
Me and you against the world

Samiksha_Ramjass · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 9



So I'm finally doing a chapter in Kamiren's POV.

I hope that you like this chapter and that it isnt bad.

I'm still trying to get better at this❤



Kamiren POV


Shanay thinks that I am mad at her because of what happened at the restaurant. I'm not mad at her, it's just I haven't been in my right mind for the past few days. Shanay thinks that I'm going to a different college, but little does she know that I'm going to surprise her. She is my life and without her I am nothing,so being in the same college as her will do, or we can just live here in this apartment and travel to school together.

I felt bad and knew that she proberbly wouldnt be able to walk after last night so I made breakfast for her. I got out of bed and you know...brushed my teeth and everything, just the usual. I went downstairs and decided to spoil her, I made pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast and some coffee. I would never ever do this for anyone...but I will do it for Shanay.

"Babe...come on babe wake up please I have made breakfast for you." I said in my loving voice.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at me, her face was so beautiful. She got up and I put the tray with her food on the bed.

"How do you feel?" I asked her...I was concerned.

"I dont know if I will be able to walk after last nights session." She chuckled.

We both laughed for about 2 minutes then I got serious. "But babe seriously...are you okay?"

"Yea I think so. Baby...do you know how much I love you right now?" She asked me.

"No I dont, why dont you tell me. But first you need to eat a little bit of this food, I'll feed you."

I fed her the pancakes first and she enjoyed it. "Mmmm...I didnt know that you made delicious food baby." She was in love with my cooking.

"I thought you had tasted my food before. Well I will only cook for you on special occasions okay?"

"What is today then?"

"Babe I wanted to make you feel special today that's why I made you breakfast in bed."

"Awww thanks baby." She said to me and pecked my cheek.

Shanay is my princess and my princess deserves the best,and I am the best. I will do everything and anything for her.

"Shanay..." I said to her.

"Yes baby." She looked at me with those bright brown eyes that shined when she was with me.

"Why are you so beautiful?"

"Really Kamiren?" She said to me and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes really...I don't know what I have done to deserve someone like you...beautiful, talented, fun and the best lover."

"Kamiren, why do you do this to me?"

"What do I do to you babe?"

"You always say the most amazing things to me and I cant give you an answer because you left me speechless...its hard to answer something like that,sometimes I want to cry...not in a bad way,its because I love you and I dont wanna lose you...you are the only person who understands me and I appreciate that." She said back almost in tears.

"No babe dont cry...I cant stand to see you crying that's isnt something I want from you." I wiped the tear that started to fall down her face. "I am like this because you are the only girl that I get along with so well...we didnt have sex on the first day we met,and I want to make memories with you, when we start our family then we will love and cherish that child. She will be special...just like her mother." I kissed her lips.

"Baby, I'm gonna go in the shower and we can go out somewhere because we aren't busy today. Maybe we can go shopping because it is almost Christmas." She said.

"Yes you go and I'll clean up."

She gave me a peck on my lips and left. I cleaned up in the kitchen and by the time I was done Shanay was out of the bathroom and was getting ready. I got in the shower and felt the warm water hit my body. All that was in my head was last night and what happened. Those memories kept playing in my head and god i hope we have more moments like those.

Shanay has changed me in the last year, in the past I was a player but that was the old me, I love one girl and I will continue to love her for the rest of my life. If I didnt meet Shanay I dont even know how I would be right now. She is the reason that I stopped alot of my bad habits.

In my times of need she was there for me and I really appreciate that from her. I stood in the shower for so long that I didnt even realize that she called me to ask if I was done.

I got out and she sat on our bed waiting for me. She had lust in her eyes looking at me with nothing but my towel.

"You like what you see?" I winked at her.

"No baby I dont like...I love." She sounds so cute when she trys to be sexy.

"Kamiren please stop teasing me and get dressed, I want to go shopping, you know it'll be fun." She said to be looking me up and down.

"Okay baby whatever you say." I shrug my shoulders and wink at her again.

"Here...put this on." She said handing me a black shirt and some dark blue jeans.

"But wouldn't you like it if I went out like this?" I winked trying to get a reaction from her.

"Kamiren...I would but I don't want to share you. So please put the clothes on.

This shirt hugged my muscles and showed my abs but not too much. She just stared at me in awe.

"Shall we?" I asked her signaling that we should leave now.

She was daydreaming, and didnt realize that I was speaking to her.


She snapped out of it. "Mmm wait what? Oh yea we can leave...u just left me speechless with what you're wearing right now."

"Come on princess let's leave."

"Wait why are you calling me princess?"

"You are my princess and you will always stay like that."

We left the apartment and we were on our way to the mall.

°•°•°•°•°Skip car ride°•°•°•°•°

We got to the mall and she just disappeared. Shes like a kid in a toy store. She would see something that she liked and wandered off somewhere when she saw something that was better. We bought alot of stuff. We were going to invite our friends over on Christmas so that we can all spend time with eachother and catch up.

I wonder what she bought for me, I asked her and she just said " You will see." And wink at me. This girl has so many surprises up her sleeve and I love it. I am so in love with Shanay, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

We left the mall and were on our way back home. It was 9 and we were exhausted from an entire day out of the house.

°•°•°•°•°Skip car ride°•°•°•°•°

We got home and she practically ran upstairs. She went into our room and made her way to the bathroom...she locked the damn door. Maybe she really needed to go to the toilet. After about 5 minutes she came out and was wearing lingerie and she looked so hot in it.

(Chose the one that you like the most)

I could feel my pants getting tighter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Samiksha_Ramjasscreators' thoughts