
Max Level Merchant: There’s no money in heroing

Money makes the world go round. In almost all cases, the amount of money you have determines your power and status, and in a fantasy world of wonder and magic, it’s no different. Ex hero candidate Luka Randz knew this better than anyone, he also knew that, as far as risk and return goes, being a hero was of no real profit to him, which is why he left that goal behind, and any chance of being the “main character” with it. Now he rises up the ranks of society as the greatest side character role: the merchant, where the money is. Allies, enemies and everything in between await Luka in his quest to reign supreme on the battlefield of marketing and trade and become the richest man in the world.

CerberusBlack · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

New Frontiers, Evil Nears

"Untie me now you beasts!" Marrinette cried. "Do you know who I am?! You filthy worms have no idea who you're dealing with!"

"I know you're a pain in the ass" Luka responded. "Anyway let's get down to business. Why the hell did you attack my ship, midget?"

"Midget?!" Marrinette shouted angrily. "You jackass! I don't have to tell you a damn thing anyway. The Boss will come and get me and when he does you're a dead man walking! You'll see!"

Luka was mocking her by having his hands move like a talking mouth. "Blah blah blah, typical villain quote. I've read enough fiction to know the procedure with your type" Luka said. "Either way, maybe some drastic measures need to be put in place to get you to talk"

Marrinette starts feeling agitated. "Uuuuh what do you mean by that".

Luka wasted no time in punching her in the gut, shocking everyone present. It was even more shocking when Marrinette was completely fine, at least physically.

"What the-" Marrinette thought. "He punched me! I felt my bones break from that! I would've died if he didn't use healing magic at the same time! This guy's a monster!"

"What the hell is your problem?!" The Puppeteer screamed.

"You should be focusing on catching your breath" Luka responded. "Another punch is hot and ready right now". This put Marrinette in deep distress.

"Take your time, we've got all day~"

"Luka, don't you think this is a bit….much?" Emilia queried. This prompted Luka to give her a side eye.

"Girl pleaaase" he said back. "This woman out to kill you. If she had her way you'd be dead right now. The fact that the thought even crossed your mind to show her mercy is ridiculous in my opinion"

Emilia relented for a bit before saying "You're right, but even so, by the way of the Hero's Code, I forgive her. No one should have thi-"

Luka rolled his eyes before interrupting. "Uuuugh can you let go of the self righteous bullshit for five seconds" Luka grumbles. "I know that the Hero's Code thingy says that you 'shouldn't torment the defeated' or whatever, but those are silly principles, specifically, your silly principles. I'm no hero, so when someone attacks me, my ship and my passengers, I'm gonna use my own methods to make them talk, not your flimsy 'Hero's pride'"

The frustrated Hero Emilia then drew the Evil Vanquishing Sword from its scabbard, and pointed it at Luka. "Shut your mouth, you money-grubbing rat" she said. "I've grown sick of your constant bad mouthing of what the Hero represents". Luka's signature smile began to form.

"My My, Lil' Emilia~" Luka said, mockingly. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you planned on doing something about it"

Emilia swung her sword at her only for it to be stopped in its tracks by small barrier separating the blade and the merchant.

"'A hero must never draw their sword against a civilian'… is that not part of the Hero's Modus Operandi? If you're gonna talk to me about Hero lore, let's not cherrypick it" Luka said, continuing to look down on the Hero.

"I think we can make an exception after what you did at the Academ-" Emilia said before magic chains bound her and her sword.

"Aaaaaand that's enough out of you" Luka said, leaving her entangled in chains. "Anywho~, back to you, Puppet Girl. Who do you work for. I'll give you a countdown to the next punch to give you some time to collect your thoughts. By the way, I can tell when you're lying~"

Marrinette began struggling for freedom as Luka counted down. "5…4…3…2…"

"Fine! fine! The organisation is called the Puppet's Hand-" said Marrinette before being punched in the gut again.

"Oh." Blue said, monotonously.

"Didn't she just give you an answer?" Viktor said.

"She lied" Luka retorted.

"How the hell did you know that?!" Marrinette said, gathering her breath.

"I'm a businessman" He responded. "Now let's do this one more time"

"Fine! You win! I work for an organisation named Blackened Gold!" The distressed Puppeteer cried, spilling all her info. "We're an underground organisation who wish to gain the power to stand at the pinnacle of this society! There are 7 people like me who work directly under The Boss, we're known as The Brokers and we carry his orders out directly as well as give orders to lower ranks! I was given orders to stop The Hero's Party and the Princess from getting to Hurm and kill everyone on this ship except the Princess! That's it! Please! No more!"

"Huh, so you're one of his personal lackies?" Luka said. "Even so, a few things aren't adding up. For example, why didn't you want these two at Hurm to begin with?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" She responded. Her attitude quickly changed as Luka prepared another punch. "Ok ok ok! We're planning an attack in Hurm but I'm not even involved in the main operation! I was just tasked to stop you guys from meddling! That's the truth!"

"They're planning something in Hurm?" Rebecca repeated. "If the people involved are as sting as her, it may be an issue"

"This could definitely get in the way of business if nothing's done" Luka added.

"Business?" Aiden said. "Seriously, people could get hurt"

"Oh. Yeah that would be bad if my pool of customers got reduced" Luka said, nonchalantly.

As everyone was bickering, Marrinette used one of her wooden fingers that she wiggled free in order to send a puppet string to Rebecca , who she controlled to throw her sword at her confinements to free her.

"She caught us!" Zaine shouted, aiming a spell circle at Marrinette, but at that same moment, a large beast emerged from the depths, ask enormous creature with fins and a tail, and a large, crystal-esque horn in its head.

"An Abyssal Monoceros" Blue said, surprisingly calmly. "What's it doing here? Nothing should've attracted it and its stomping ground is far away from here"

Zaine then shouts "Look! On its head!" As he pointed attention to a fevered puppet hand floating above the Narwal.

"That's the one I broke off her some time ago" Luka said. "She could still control it?"

"She had us fooled from the jump" Misha said.

The turbulence was enough to shake The Puppeteer loose, allowing her to get away.

"Hah! You parasites are gonna pay for manhandling me!" She said. "Monoceros! Sink 'em!"

The Monoceros prepared magic attacks as everyone panicked, excluding Blue and Luka.

"Whoever beats the whale first wins" Blue said to her brother.

"You're on, loser~" Luka responded mockingly.

"Are these two serious!?" Aiden shouted.

"You get used to it" Zaine responded as the siblings began to fight the monster.

"Activating Unique Skill: Equalizer! Target Luka!" Blue cried before readying her weapon.

"Simple Magic: Consecutive Blast! Multicast!"' Luka shouted, firing a barrage of magical projectiles at the beast.

This was followed up with Blue chanting "Water Magic: Riptide!" As she swung her water magic-infused claymore over and over as the damage of their combined onslaught began taking a toll on the aquatic menace.

"Dammit! I can't tell who the monster is. The whale or them?" Marrinette thought. "But the Monoceros has a skill that allows it to open warp gates to other locations! I can use it to get back to base while I still can!"

"Alright my puppet! Change of plans, we're outta here!" She said before the narwal opened a warp tunnel in the sky and began flying towards it.

"She's getting away!" The now free Hero exclaimed.

"Not if I've got anything to say about it" Luka said before chanting "Metal Magic: Steel Skewer!", sending multiple steel spikes at the whale, impaling it. "Heh, fodder"

"Like I'm losing to you!" Blue shouted. "Greater Water Magic: Judgment Swords of Azure Deep!" And with that incantation hundreds upon hundreds of water swords formed around her and fired at the Monoceros. In response, the Monoceros casted spells in every direction, causing the twins to manoeuvre around them.

Luka then smiled before saying "Simple magic: Slash!" Sending a flying slash projectile at the Monoceros' horn. An Abyssal Monoceros' power is channelled through its horn, without it, it cannot use magic. It is also the only part of its body it cannot regenerate. This means that, after Luka cut it, its magical abilities reduced to nothing. This allowed the twins to finish it with a flurry of attacks, but not before Luka grabbed the severed horn in the hopes of making money off of it.

At last the threat subsided and nothing of value was damaged. However, when everyone looked around, Marrinette had vanished.

"Dammit! She must've used taken the gate before it closed!" Emilia said.

"Fiddlesticks" Blue said in annoyance.

Luka looked at her, smiling with an eyebrow raised. "Fiddlesticks?" He said, mockingly.

"Do you have an issue with how I speak?" Blue asked.

"No one says that anymore, sis" Luka said, laughing. "You're talking like you're pushing 60 years old!"

"You won't make it to 60 when I'm done with you"

"Oh, my bad grandma"

Zaine then interjected saying "so who won the challenge?" Before they both responded with "me!"

"Bullshit!" Blue shouted. "I clearly got the last blow"

"You clearly took a blow to the head" Luka retorts. "Because if your brain was working you'd know that was me"

"You tacky sunglasses were clearly blocking your vision, otherwise you would've seen that it was me" the sister responded. This caused Luka to kiss his teeth in annoyance.

"TACKY?!" Luka shouted, before regaining his composure. "Well, it's always raggedy clothed pirates trying to talk on something they could never afford, if you couldn't plunder yourself some bread thats your own damn issue~", Blue took offence to this remark.

"PIRATE!?" She shouted. "I'm a sailor for your information!"

"What's the difference?" Luka knew the difference, but also knows that calling Blue a pirate is what irritates her the most. "You're broke regardless"

"Well at least I'm not wearing a suit that looks like it was bought out of a bargain section" Blue said back.

There was a large pause, then Luka takes his sunglasses off to show an extremely distasteful look.

"There was a line and you crossed it. You're finished!" Luka said, preparing magic circles.

"Well I guess you'll just lose again~" Blue said, mockingly.

"Guys, look!" Viktor said, pointing to the distance. It was the harbour.

"Ugh finally" Luka said. "I've had more than my fair share of sea issues for one day"

Before long, they made it to the harbour and docked.

"Well, we should be off. Lucia's and our transport to Newbud City should be here any minute" Emilia says, preparing fir her group to depart.

"Slow your roll. In case you forgot, we still have a lot to unpack with the whole Puppeteer fiasco we just went through" Luka pointed out. "So get your gold-plated ass over here"

Everyone gathered round as Luka began to speak. "So this 'Blackened Gold' group. Unfortunately I couldn't rinse more intel on what they are out of her, but they're bad news, and have plans for Hurm specifically. This is all the more reason to stay on our toes. Especially Emilia and her goon squad"

"Goon squad?!" Charlie said. "How could yo-"

"Quit your yammerin' already" Luka said, cutting her off. "Lil Emilia and her party, as well as Lucia, need to proceed with caution. Remember, Marrinette's targets were you two, so this group saw you both as a threat to whatever scheme they have in store for this kingdom. After the stunt me and Blue pulled, no doubt they see us as threats too. Because of this, it's best that you stay with me and the rest of the Inventory crew for the time being, B"

"Eeeh sure. I'm just going to the Adventurer's guild so it's not like I'm in a hurry" she responded.

"Cool. Belamonds, you two will accompany the hero's party and Lucia to do whatever they're doing"

"Uuuum Luka….. there are 4 w-w-w-w-women there" Zagritz said, fearfully. Zagritz is deathly afraid of women, betraying his serious an stern exterior.

"You wait just a minute!" Emilia interjected. "Who are you to decide who comes with my team?! We've got enough to deal with, they're not coming"

"Oh what a pity" Luka responded with the usual sarcastic tone. "Good thing they don't act on your orders. They act on mine. Also it's clear you make light of the current situation. If we trust the accuracy of the Puppet Girl's words, this is a big operation. So these guys will have tons of goons working for them if they're as big a group as they say. We'll also be dealing with at least two people who are as strong as Marrinette roughly. Worst case scenario - they're stronger. If it were me I can take them solo, but you lot are another story. The more firepower you've got, the better. They're magicians so they'd make better supporters for you than Becca and Viktor. Besides, I need those two here"

"Sorry, Madam Hero" Zaine says to Emilia, apologetically. "Whatever the boss says goes, Elder Brother and I will do our best to not get in your way. Besides, the boss is right"

Emilia gives in.

"Now as for the rest of us, we'll do what we came here to do, then we'll help B with her Adventurer stuff. If we see anything relating to Blackened Gold, we'll let Emilia know".

"So" Emilia said. "What're you gonna do about all this?"

"Not a damn thing if I can help it" Luka responded with nonchalance. "I'm not the hero. There's no reason for me to take any direct action unless i'm being affected or they actually start causing major destruction. Stomping these guys out is your job"

Emilia scoffs, but is unable to retort this fact. They all then set off to their respective destinations.

"I'm no hero" Luka thought as the carriage was taking him, Viktor and Rebecca to Newbud. "It's not my responsibility to deal with these guys. But if they get in the way of business, or people start getting hurt…. I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to take action…"

Back at the unknown headquarters of Blackened Gold, Marrinette returned and kneeled before the round table, defeated, as her fellow brokers sat around and 'The Boss' sat at the head.

"Boss. I regret to report that I failed in defeating the targets" Marrinette said with a heavy heart.

"Pathetic" a male broker said. "Such a simple task yet you couldn't do even that. Such betrayal of The Boss' expectations deserves to be punishable"

"Aaaawwww don't be like thaaat~" a female broker said back. "Being pathetic has a bit of a cute side to it, don't you think?"

"We'll have to agree to disagree on that note…" he said back.

"You two shut it! You don't understand what happened there! There's a reason!" Marrinette shouted in defence.

"No one cares for your excuses! You tried. You failed. That's the end of it! You've done an injustice to The Bo-" the man said before being interrupted.

"Ssshhhhh" 'Boss' said, calmingly but authoritatively. "My dear brokers, please let us settle. If Marrinette says she has a reason, it's only right that we hear it. Go on, Marrinette. The floor is yours"

"Your kindness knows no bounds, Boss" she responds. "On that ship, I would've carried out my mission if it wasn't for an unexpected third party. It was that merchant! He doesn't look it, but he's powerful. Many times more powerful than even me! No doubt he's a threat that must be quickly taken care of before he causes issues"

"Hah! What a noob!" A male voice spoke. "You're a broker but you lost to a mere merchant?! That's hilarious"

"I'm serious! That merchant is tough!"

"Everyone, everyone. Let's calm down" 'Boss said, silencing the brokers. "Come, Puppeteer"

Marrinette walks towards his throne and kneels down. 'The Boss' then begins to run her head. "You have my gratitude for bringing this information" he said, delighting Marrinette. "And yet…it's a shame"

Suddenly a dark aura manifests from his hand and Marrinette starts to feel discomfort.

"Boss! No! Please! I'll get the Hero and the Princess and that merchant! Just give me another chance! I beg of you!" Marrinette pleads as she struggles and fails to free herself from 'The Boss's' grasp.

"In any business, contracts are fundamentally important" 'Boss' explains as Marrinette grunts and struggles. "Contracts between a Boss and his brokers are no different. If people breach contract, it can disturb the very foundation of a business. To mitigate the effects, it's down to the boss to stamp out such problems as they sprout, before they take root in the soil that is the empire he's built. Marrinette, you were tasked with killing that ships passengers and stopping that ship from reaching Hurm. You broke our agreement, and thus you too will be stomped out"

"PLEEEAAAASE!" Marrinette begs before a ball of mass, no bigger than a baseball, is pulled out from her by 'The Boss' and she stumbles to the ground, weakened. The leader sat relaxed in his thrown before he ate the ball of mass he absorbed from the woman.

"Dispose of her" he demands two guards, who carry her out of the room. "Swiftly moving on, business will continue as planned. We will use the demon forces we've recruited, as well as our own manpower, to bring down the Hurm Royal family, and Newbud city in the process. We throw the kingdom into turmoil and then we come in and give the weak an opportunity to have us govern the country.this will be a big step in our project. For this, I will be counting on both of your respective divisions: Dande and Caroline"

"If you will it, then I will bring down the hammer if justice upon anyone that stands against us" Dande says.

"My my~ this'll be fun~" Caroline playfully says.

"Here are your orders:" the 'Boss' spoke. Crush Newbud City and make sure the Hero and the merchant can't interfere. Kill them if you must"

With the defeat of one threat, two new problems emerge as a dark cloud begins to loom over the kingdom of Hurm, with Luka and co caught right in the middle of the whole thing. It won't be long until the time to take action arrives.

Sorry for late publishing. irl stuff happened lol. my bad. 1-2 chapters a week from here on out!!!

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