
Me and those women in the demon world

This is a bad time of crossing. Solana, an otaku, is reborn on a human who fell into the demon world. There are legendary evil and murderous demons everywhere. Facing all kinds of powerful enemies such as terrifying demon emperors, arrogant dragons, and powerful elements. There are many beauties in the demon world, the black-bellied Loli princess, the cruel iceberg queen, the violent scythe witch, the seductive and deadly succubus.

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22 Chs

Reborn new world

Solana, a member of the army of thousands of otakus, was twenty-four years old. After graduating from college, she was unemployed. It was not easy to open an online store.

On this day, he picked up a mobile phone on the road and brought a camera. Although this mobile phone does not even have a brand, it looks like a knockoff. After all, it is a windfall, and a mobile phone with a camera always brings people Lenovo. Solana immediately pressed the power switch, and saw the screen light up, a square box appeared in the middle, and a row of light words popped out of the box: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He pressed the confirm button, and the light words reappeared: "Are you really sure?"

What boring guy sets up a boot animation like this? Solana pressed the confirm button again without hesitation, and the words "Congratulations on winning! Welcome to the super system" appeared in the middle of the screen, and then the phone exploded.

Before solana said the word "daddy", the whole person has lost consciousness.


I don't know how long it took, solana opened her eyes in a daze, only to feel a severe headache, faintly remembering that it was that stupid mobile phone that exploded, and passed out in a coma. There seems to be a lot of things in my head now, and before I can think about it, I hear someone ask in front of me, "Awake?"

What catches the eye is a thin face with dark skin, handsome features, dark silver hair, pointed ears, blue eyes, and a dark face with a look of doubt.

Facing this "alternative" face, solana seemed very calm. He had seen a lot of this kind of anime enthusiasts on the Internet, playing his favorite cartoon or comic character, as if it was called Cosplay, and immediately said: "It's you who saved me. me? Thank you!"

It's not easy to save someone these days.

"Saved you?" Seeing Solana's grateful expression, the anime fan was even more surprised, and whispered to himself, "Is there a problem with the dose of the medicine? Or did you use the wrong medicine?"

In this one-on-one answer, solana heard that the language of herself and the other party was very strange, and she had never heard it before, but for some reason, she could understand the meaning, it seemed to be some kind of universal language.

"Dude, this elf looks very realistic, but the skin is too dark..." Solana shook her head in confusion, struggled to sit up, only to feel sore all over her body, looking at the strange environment that was completely unfamiliar around her, "By the way, this is Where?"

"How dare you mock the dark elf's skin color! You damn human!" The anime enthusiast reacted, furious, his hands rattled, and solana saw the arc flash, and was instantly knocked several meters away, paralyzed body involuntarily He twitched, and there was a scorching smell in the air.

"Sli! Get out!" Despite punishing solana, the sharp voice of the anime enthusiast was still full of anger.

A short black figure rushed over, which was a strange guy with red skin, short stature, ugly appearance, and two rows of sharp teeth were faintly visible in his wide mouth.

"Respected Master Ardas, the humble servant Sli is waiting to be dispatched, you are the most evil and greatest potion master in the entire demon world..."

The voice was full of flattery and flattery, but Ardas was in a bad mood and couldn't listen to such boring flattery. He shouted, "Stop those hypocritical tricks! You lazy little devil, you are just Just a handyman! Did you give him the wrong potion just now?"

Sili was startled and said quickly, "Absolutely not. Just now, according to the instructions of the master, I used the real medicine in the No. 3 medicine bottle."

"Real potion? So he said he was sarcastic about me saying the truth?" Ardas's gloomy tone made Sally sweat coldly, "Now go and put this damn guy out of a bottle of blood, and then pour another six. No. Rip Potion!"

Sly didn't dare to be long-winded, and immediately went to the table to pick out the medicine bottle as instructed.

If it hadn't been for the lightning just now, solana would have thought that this was some kind of anime sorority or filming. Seeing this little devil approaching step by step, her heart was instantly filled with fear, and she wanted to struggle with a paralyzed feeling. The body simply cannot obey the control of the brain.

Si Li walked in front of Solana, without using any blade, he stretched out his sharp fingernails and swiped at his arm, and blood spurted out. glass vial with blood.

The capacity of the bottle was not small. When the blood gradually filled up, Solana was already cold and dizzy. After finally refilling the bottle, the villain wiped the wound, and the right to stop the bleeding, he put his claws into his mouth and sucked, with that greedy expression, as if he was tasting the supreme delicacy, and solana's heart went straight. hair.

However, this extra action immediately caused Ardas's dissatisfied snort, Sli shuddered, and did not dare to hesitate, and immediately poured the No. 6 potion into Solana's mouth.

This potion has a faint sweetness in the mouth, but the opposite is its terrifying effect. After a while, solana's whole body began to feel severe pain, and every inch of skin seemed to be torn apart. He was the first in his life. The second time I suffered this kind of pain, I couldn't help screaming.

Solana's pained appearance made Aldas show an expression of remorse, and nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that the tearing potion is very effective. I don't know if the human body is resistant to the real potion, or is there something wrong with the bottle of medicine just now?"

Ardas knew that the most powerful effect of the tearing potion was still to come, so he was too lazy to listen to Solana's screams, and ordered: "Sli! Take him to the dungeon to guard him well, and starve him for one night! If one day he is in the test If you die, I don't mind giving you the body as food."

Sili was overjoyed, and a series of flattering words blurted out, only to listen to Ardas's tone with a sinister twist: "But once I find out that you have another attempt to steal food, you are the next experiment!"

Sally stayed in the laboratory for a long time, and when he thought of the tragic conditions of the previous experiments, he shivered with fright, nodded, and immediately dragged solana out of the house.

The little inferior demon had a lot of strength. He dragged solana all the way and bumped it all the way to a dark and damp basement, and threw it in.

"Hurry up and die, dammit! Lord Sli has never tasted the taste of human beings!" Contrary to his humble and respectful appearance in front of Ardas, the villain kicked solana a few times arrogantly. , licking the finger that had been stained with blood incessantly, with greed flashing in his small eyes, he finally did not dare to disobey Ardas's order, closed the cell door, and jumped out one step at a time.

Solana was just struggling to turn over when the pain in her body suddenly increased tenfold, she couldn't help screaming again, and a mysterious voice suddenly sounded in her mind: "I found an unknown poisonous substance, do you absorb and activate the super system?"

Solana was in excruciating pain, and she responded casually, and a chill came from her heart for no reason, which quickly spread throughout the body, and the pain actually weakened significantly.

"The energy supply is insufficient, the system startup progress is 0.5%, and more energy is needed to complete it." There was a "ding" sound in his mind again, and then he disappeared without a trace.

wait, system? what is this?

When solana reacted, the voice never appeared again, could it be an illusion?

Solana didn't have time to think about it, because he was already stunned by the amount of information that was immediately added to his mind. When he first woke up, he felt that there were a lot of memories in his head that he didn't have before. After all this tossing, these memory fragments have been automatically digested and absorbed.

It turns out that he is no longer the original solana, but a young man named Arthur, and this is not the earth, it is another world at all.

It really is soul crossing! As an otaku who likes to read online novels from the starting point, solana reacted immediately.

Solana's parents died early, and her only closest grandfather passed away last year, so she didn't care too much. The problem is, I have heard of a lot of rebirth through transmigration, but I have never heard of such a sad reminder!

Solana learned from Arthur's incomplete memory fragment that this space is a magical world. "Arthur" seems to be a descendant of a nobleman. He is twenty years old. After arriving in such a place full of demons, he was caught and sent to the laboratory of the enthusiast Ardas, and began a tragic career as an experimental product.

The human world Arthur lives in includes humans, elves, dwarves and other races, and now this place is likely to be the legendary demon world that is hostile to humans!

The demons are a powerful race. They were expelled to the abyss world with harsh environment because they were defeated by the human coalition in the ancient war, and the entrance was also blocked by the powerful enchantment force.

Despite this, the demons have always given up their attempts to return to the ground. Every five hundred years, the entrance to the barrier will weaken, which is the beginning of the war between the two sides. It's just that the Demon Race is equally tragic, and has never achieved a final victory in history.

Just three hundred years ago, in the most recent war, under the command of the first powerhouse Bai Ye. Lucifer, the allied forces of the demons caused heavy casualties, but as before, the final victory still belongs to "light and justice", Bai Ye. .Lucifer was killed by the strong human, and the defeated demon army was forced to withdraw to the demon world.

Arthur's memory of the Demon Race is limited to this. In fact, there are many strong people in the human world with swords breaking rivers and fists cracking mountains. However, Arthur is a standard waste material. His specialty is eating, drinking, and having fun. If Arthur's soul is still there, solana will grab this kid's neck and roar: How can you have such a superb specialty!

The reality is that this guy has been completely freed from the torture of Ardas medicine, and then he has to face the tragic successor solana.

What would a weak human with no power do in a world full of demons? Experiment? food?

The more solana thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she regretted the cruel act of pressing "confirm" at the time. She had scolded that stupid phone a thousand times in her heart, but now there is no regret medicine to take.

In his previous life, he was an otaku. He was a good player in reading novels, playing games, and forums, but he had never been involved in martial arts fighting. Even if he knew both hands, it would not work in this magical world. How to survive?

Solana thought about it for a long time and still couldn't do anything. In the dual exhaustion of body and mind, she finally fell asleep.