
Mauzarella and the Rangers of R.O.E.S.

Mauzarella is the best Space Ranger in the galaxy... or so she claims. Follow her and the Rangers of the Organized Exoplanet Systems as they fight against Catnip, the terrible Mob Boss and ruler of the underworld. The path ahead will take Mauzarella to discover one of the biggest secrets of the galaxy and maybe from the entire universe. This story takes inspiration in the early 90's cartoons along many retro Space Fantasy titles like Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Space Ace and many others. A new chapter will be released every week if everything goes right. One last thing, I'm not a native English speaker, I'm trying my best to get the texts right so please be kind.

H_R_Pedroz · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Lights Out

The industrial complex is pitch black due to the eclipse that is taking place and the electrical failure caused by the brothers. Mauzarella and Maple are reaching the only source of light source, which was the fire caused by the explosion of the cargo ship.

Maple: How can someone survive that?

Mauzarella: I don't know, but that makes them very dangerous. We have to stop them no matter how.

Maple: Do you have an idea?

Mauzarella: They shouldn't be too far away, we can still catch them.

Mauzarella analyzes the surroundings, there are warehouses, heavy machinery, construction materials and a small port from where ships sail filled with large containers which were moved by giant cranes.

Mauzarella: I think I have it. See that crane over there?

Maple: The big one?

Mauzarella: This is what we are going to do...

Not far from there, Rubble and Shrapnel look for some transport to get out of there, but since everything is automated in the place, there are no ships that they can use.

Shrapnel: Those Rangers are going to pay. We were chosen by the Serpent Goddess, this is an insult to her greatness.

Rubble: Not to mention we didn't get the offerings she asked for.

Shrapnel: Right now, what we have to do is flee. Keep looking for a ship we can steal.

At that moment a voice that seems to come from a loudspeaker, breaks the silence.

Voice: Attention all personnel, due to power outages, the last transport will leave the loading area in 5 minutes.

Shrapnel: That's our chance, we'll steal that transport and we'll meet with the Goddess.

Rubble: Hey Bro, isn't there supposed to be a black out? Where's that voice coming from?

Shrapnel: OH! HEY...! You're right, for once you used that brain of yours.

Rubble: It must be the blessing of the Goddess.

Shrapnel: Yes, that must be it. Maybe it's the Rangers who want to catch us, we're going to show them that we're smarter than them.

The explosive brothers follow the sound of the loudspeaker, until they reach a courtyard filled with large stacked shipping containers, forming a dead end that is intermittently illuminated by emergency lights.

Mauzarella is standing under one of those lamps right in the middle of the courtyard, emitting the message that was heard.

The Ranger, who cannot see well in the dark, realizes that a silhouette enters the place.

Mauzarella: Welcome, I'm glad you could join us, we're about to serve tea and cookies...

The silhouette enters the lit area. It was just Shrapnel walking slowly towards Mauzarella.

Mauzarella: Hey, where's the other guy?

Shrapnel: I'm so sorry, babe, it's just you and me here.

Mauzarella: It's a shame, I was hoping we could all have fun together.

Shrapnel continues walking until he is close to the Ranger.

Shrapnel: Don't worry, you'll be surprised how much fun I can be.

Shrapnel begins to extend his hand toward the Ranger, when Maple's voice cuts into Mauzarella's comlink.

Maple: He's in place. It's now or never.

Mauzarella: Do it, We'll take care of the other one later!

Hearing this, Shrapnel takes a step back and turns around, looking for Maple, only to discover that he is standing right under a container that holds the crane they were talking about earlier.



Mauzarella: Oh, Nuts...

Shrapnel, who for a moment seemed surprised, recovers his arrogant attitude and turns his gaze to Mauzarella.

Shrapnel: What a coincidence, we had the same idea.

The exploding mouse whistles loudly and immediately Debris falls from the highest point, right on top of Mauzarella, crushing her making a sound that echoes around the place.


Mauzarella is still conscious, but cannot even squeal, as the weight of the large mouse has taken her breath away.

Rubble: He he, it tickles.

Shrapnel: Let's get this over with, let's see if she can withstand an explosion. Rubble, blow up!

Rubble turns to his brother a bit concerned.

Rubble: Eh... Bro? I have no bombs left...

Shrapnel: WHAT!?

Rubble: I thought you had.

Shrapnel: I don't have any left!

Rubble: Maybe we use them all.


Rubble: Sorry Bro... It's my fault.

Maple begins to shout from the top of the crane.


Shrapnel: The other Ranger! Rubble, finish her off while I take care of the squirrel.

Rubble: Yes Bro. I will make you proud.

Shrapnel runs to the base of the crane, while Rubble gets to his feet and picks up the barely conscious Mauzarella, holding her by her suit, as if she were a dead animal.

Rubble: My brother told me to finish you off, but don't take it personally, I have to obey.

Mauzarella, barely able to move, materializes her gun and points it at Rubble's face, who instinctively throws her against the nearest containers, making her smash and leave a dent on them, before falling to the ground motionless.

Meanwhile, Maple, who had barely finished getting off the crane, turns to see how Shrapnel's fist passes just above her head impacting against the metal structure, leaving a big notch.

Maple: Whoa! That was close!

Shrapnel: The Serpent Goddess told us that you would get in our way. But she gave us enough power to get rid of you.

Maple: The Serpent Goddess does not exist, it is just a scary story for pinkies.

Shrapnel: Now she is among us and he comes to cleanse the world of the infidels.

Shrapnel throws more hits at the Ranger who deftly dodges them all with little effort.

Maple: If only she had given you more brains.


The now furious mouse tries a diving axe smash, missing once again and hitting the floor with such force that it breaks into pieces.

Maple: WHOA! That was nutty!... You know what? This squirrel will do what we squirrels do best...

Maple returns to the crane and begins to climb it quickly.

Shrapnel: Where do you think you are going! You can not escape!

Maple: Just look!

Shrapnel decides to follow the Ranger and starts to climb the crane as well.

By the time the mouse reaches the highest point, Maple has already moved to the far end of the crane's arm.

From there Mauzarella can be seen still lying on the floor while the other brother's last attack, standing next to her.


Mauzarella sits up a bit and notices Rubble standing next to her, causing her to back up against the wall.

Rubble: I promise to make this quick.

The big mouse prepares his final attack, cocking his fist and then striking with full force, while the Ranger, still stunned, instinctively covers herself with her right arm, closing her eyes in the process.


The sound of the impact echoes in the place, which falls silent right after.

Mauzarella opens her eyes and notices that, even though Rubble's blow was accurate, she had managed to parry the attack with no problem.

She had undoubtedly felt the impact, but something was different, she was feeling a great strength in that arm that had been seriously injured not long ago.

A boost of adrenaline runs through her body, all the strength she had lost now returns and she manages to get up, despite the fact that Rubble is still pressing against her, with his fist.

The mouse withdraws his hand and tries again, but this time Mauzarella stops him with her right arm like it was nothing.

Mauzarella: This is new...

Rubble then decides to use the other fist to attack, and Mauzarella tries to stop it with her left arm, but fails and the impact throws her to the ground.

Mauzarella: Ouch! Ok, that didn't work.

It takes the Ranger a few seconds to figure out what's going on with her body and she decides to make a test as she gets up. With both hands on the ground she clenches her fists, her left hand failing to close, while her right shatters the concrete beneath her.

Mauzarella: Wow... I don't know what's going on, but it feels good.

By the time her test is over, Rubble is already over her about to launch a new attack. Mauzarella notices this and moves to the side, so the mouse just hits the floor, leaving a big mark.

Rubble: Why can't I crush you?

Mauzarella: Dude, you're up against the best Ranger of R.O.E.S. Don't expect it to be easy.

The very annoyed mouse makes another attempt, this time throwing a straight punch at Mauzarella who dodges by spinning and pushes him from behind with her right arm.


Rubble, despite his weight, is sent flying like a ball that hits one of the containers and bounces off, leaving a large mark on it, followed a few seconds later by a shout of joy that can be heard in the distance.


Mauzarella turns to the crane where Maple is, and notices that Shrapnel is very close to reaching her partner.

Mauzarella: MAPLE, BEHIND YOU!

Maple turns and sees that Shrapnel, despite barely being able to keep his balance, is already close enough to attack.

Maple: Wow, I didn't expect you could make it this far.

Shrapnel: You have nowhere to go, it's time we see if you can fly, little squirrel.

The Ranger, practically at the tip of the crane's arm, moves as close to the edge as she can, with her back to the mouse.

Shrapnel: Yeah, that's it, let me give you that slight push you need.

Shrapnel gains confidence and runs the last distance towards the edge to push Maple, who calmly does a back somersault, passing over her attacker, and letting him pass by, while she deftly lands on the crane in a gymnastic pose.

Maple: Maybe I can't fly, but I have other skills.

Shrapnel: Miserable...!

Maple: ¡Up, up, up! I think this is where you get off.

Maple materializes her weapon and fires repeatedly at her feet, weakening the structure of the crane, which begins to break from the weight of the load it is holding.

The tip of the arm partially detaches, becoming a slide, leading Shrapnel inevitably to fall into the courtyard.


The collision causes the concrete to crack, sending pebbles flying all around him. The loud blow makes Rubble look up and see that his brother is on the floor motionless.

Rubble: Bro?

The mouse runs as fast as he can to reach Shrapnel and starts shaking him a bit.

Shrapnel: What happened?

Rubble: Looks like you fell.

Shrapnel: I fell?

Rubble: Don't worry, I'm going to make them pay for what they did to you.

Shrapnel: What did they do to me?

Rubble gets up, leaving his brother on the floor, and prepares to continue the fight.

Mazuarella notices that the mouse is standing right under the container that the crane was still holding.

Mauzarella: MAPLE, NOW!

Maple quickly takes aims and fires again at the crane several times, until it finally breaks, dropping the container and part of the structure with it.

When the mouse looks up, it's already too late, and all it manages to do is cover his head, before being crushed.


The container falls on Rubble, compressing and reducing itself to a pile of twisted metal and small iron scraps, which were its content, finally leaving the foe out cold.

Everything is silent when Mauzarella decides to approach carefully to check the vitals of each one. Both are badly hurt, but alive.


Mauzarella: MAPLE!

Maple: WHAT?

Mauzarella: Come in, Control, we have them. I repeat, we have them. You can come now and please bring the cat restrainment kit.

The light of the red sun finally begins to peek out from behind the moon, ending the eclipse, and returning to the usual perpetual day of the planet.