
Me, Raven, and the Scandalous Summer

Elio Greys, a newly-hired screenwriter, is trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea in the Nevertale Entertainment production house. There is Raven Coldwell, the chairman’s grandson whom she help to get through a panic attack but violently accuse her of taking advantage of him. And there is Alfie Summer, a rising star who thrives with his villain roles, but a sweetheart behind the scene. How can she survive being in the same film production with those two? Oh, has she mention, that both of them refuse to stay away from her, for some unknown reason? And that one of them has Dissociative Identity Disorder? Now, her life is complete – ly ruined! Or, is it?

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Because He Hates Me

"Where is it?"

Elio asked no one.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?"

Chants she had been spouting since early that morning.

"Where is my journal?"

It had disappeared from her shoulder bag. She couldn't find it – the leather bound journal with no name on it.

"Please, don't let it be lost. Please don't, please!"

It had almost been an hour since she turned her bag inside out and her room upside down. An exaggeration, but it was a fitting description of what was going on inside her head.

She was going crazy.

Her first, completed script she had been writing since last year was gone. Disappeared from her bag. Lost somewhere she never knew.

"God, why did this happen?"

Elio felt like crying – but she couldn't.

Not now.

Not when it was an hour before her second day of scriptwriting workshop at Nevertale Entertainment Inc. The flat, uncaring look of Jed the head writer came to her mind.

She would be totally screwed if she came in late again.

So, choosing to at least save her life the best she could, Elio grabbed her shoulder bag and locked her door. She rushed to the station, boarding the train heading to North Costdale.

Saved by lady luck, Elio arrived at Nevertale's production office five minutes before the workshop began. At least, that was what her phone told her.

"You're late," Jed said from his seat in front of the projector. He was staring at her with those unexpressive eyes and even flatter face. "Again."

Elio gaped, looking around the meeting room that they used to hold the workshop. The other participants were there, notebooks and pens already out. Even so, the clock above the projector showed that she wasn't late.

On the other end of the long table, Cecilia shrugged her shoulders. Offering nothing.

Unless Jed moved their schedule forward without informing her.

Giving up, she visibly deflated. "I'm sorry, sir."

He looked unimpressed. He sneered, but didn't say anything else. Merely waved his hand dismissively and she took that as a permission to take a seat.

That day's workshop didn't vary much from yesterday. Jed was still an unmotivated lecturer. He sucked.


After the long hours, the scriptwriting workshop was finally done and Keira heaved a frustrated sigh.

"What is it?" Cecilia asked as they packed their things. Unlike yesterday, Elio didn't rush out of the meeting room.

"I lost my journal," she confided, slumping on the long table with her head propped up on her folded arms.

"What does it look like?"

"Nothing special, really. Just your usual leather bound journal. I didn't even take it out during the workshop yesterday, but I can't find it."

"Do you think it fell on your way?"

Elio thought about it, but she shook her head. "No. I'm sure I zipped my bag, and it has no hole, you see?"

She brought her grey shoulder bag for inspection.

"I'm sure my journal is here during the work–"

She stopped short.


Cecilia asked, "What is it? You realised something?"

Elio's face slowly morphed in horror. "I think I know who took it."


"It must be that blue-eyed evil incarnate."

"… who?"

"Let's go!"

Cecilia stumbled to follow her. "Wait, where are we going?"

There was no other explanation.

It must be him.

The blue-eyed evil incarnate who threatened her yesterday. They met two times and he did this unspeakable thing to her. It was his revenge.

He took her journal – where she wrote her masterpiece since last year – for revenge.


She didn't stop, merely uttering, "What?"

"Who are we looking for exactly?"

Now, she faltered on her track. "That blue-eyed evil–"

"Incarnate, yes I get it," Cecilia cut in, much to her chagrin. "What's this person's name?"

Elio blinked owlishly, looking at her short-haired friend with a puzzled expression. "… I don't know."

"You don't–" Cecilia took a deep breath. "You don't know their name?"

"Nope. Why would I know his name?"

"So it's a he," Cecilia concluded. "What does he look like?"

"Blue eyes. Dark hair. Tall."

The short-haired girl started, unimpressed. "I don't know how you can emphasise his blue eyes, but can't even describe him, except that he has dark hair and is tall."

Elio shrugged, "Because his eyes were really striking, the deepest blue I have ever seen. Sue me for noticing it. Let's just say that he appeared average aside from his eyes."

Cecilia sighed, leaning on the wall behind her and crossed her arms. "Great. We have no clue who that is."

"He works here."

"As thousands of people currently do. What else?"

She crossed her arms too, one index finger tapping rhythmically on her chin. "I think he might be an extra. He can act pretty well. Almost fooling me before I call him out."

Even if she thought that it was a good thing, Cecilia didn't think so. "Do you know how much production is going on here today?"

"Elio hummed, searching her memory for the fleeting filming schedule she saw in the production office's lobby. "One in the sound stage, three in the main lot, and another one in the ranch."

"It was sarcasm."


"But it's great that you know." Cecilia pushed herself from the wall and beckoned her to follow, "Where did you see the filming schedule again?"

They descended the elevator, and headed to the schedule written neatly on the whiteboard on one of the lobby's walls. "There."

"I don't think Hostile Host Show needs any extra, so we'll rule that out. What about Sandbox? They shoot in the main lot, Studio 9."

"The series about two pirates and a rogue space force army stranded in the desert? It might use CGI for most parts, so no."

"Why not?"

Elio shrugged, "His clothes are nice. I don't think he'll take a job dressing as a rugged mummy in the desert."

"This Side of Paradise is currently filming in the ranch?"

She shook her head immediately. "The series is about girls in charge. Female authority. He won't be in it."

"How would you know?"

"He hates women."

Cecilia heaved a sigh, deadpanned. "Again, how would you know?"

"Well," Elio avoided her companion's gaze, "He hates me."

The short-haired girl bursts out laughing. "How did you come up with this conclusion anyway?"

Elio blew air, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "You won't believe me."

"Oh, that's an appropriate opening of an epic story. You have to tell me."
