
House warming

Did you get rid of the short gowns I got you? Iris said as she checked through Alicia's wardrobe. I told I do not like dresses like that,it makes me feel like a slut.... Okay! okay! just put of something,look nice and come downstairs,you can't be in here forever,Iris interrupted Alicia. Mum,wait! Sh*t, Alice said.

Friendship or apology? Alex asked. How am I supposed to apologize or become her friend? Dinah asked with a confused time. Figure that out yourself,Alex said as he went to where the other people were celebrating.

I will just go downstairs for a while as she told me,must I come downstairs? Argh! okay calm down Alice, nobody's gonna bite,Alice said with her ever so confident look as she walked downstairs.

Alicia,come here,Iris called out to her beautiful daughter. Say hi to Mrs Vick,Iris said. Hello ma'am,Alice greeted. Oh my gosh,you look just like your mother,so beautiful,I would definitely mistake you for your mother,I have a daughter at your age, would you like to make her your friend here? Jake (Mrs Vick) asked. How would you mistake me for her? haha she looks younger,iris interrupted. Alice meet Mrs Anderson (Tina) ,Iris said. Hello Mrs Anderson,Alice greeted. Hello Alice,you look beautiful,Tina greeted. Greet Mrs Walker (Janet). Hello sweet,I know you will cope... you're as strong as your mum,Jane said as she smiled. Alice could not help but feel warmth from her smile but the warmth was soon destroyed as cold liquid was splashed on her body.

Dinah saw Alive as she came downstairs. I really need to be her friend. Her life has been boring so far. We live in the same compound but she only came out once. What should I do to get her attention? Dinah's eyes lit up as she got an idea. Hello,can I get a drink,cold one,Dinah said. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to ruin your cloth,Dinah apologized as she cleaned Alice cloth with the handkerchief she prepared. Alice didn't move or talk. Dinah,must you cause a scene here too? Jake said as she scolded her daughter. I didn't mean to mum,Dinah said. it's fine Jake,Alice take Dinah to your room and both of you should clean up, give her a tour around,Iris said. I'm sorry but I would love to see how your room looks like,Dinah said.

Why did you have to pour a cold drink on my body?Alice asked as she stopped midway. I'm sorry for everything Alicia,Dinah said. You know my name? Alicia was suprised. My mum talks about how your mum talks about you,Dinah said as she walked towards Alicia's room. You know my room too? Alice asked with a suprised face. Your room is the one with the open view,I mean where there is nothing but glass,Dinah said. How do you know that? Alice asked. my room is facing yours and I also have that beautiful view in my room,our parents got a house in the same compound after all,Dinah said. They could have just separated the houses to prevent pervert act like this,Alice said with a embarrassed look as she entered her room. Don't worry,I won't tell anyone you can dance...I promise,Dinah said as she also entered. Whatever, Alicia said. You cold hearted .... Dinah said. Did you say something? Alice asked. Nope... wanna be my friend? Dinah asked. Nope,Alice said. What if I become your friend? Dinah asked. It doesn't make a difference,Alice said. It does for me...I could think of you as my friend and you might not,you might think of me as your friend,I might not,Dinah said with a pained look as the atmosphere was getting emotional. How about we become friends,I will think of you as my friend...Alice said. Dinah didn't say anything. Besties? Alice added. Dinah's eyes lit as she embraced Alice. We are friends as from today bestie,Dinah said. Alice smiled at how her new friend could be so childish.