
Chapter 35: A Very Merry Christmas Surprise

I paced around the hospital waiting room for over an hour. The doctors refused to give me an update on Seth’s condition. Seth still has the last name of Gomez, so the reception is claiming that I’m not immediate family. Serena has been in the room a few times, but she says that he still hasn’t woken up yet.

“Can I please have an update on Seth Gomez?” I begged.

“I’m sorry, but I can only give patient information to family,” the woman said.

“Where do you get off on telling me that we aren’t a family?” I questioned, sounding harsher than I meant to. Mouthing off to hospital employees isn’t going to help me get what I want. “Have you never met foster siblings before? We’re just as real as you and your siblings are.”

“I don’t have any siblings,” she said with a monotonous expression.

“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. That’s a tragedy in and of itself,” I snarled.