


''Didn't I tell you to complain to your teacher when someone bullies you? Then why did you hit him Jay?'' I'm furious to see him like this. His left eye was slightly swollen, his cheeks and knuckles were bruised.

God!!! It must hurt a lot.

''I-It was me who hit him first, Mamma. When he tried to hit me back, Jay came in front of me and this happened. I'm so s-sorry Mamma, I-I'll not do this again! I-I P-Promise!'' Vicky said, his voice cracked at the end, making me want to cry all over again.

But I need to be strong! If I cry, he will cry too.

''Did you cry Mom?'' Jay asked, placing his hand over my cheek. He opened his mouth for the first time since I came.

I took his hand and squeezed it lightly.

''No, I didn't and why is that only you two are here?'' I frowned, looking at him and Vicky.

''Ma'am went to take a call, it's just been 10 mins mom. Don't stress out!'' I nodded and looked at Vicky.

''Now tell me, why did you hit that boy in the first place!'' But he shook his head.

I pulled him towards me, made him sit on my lap and hugged him sideways.

''It's OK, tell me Vicky. I'm your friend too, right?'' He nodded his head and leaned to me, hugging me, but didn't say anything for a moment.

''H-He always used to make fun of us, saying that we don't have a d-dad, how his dad buys him everything. Jay used to say, we have you and we don't need a dad for us! We even complained many times to the teacher as you told us to, but he and his friends never stopped! T-Today was the same but then he started making fun of you and I couldn't just-'' he hugged me tight and said ''control. S-So I hit him''.

I sighed. ''But nothing changed Vicky, other than seeing Jay in the hospital bed with bruises. He will still make fun of you, maybe more than before.''

Jay scoffed ''You should have seen his face, mom. I broke his jaw''. My eyes widened hearing that.

''What? Where is he now?'' I can't believe this kids.

''Beside this room'' he said, pointing to his left.

''I'll go and see him, don't go anywhere'' I said to Vicky, placing him down.

He nodded and sat at the edge of the bed.

I went out and realized that I was not alone. Hottie sat on one of the chairs outside the room looking around. He stood up and came towards me when he noticed me.

''Is everything OK?'' No.

''Yes. Thank you sir, for driving me here''. I really am. I wasn't sure I could have driven. I was terrified when I got a call from school saying Jay had got into a fight and is in hospital.

''It's fine'' He said, placing his hands in his pockets, looking around.

''Wow! It's fancy seeing you Alessandro. What brought you here?'' A man with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, in a white coat with a stethoscope around his head asked Hottie as he came near us. He is almost Hottie's height.

''My hospital, my wish. What are you doing here, Enzo? I'm sure pediatrics isn't your ward.'' Hottie asked, looking annoyed.


The man whose name is Enzo shrugged ''I came to see what brought you here and now I know'' He said, looking at me.

''I'm Enzo Redaelli, senior resident '' He introduced himself with a smirk and moved his hand forward for a handshake.

Redaelli? Since Ms. Redaelli isn't married. I assume he is her brother. So, is he also a cousin? Then why do I feel negative energy between them? Bad blood?

''I'm Lucy Vitale, it's nice meeting you'' I shook his hand.

''It's nice meeting you too Lucy '' he said, placing a kiss on my hand and giving a look to Hottie.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hands out of his grip and looked at Hottie.

''Can you please keep an eye on them? I'll go and meet the other kid''

He frowned ''Are you sure you want to go alone?'' I nodded at him and went near to the room.

I took a deep breath and knocked twice.

When I heard a come in, I opened the door and saw a couple near the bed. They looked confused at seeing me.

I winced when I saw the kid. His eye looks so bad compared to Jay's and his face is bandaged to keep his jaw intact. I feel sorry for him.

''Who are you, Miss?'' The man asked, looking at me with confusion.

''Um.. I'm the mother'' I said, pointing towards the direction of the other room.

He looked angry when he realized what I said.

''Your kids bulled my boy! Is this how you raise them?'' He shouted and his wife placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to cool him down.

''I don't know what you heard sir, but according to my children, your boy is the one who is bullying them daily, saying that they don't have a father like he does and today he went too far. I know whatever the reason, violence isn't the answer. So I'm here to say sorry to you, that you have to see your son like this'' I said, looking at both of them.

''Is it true? Did you bully them?'' He asked, looking at his son seriously, to which the kid nodded hesitantly.

The couple also apologized to me and assured me that their kid would not bully anyone again. Thank god that went well. I thought they were one of those parents who will spoil their kids and pamper them too much.

I went out and entered Jay's room. But, something is wrong. The teacher is there too, she looks flustered and Enzo has this satisfying look, Vicky is beside Hottie and smiling with his hands covering his mouth. Hottie's face became red, he looked so embarrassed and Jay looked... angry?

''What's happening here?'' I asked, breaking the silence.

Vicky came towards me and held my hand. ''Nothing mamma, come'' he said and pulled me towards the bed.

Before I could say anything, a doctor came inside and said that I could take Jay home. I thanked him, he nodded and went out.

I thanked the teacher too and said I'll take care from here. She gave an awkward smile and went, but not before glancing at hottie, making him more uncomfortable.

What happened?

Enzo also soon followed her after waving at us.

''Where do you want me to drop you?'' Hottie asked, looking at me.

''It's ok sir, I'll take a cab. I'll pick up my car tomorrow '' I'll go with Lia to the office tomorrow.

''I insist''. He said and made me agree to his offer.

Vicky sat in the front seat beside Hottie telling him directions to our house as he drove. Jay and I sat in the back seat. Soon he pulled his car into the parking lot. We all got down except Hottie. When I invited him, he said it was OK and didn't want to intrude.

''No sir, I insist.'' I said with a smirk, using the same tone he used on me before.

He looked at me amusingly but reluctantly agreed. Jay didn't look happy though, I'll ask him again. While Vicky held Hottie's hand, smiling at him.

''Come Alex, let's go'' he said, pulling Hottie towards the elevator. I shook my head at his actions. We entered the elevator and I pressed the 5th floor. It's a 12-floor building and has four apartments on each floor. The elevator is in the middle, dividing two apartments at each side.

We stepped out when the elevator opened and turned left to see the door wasn't locked.

''Why is it not locked?'' Hottie asked, looking confused.

''My cook leaves by 4pm sir.'' I said and opened the door. Vicky and Jay went inside. Hottie nodded and removed his shoes as I removed my 2 inch black wedges.

We reached the living room, where we could see the entire apartment. There is nothing special but it's classic and spacious. The kitchen and dining are on the left side, there are two rooms with bathrooms attached to each on the right and a balcony at the back.

''Vicky! Fresh up first, you can chat later'' I said when i saw him sitting on the island near the kitchen while Gemma was preparing our dinner. She'll make our food and place it in the refrigerator for us to eat later.

''Gemma? What are you doing here?'' Hottie asked as soon as he saw her.

They know each other?

''Oh my god, Alex! What are you doing here?'' She asked, looking at me and him.

''Um.. okay? What's going on?'' I asked Hottie.

''Uh, oh! Gemma works for me. She takes care of my house at the weekends.''

''Oh?'' I looked at Gemma for further explanation.

''Yeah! I work here on weekdays and at his house at the weekends!''

''Okayyy?'' That's too much coincidence.

''Why don't you both sit? I'll make you coffee?'' Gemma said and went back to her work.

I glanced at Hottie, he looked as shocked as me. When he saw me looking at him, his eyes widened and said ''I swear I didn't know anything about this'' I chuckled, shaking my head.

''Make yourself at home sir, I'll be back'' he visibly relaxed and nodded.

I went into the kids' room to check on Jay. He had already changed into his PJ's and sat on his chair opening his books.

I went towards him and closed his book. ''Take rest Jay, you are not going to school tomorrow.''

''But I'm alright mom!'' I shushed, pulling him up and made him lie down on his bed.

''Yay! No school'' Vicky came out running without drying his face and hands.

''Not for you mister! You have to do your homework.'' I said, taking the towel from his hands, drying his pouty face.

I went to my room to freshen up and changed into my long green T-shirt and shorts. I wore the longest T-shirt, it reached my knees. I usually don't wear a bra at home, but since I have company, I decided to wear one. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and went out. Hottie is drinking his coffee while chatting with Gemma.

''Sorry, I'm late'' I apologized and took my coffee. I sat on the sofa opposite to him.

''It's fine. Your house looks homely'' he smiled, looking at me.

My heart, ouch! His smile is so beautiful.

I tried not to smile too widely ''Thank you sir.''

''The world is so small! My one employer is an employee of my other employer!'' Gemma said, clapping her hands. I chucked at her excitement.

It sure is small.

''I'll resume preparing your dinner Lucy'' Gemma said to me and waved at Hottie, returning to the kitchen.

There was an awkward silence between us. What do we speak to our boss normally other than work?

Hottie cleared his throat ''So you don't know how to cook?''

''Uh, I know sir, but I can't make it that edible. I mean, it's edible but not edible'' I rambled out. What the hell? Stop embarrassing yourself Lucy!

He chuckled ''Relax Lucy, and you can call me Alex when we are not working''.

I nodded and tried not to smile widely. I'll not call him Alex though. I usually try to smile when I'm with others, but he is making me smile too much.

''Why did you choose to come here? Italy out of all places?''

''I have always loved Italy, since I was a kid. My parents are actually from here, so yeah, when I got an opportunity to come here for work, I decided to stay permanently''

''I did think you looked familiar, so that's why, huh? Because you're actually an Italian woman'' He said, making me laugh.

''What about you sir? Sam? Ms. Redaelli?'' He gave me a look when I called him sir and shook his head when I just smiled.

''Sam, Rocco and I are college buddies. Even though Monica is my cousin, we studied at the same college'' he stopped smiling for a second and zoned out.

''Sir?'' I called him, waving my hand.

''Huh?'' He snapped out and shook his head.

I wanted to ask about Enzo, but decided to shut up.

''Then how is it here? Do you like it?''

''I love it sir! I don't regret coming here'' And I also like seeing you Mr. Hottie.

''If you don't mind, can I ask what happened to your parents? You mentioned you were an orphan before''. He asked hesitantly, looking at me.

''They died when I was in college, sir. They were on a date, but an armed man shot randomly and killed 14 members. Afterwards, he also shot himself. Police said he was mentally unstable.'' I tried hard not to cry.

A knot formed in my throat, but thankfully I didn't cry. I thought about Jay and Vicky, our happy moments and tried to smile.

''I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I also lost my mom when I was a kid in an accident'' He said, giving a half smile.

Oh my god! He was too young! He is just like Jay.

''I'm sorry sir'' I don't know what else to say.

He shrugged ''We can't do anything about it now, can we? What about Jay and Vicky?''

Are we getting to know each other?

''Three years back, we met through an accident. A truck hit their car and it collided with mine. Their father died on the spot and Jay's mom died giving birth to Vicky, so they had no one. And Vicky had the same name as my father, William. So I thought why not adopt them?'' I shrugged at the end.

Shit! Why did I mention the accident? What if he asks for details? Or worse, do a background check? He wouldn't do that, right? Because there isn't any evidence that the accident actually happened like I mentioned. I should have stuck to the story everyone believed. What if he thinks I lied?

Cool Lucy, cool! Why would he even do a background check on you? So chill girllll!

''You are a good person Lucy'' Hottie said and looked at me, which was strangely making me blush.

Gemma came out ''I'll see you tomorrow Lucy and you on Saturday Alex''. She said and went out.

After a few minutes of silence, Hottie got up too ''I'll also go now''

That soon?

What do you think he will do? You probably looked like someone forced you to talk! jeez.

I pouted internally and got up along with him. He wore his shoes and looked at me. ''Um.. Thank you for having me Lucy''

Sigh. I wish.

''So? This counts, right?'' He looked confused.

''For taking leave sir, you said we should talk after work. So this counts, right?'' I asked, trying to hide my smile.

Hottie looked amused and stood in front of me.

I didn't try to move back though. I like being close to him. In fact, my hands were itching to touch him from the start.

He bent slightly to look into my eyes. Gosh, his hazel eyes!

''Didn't I tell you to not be sassy with me? And it's the second time in a row today. Now, how should I punish you?''

I blushed hard trying to keep my excitement inside and not to smile.

''T-That's inappropriate'' I said, looking away.

He laughed, making me look at him. I frowned ''And you said you were too professional. I was talking about punishing you with more work''.

I groaned and hid my face in my hands.

Whyyyyyy? Why do I have to embarrass myself? That too, in front of him.

''Remove your hands'' He tried to move my hands away from my face, but I turned around and shook my head.

''God you are so cute'' He said, hugging me from behind and placed his head over mine.

Butterflies are killing me from inside.

I slowly removed my hands and placed them on his hands, which were wrapped around my waist.


I hummed in response.

''I-I seriously like you. I know I said I just wanted you in bed, but now I think I like you more than that''. He said making my heart do a double and triple flips.

Am I having a heart attack?

He tightened his arms around me when I didn't say anything.

''I-I'' what should I say? My throat feels like the Sahara desert.

Suddenly, I lost warmth in his body. I turned around when I heard the door open and saw him going out closing it with a thud.