
Meant To Be forever

OceanBreeze_758 · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

Riyansh pov,

As today is Sunday when we are having family time we saw dadi is returned from temple.

Riyansh mom - maa why are you late today.

Riyansh grandma - actually ( she told us what happened earlier).

Riyansh mom - so sweet of them.

Riyansh dad - maa did you get hurt.

Arnav - Grandma why did you go alone why did you not take any driver with you. What if something bad happened.

Riyansh Grandma - don't worry I am fine now. I have something important to tell you guys.

All - what.

Riyansh Grandma - well the girl who helped me..

Riyansh Grandpa - what about her.

Riyansh Grandma - I like her and I think she is perfect for our Riyansh.

Riyansh - Grandma .

Riyansh Grandma - what dadi you only told us that you are ready for marriage now what happened.

Riyansh Sister in t(khushi) - what's her name Grandma .

Riyansh mom - is she beautiful.

Riyansh Grandpa - tell me more about her.

Riyansh dad - why are you silent maa tell us more about her.

Arnav - if you people let her speak than only she will tell us.

Riyansh Grandma - thank you Arnav. Well her name is Aashi malhotra.

Riyansh and Riyansh dad both together - whattttt?

Riyansh Grandpa - what happened to both of you.

Riyansh dad - because she is working in our hospital only as a intern.

Riyansh mom - wow that's good,so what you think about her is she perfect for our Riyansh.

Riyansh - not her mom.

Kushi - why.

Riyansh dad - because she is the only person who can dare to mess with Riyansh.

Arnav - dad, what you think about her.

Riyansh dad - from what I have saw she is good girl respect others and dedicated towards her work. Both are in same profession so She and Riyansh will make a good pair.

Riyansh Grandma - so what is your opinion.

Riyansh - I don't know. We just met recently.

Riyansh Grandpa - putting aside your problems just think if is she good to be your wife.

Riyansh mom - take your time their is no hurry after all it's your life.

Riyansh - OK mom.

Riyansh pov,

We all spent some quality time together and after that all left for their rooms and I also left for my room. I sat on my bed and started to think about Aashi. No doubt she is very beautiful and kind. She also did not give damm about how rich I am when others are waiting for this opportunities. But marriage and I don't know what to do just let's go with the flow. See what will happen with this though I finally able to get some sleep.

I wake up early morning as usual and went for jogging. After sometime I return to home then went towards my room to take shower. After getting ready I went downstairs to have breakfast. I sat on my chair.

Riyansh - good morning.

All - good morning.

Kushi - did you think about Aashi and what is your decision.

Riyansh mom - yes, tell us your decision.

Riyansh - I don't have a problem if you all are happy then you can proceed.

Riyansh dad - I am happy that you made good decision and Aashi is perfect for you. We already seen how she is.

Riyansh grandma - hope they also agree.

Riyansh grandpa - let's see.

Riyansh grandma - today only we will take marriage proposal for Aashi.

Riyansh dad - no maa not today.

Arnav - why dad.

Riyansh dad - their is no problem it's just that I think before taking proposal we should ask Aashi's father if they are OK then only we will take proposal, and also we have a medical camp this week. So that's why I think it will be good if we will wait for some days.

Riyansh grandma - OK, when you will talk with her father.

Riyansh dad - today I will collect her father number then I will gave a call to them by tomorrow.

Riyansh Grandpa - ok

After breakfast we all left for our respective work.


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