that among the men there were mainly young guys of 20 years old, but one of them was a 40 year old man. By the look of the man, you can understand that he went through many battles.

Looking through 5 people, he fixed his gaze on the woman.

Brandon was only slightly surprised that a woman would be on his expedition.

Markus said that in addition to Breen, there are 2 more women in the squad, all of them used to be mercenaries, but unfortunately they were not lucky enough to meet the Gunner, after meeting their squad, only these 3 girls were left who managed to escape from the Gunners' pursuit.

As he examined the 5 people, Brandon turned his gaze to Arthur.

-Arthur, by your appearance I can tell that you are a man with military training. There are few factions in the commonwealth where you can have people with such training, where are you from?

Arthur, remembering his past, sighed sadly and began to tell.

-Sir, in fact, I am a former Ranger, and I used to work for the NCR, but now a complete mess began on the west coast, Caesar died, so a new Caesar came to power in the legion, after which the legion became completely brutal and began to carry out more brutal massacres than before , in NKR, too, not everything is good, the President was also killed during a speech to the public, bureaucrats, to support their position and fear of the rangers, accused us of this murder, as a result, after everything that happened there, I decided to go to the east, to a calmer a place. Having heard about the white-stone city, I decided to join the settlement, and later to the expedition.

Brandon nodded and then said.

-Okay, we need experienced soldiers. As a former ranger, I am sure you will appreciate the new weapon for our snipers.