
May the Black Light fall!

Quite a standard situation, our guy finds himself in the world of zombie apocalypse with some cheat's, where did it come from if no higher powers did not bestow it on this lucky guy?

Redsa_sss · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1.

So... where do I start? Well, let's start with the fact that I'm dead. How do I know that? Well, if you were walking along a familiar route after work, and the ground shook under your feet, and then it opened up, and you fell in with a bunch of other people, and you felt a whole palette of hopelessness and fear before you suddenly felt pain, and ....

Here you are. What would you think?

Where is this place? I have no idea, there's darkness all around, but there's a bright light ahead... I guess this is what's called the afterlife? Or maybe when I pass through that light, I'll start a new life without my memories?

They say that before death, life flashes before your eyes, so... at the moment of my fall, there was nothing like that, just fear of dying and a mad desire to live, even though I realized it was impossible.

But here I am already approaching this bright and warm light, well... let's hope for the best... .....

When he closed his eyes, the man's body was immersed in this warm light that was like the sun in this dark realm, a moment and then....

- Waaaaaaaah!!! - came the loud cry of a child.

- Congratulations Mrs. Maraisato, you have a boy! - said the doctor happily as he handed the baby to the smiling mother.

- How did it go?! Ai, are you and the baby okay? - shouted the worried husband who rushed into the operating room.

- Everything is fine Imamura, we had a boy - said the woman with a smile, looking happily at her worried husband.

- A boy? I had a son?! - said the man with tears in his eyes, running to his favorite wife and now no less favorite child.

- What shall we call him? - Imamura asked and put his finger into the child's small hand, which he squeezed involuntarily.

- Shijeru - Ai said smiling as she looked at the sleeping baby.

- Shijeru? How about Ozema? - Ai suggested with a smile as the man embraced his wife.

- No, I want Shijeru - the woman insisted, looking at her husband with a pleading look in her eyes.

- I don't mind, from now on our son will be called Shijeru Maresato! - Imamura said contentedly as he kissed his wife.


And that's how I was born... surprisingly.

After my "second" birth, I woke up on a bed in my mother's arms with my father Ai and Imamato Maresato by my side, and my name is now Shijeru of the Maresato family, by the way, as I heard from my father, my name means "the one who excels".

It's like I'm in a manga, rebirth and memory, and my mother is a fan of fancy names, even though her name means "indigo or love," so maybe that's why she gave me that name.

But why am I complaining? They didn't call me Morgenstern, so that's fine, but it's still a cool name, so I have to live up to it!

Anyway, we stayed in the hospital for a while, but then we returned to our home where I was loved and cared for.

What can I say about the world? Well, it is clear that I am in Japan, although I was Russian by nationality, it is surprising that I understood their speech, but I decided not to dwell on it too much, the language will not have to learn, it's already good.

Japan is ordinary, I mean there is no magic, chakras, no cyberpunk and so on, ordinary modern Japan without frills somewhere around the 1990s, since I noticed there are no touch screen phones yet, and the TVs are "thick".

But who knows, some anime also had a regular Japan in the dark with who knows who lurking in the dark! Even Cthulhu could be waiting around a dark corner and you wouldn't know it!

Now about me, am I a killer or what? But the system was not given to me, although it might be given a little later, in some fanfics the system is also not given immediately, I just hope that I do not have to die again for it.

Even though I have enough memory and skills, I will not work for my uncle! I will open some company or bitcoins will rise on bitcoins, but at least rewrite popular literature for money from my world!

Although with the last bummer, I do not have super memory, so I remember the plot approximately, and the writer of me so badly, so it will be an extreme case.

My parents are also ordinary, my dad is a newspaper reporter, and my mom is a housewife, the family is very good and loving, so everything is super!

Six months later.

- Honey, maybe we should take Shijera to the hospital to see a doctor. - Ai asked excitedly, looking at the baby, looking at her husband.

- Honey, we took him to the doctor a while ago, he said he's fine, he just has a more developed stomach, it's unusual but not fatal - Imamura said as he went to work, trying to calm his wife, but he was still worried.

- But... he hasn't soiled his diaper once all day! - Ai said excitedly, looking at her husband sternly and holding the baby even closer to her chest.

- Alright, alright, I'll call the boss and get an excuse, and you get ready, let's go to the hospital - said the man, giving up, hugged his wife and kissed the baby on the forehead.

The wife immediately kissed the man happily on the cheek and ran to get ready, and the man with a smile sighed and took out of his pocket phone and was about to call his boss as....

- Oh! Honey! - Ai shouted and the man was startled and ran into the living room.

Running inside, he looked at his wife with tears of happiness as she looked at the child lying on the table with an open diaper, and there ...

- Honey! Shijeru soiled the diaper! - cried the woman, clinging to the man's neck.

- Oh Buddha, you're driving me crazy, Ai! Anyway, I'm going to work! - Imamura said, exhaled and let go of his wife and walked out.

- Your father doesn't understand anything! - The woman was indignant, her arms at her sides, looking at the closed door.

- And you and I are going to the doctor today anyway! - said the woman, fussing with her baby as she changed his diaper.

After a trip to the hospital and an examination, the woman was told that her child was perfectly healthy and that no problems had been found.

And this was not the first time.

One month after my time in this world, I found that I could easily stand on my own feet and have complete control over my body!

But correction, not just body control, but "perfect" body control, I could run, jump, except I couldn't fly, imagine walking into a bedroom and there was a one month old baby doing the moonwalk!

Of course, all my "tests" were done in secret from my parents and when they pretended to be a child who did not understand anything.

But it was not limited to that, I could also control the internal processes of my body! Everything my body takes in, it assimilates, in other words, I don't produce any waste, at first I thought that was great!

I wouldn't have to shit underneath myself, but my parents were worried, and they immediately took me to be examined, but they didn't find anything in my body and its insides, an ordinary child, they agreed that I just had a well-developed stomach and a fast metabolism.

That's why I had to "slow down" my internal improvements and shit under myself for complete secrecy, today just something a little more relaxed.

The more I grew, the more I learned about my body, apparently the deception still fit me, just not warned.

By the time I was two, I was running too fast, and lifting the big couch in our living room was no problem, I thought I had Kryptonian superpowers! But I still couldn't fly.

I decided to test my skin for strength and then... bummer... I'm not Kryptonian, eh....

Anyway, stabbing my arm with a knife is painful... luckily I clamped the wood with my teeth just in case, so my mom didn't hear my painful moan.

I quickly took the knife out of my hand and wanted to run to the first aid kit, but then I noticed that the wound healed in an instant! No pain, as if nothing had happened! Wolverine, you say? Let him go, my regeneration is better!

And now I'm five years old, and my mom took me to kindergarten.

- Hello Shijeru-kun, I'm your teacher Suzuna Komiyabashi, but you can just call me Suzuna! - The teacher greeted the boy cheerfully.

At that moment, Shijeru's brow furrowed and he gave her a serious look that the teacher didn't know how to react to.

- Henchman of the Empire! You should know that this Chaosite will never accept this imprisonment! I will surely escape from this prison and open the gates of the Warp, for glory! - I began my pathos speech when a sudden attack came from the right.

- Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi! Maaaaaam! - I was defeated by the chief servant of the Empire who used an insidious trick!

- Shut up! - Ai shouted sternly at her son, holding him by the ear.

- Forgive his rudeness, Komiyabashi-san, he's been watching too much TV, so he's talking nonsense," the embarrassed mother looked at the teacher with an apologetic smile.

- I'll have to turn the TV on less," she looked at her child unhappily.

- Torture won't work on me! I won't tell you anything! In glory... ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya - I continued, but my mother interrupted me.

- You'll be without television for a month! - she threatened sternly, pulling harder on my ear.

- ... - After hearing a very real threat, this chaosite wisely decided to keep quiet.

- Please take care of him - after making sure the child had calmed down, Ai turned to the teacher with a smile.

- Yes... of course, Shijeru-kun, come with me and I'll introduce you to your new friends," the teacher said smiling.

I took her hand and walked into the building, but when I turned around, I saw my mother's stern look that said, "Don't you dare do anything.

What about me? What about me? I'm a child! I'm entitled! Can I at least fool around in my second life?

- Guys, can I have your attention, please? - The teacher called for the kids' attention as soon as we entered the classroom.

- This is Shijeru-kun, please take care of him! - Suzuna said with a smile as she introduced me to the children.

They looked at me with interest, but then quickly returned to their games.

"Oooooh, this is going to be fun," I thought to myself, and a broad smile involuntarily crept onto my face, making the teacher cringe.


- How did you behave, Shijeru? - My mother asked me as I put on my shoes.

- Good! - I smiled broadly.

- Did you like it? Did you make new friends? - Ai asked with a smile, looking at her son's happy face.

- Of course I did! - I nodded contentedly.

- Ha-ha-ha! Okay, let's go home - the woman mumbled, taking the child by the hand.

- Ah, wait mom! - I said, grabbing her hand and running out into the middle of the hall where the other parents were dressing their children.

Ai was amused by this action, thinking that her son wanted to say goodbye to his friends in person, but when he stomped his foot with a serious face and the children looked at him seriously, Ai became worried.

- Blood for the god of blood! - I shouted, raising my fist in the air.

- Skulls for the throne of skulls! - The rest of the boys and girls responded in unison, raising their fists in the air.

All the parents looked at their children with shock and surprise, and Ai blushed with embarrassment and covered her face with her hands.

I nodded with a satisfied face and ran back to my mother, and the "Taming the Chaosite" technique was sharply applied to me.

- What did you tell everyone? - Pulling my ear, the head of the Empire tortured me.

- Ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya!!! Nothing! - I replied without giving in to the torture!

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry! - My mother started to apologize, and I didn't understand what the problem was?

- Don't worry Maresato-san, they're just kids! - Some woman laughed.

- That's interesting! - said the man who laughed.

The rest of the parents took it as just another joke or game suggested by the new kid who appeared in the kindergarten and didn't mind.

But my mother apologized again and dragged me home.

- Can you imagine! - complained about me as we sat down to dinner as a family.

- Ha-ha-ha! No, why? The Empire never sleeps, and the Vacta Portal must be open! Right, son? - Dad laughed merrily.

- Warp Dad! V.A.R.P.A.! - I corrected my father by throwing some rice in my mouth.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, right, sorry - Imamura enjoyed stroking his son's head.

- It's because of your indulgence that he says that everywhere," Ai sighed and gave her son an extra bowl of miso soup with a slight smile as she watched him devouring it.

- Come on Ai, he's a kid, there's nothing wrong with him making up stories, he's even made a lot of friends because of it, isn't that good? - said the still cheerful head of the Maresato family.

- Ai sighed and gave up trying to convince her husband, smiling affectionately as Imamura stroked the child's head and asked him for details about the Warp and the Empire.

Anyway, I made friends with the kids in my group, we played and got along well, they often asked me to tell them the history of Warhammer, and I didn't mind, so we spent our time like that, and then we got a bunch of new blood!

- Rei-chan, Saya-chan, Hisashi-kun and Komuro-kun were introduced to the four newcomers.

Of course, after the teacher left, I and my entourage went to meet the new blood! Seeing me and my entourage, two guys tensed up a bit and stood up to cover the girls.

- Are you servants of the empire? - I asked the question.

- What? - The whole foursome replied without understanding.

- You were asked if you are spies of the Empire! - repeated my husband.

- Empire? - Komuro interjected.

I stopped acting like an evil man and smiled at the boys.

- Friends, judging by their faces, they're not heretics! We can relax! - I said, and the children returned to their games with joy and laughter.

- Do you wish to join the forces of Chaos and open the Covenant Gates of the Warp? - I asked, holding out my hand pathetically.

- I don't understand," Hisashi said, and for some reason the girls in the back went "hee-hee.

- My name is Shijeru, nice to meet you," I said with a smile.

- А?! I'm Hisashi, nice to meet you too! - He smiled as he shook my hand.

- I'm Komuro! - A boy with brown hair came out and shook my hand with a smile.

- And you girls? - I turned to the girls who had already come out from behind the boys.

- I'm Rae! - the girl with long hair replied happily.

- I'm Saya," the pink-haired girl said glumly and then turned her head away with a sneer.

Even if the teacher introduced you like that, it's a nice way to get to know each other! Now let's start recruiting!

- How about joining our ranks? - I asked, looking at the newcomers.

- What's this? - Rei asked.

- I'll explain everything! - I said conspiratorially, rubbing my hands together with a smile.


The newcomers joined our "party", but we don't actually do anything like that, I just tell different stories, we each play different games, and sometimes we play together, of course.

I've become friends with the newcomers more than the rest of the group, Rei is my little sister, and Hisashi and Komuro are good friends and my personal "bodyguards", but what kind of Chaos Lord am I without guards?

Saya is a nuisance! She's always rude and impolite! She brags about how smart she is and how she's an adult and doesn't play with children!

And when I offered her the position of my deputy, she was all ears and asked about the conditions.

Another pink-haired Tsundereka in our company, but as they say, not everything is good, once when several groups of children including ours were out for a walk, our Rei was attacked by little shits from another group!

- I told you that's my teddy bear! - Rei said with tears in her eyes, holding the teddy bear tightly in her arms.

- And I want it for myself! - the leader of the trio said with a satisfied smile as he approached Rei.

Seeing this indignation, I walked over and covered Rei with my back, crossing my arms over my chest and looking straight at the trio.

The leader and the other two boys frowned at me, they knew about me and they knew that I was the leader of my group!

- This doesn't concern you, Shijeru! Get lost! - The leader of the trio spoke to me demandingly.

- You attacked the little sister of that Chaos Lord and you say it's none of my business? - I asked him with my head tilted to the side.

- Shijeru warning! - he said and showed me his fist.

- I waved my hand at him.

The leader didn't want to get into a fight with Shijeru, but he couldn't back down in front of his subordinates.

- Take this! - he shouted and ran towards me with his fists.

I just grinned and grabbed his fist, spinning him around so that he flew back to his subordinates and fell right on top of them.

- I'll remember this for you! - he shouted at me as his friends picked him up and he ran in the opposite direction.

- Huh! Ugh! Wretched heretics! - I didn't miss the opportunity to show off.

- Shijeru *shmug* I was *shmug* so scared! - Rei jumped on me, sniffling, and like a good big brother, I hugged her and stroked her head, letting her cry.

- It's okay, there are no bad bullies, they won't hurt you anymore," I said in a soothing tone.

- Ray! - Ray called worriedly as the trio ran towards us.

- Who did this to Ray?! Just say the word and I'll beat them up! - Komuro shouted angrily and looked around.

- Komuro calm down, Shijeru has already taken care of everything," Hisashi reassured his comrade.

- Shut up, both of you! Rei, are you hurt? - Saya sat down worriedly next to Rei.

- No *sniff* Shijeru saved me," the girl replied with her face buried in my chest.

- Heretics were humiliated and punished by this Chaosite! - I raised my head proudly and Saya nodded in agreement while the boys showed their big sticks.