
The sem


The birds out on my window started chripping as I opened my eyes, gosh it is so annoying. It's always the same morning and why is there sun up everyday, wish I could never wake up from the sleep to see another day. I am a daughter of an ex military officer who is like crazy rich and actually can have everything in the world still, it all feels worthless. Actually my father is also very strict, disciplined and a narcissist. We really never got along since my mom died when I was 5 years old and that cold hearted fella married another woman just after 3 months of mother's demise.

They are completely a match to be honest, she is very...can't find a right word, Oh yes! Psychotic.

If there is anyone that I hate the most in the world that would be that bitch. I live far from them like at the other side of the country in this huge ass house my father bought to spend vacations but since I've moved here he hasn't come to visit once. We talk sometime on the phone and that's all. It is going to be 5 years since I've lived alone on my birthday that's in 2 months.

I realised I haven't moved since 30 minutes then I heard a knock on the door by my maid Suparna, she always has been closest to me, raised be basically. She also has a son who goes to a community school and only is 7 years old, They both like me. She shouted from outside,"Breakfast is ready Ridh and hurry up you're gonna be late for your school".' Ridh' a nickname given by Suparna which I don't like, still she always call me that.

I live away from city so I peddle my way to school everyday which is like 40 minutes away. I inhaled my food and ran to school like there is no tomorrow, still reached on time. I sat on the second bench alone because noone would sit with me, I don't talk to anyone in the class, they call me name the most popular one is 'Freak'. Since I don't respond to any of their calling now even they have stopped trying.

Today our new sem begins, our teacher enters the room being followed by a boy. He looked nervous, he had glasses on, was wearing an AC/DC t-shirt and black trouser, also he had curly medium length black hair, brown eyes and he was taller than our teacher who already was 5'8. Everyone in the class started to look at him with awe especially girls. I literally stopped paying attention after sometimes though.

Then our teacher started speaking," So he is new this sem, his name is Arnav hope everyone will make him feel comfortable" after that he continued with," Go sit with the girl on the second desk". Second desk? I am in the secon-  ,when I raised my head I saw the whole class staring at me, Not Looking but staring. The guy sat next to me and extended his hand for a shake but I  bluntly stared at him and again he smiled and said hi, I nodded. Then out of no where he leaned towards me and whispered,"You've got a beautiful face". I froze, my heart clenched, for the first time someone's complimented me and I was completely in shock. Wait, am I blushing? No, what the fuck just happened and why the fuck, am I blushing???

Hi I am new to the world of novels and fanfics and I am just writing to express my self and for fun, also English is my second language so many mistakes can be there sorry for that, feel free to leave any suggestions

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