
Mauzarella and the Rangers of R.O.E.S.

Mauzarella is the best Space Ranger in the galaxy... or so she claims. Follow her and the Rangers of the Organized Exoplanet Systems as they fight against Catnip, the terrible Mob Boss and ruler of the underworld. The path ahead will take Mauzarella to discover one of the biggest secrets of the galaxy and maybe from the entire universe. This story takes inspiration in the early 90's cartoons along many retro Space Fantasy titles like Flash Gordon, Star Wars, Space Ace and many others. A new chapter will be released every week if everything goes right. One last thing, I'm not a native English speaker, I'm trying my best to get the texts right so please be kind.

H_R_Pedroz · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Change of Skin

R.O.E.S. Spaceport

Maple and Neve disembark from the main ship and meet Chief Maustash on one of the platforms.

Chief Maustash: Well done Rangers! I guess this mission was way too easy for you.

Maple and Neve talk at unison but different things.

Maple: PFFFFT! No sweat

Neve: Couldn't be easier

Chief Maustash: HA, HA, HAAAA! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! And you didn't miss Mauzarella at all, right?

Maple: Who is she?

Neve: Never heard of her.

Chief Maustash: Alright, I want you to personally escort Dr. Gorgonia to HQ for questioning, being close to Catnip you never know...

An alarm goes off and the whole place goes on alert.

Chief Maustash: What is going on?

Screams and bangs are heard coming from the Pet Carrier ship at the end of the landing pad.

Chief Maustash: Rangers!

Maple and Neve: ON IT!

The Rangers run to where the Pet Carrier is and watch as a R.O.E.S. agent runs away in panic.


Neve: Not this again! I already told you they are harmless!

Maple: Uh...Neve?

The ship's cargo door shakes violently as marks appear on it from within.

Neve: What in Gorgonzola's name is that?

Both Rangers stand petrified as the door, after a few more hits, blows away over their heads, landing on a ship behind them that explodes on impact.

Maple and Neve slowly return their gaze back into the Pet Carrier.

From within the ship an elongated figure slowly creeps out at ground level, it's a creature twice the size of the Rangers that stands upright as it fully exits the ship.

Maple and Neve: HOLY NUTS!

The creature begins to take form, it was Dr. Gorgonia, but now the lower half of her body was a giant snake's tail, her hair had now changed to become a bunch of small snakes that covered part of her face, her eyes now had vertical pupils and from her mouth protruded two large fangs and a viperine tongue.

Neve: Maple? Stay with me! MAPLE!


Maple falls flat on the floor and gets completely frozen with fear, Neve materializes her gun and aims at the creature.

Dr. Gorgonia: YOU! I warned you not to messs with me and now you'll sssee what I am capable of!

Despite her fear, Neve faces Gorgonia in her new form.

Neve: Doc. We can fix this, we'll help you get back to normal

Dr. Gorgonia: You really don't get it, do you! I AM THE FUTURE OF THE GALAXY AND NOBODY ISSSS GOING TO SSSTOP ME!

Neve: We'll see about that.

Gorgonia attacks Neve, who responds by firing her gun repeatedly, but the now half-snake, half-rat moves so fast that she can't land a single shot.

Neve keeps firing and missing while she uses what's in the harbor to her advantage, climbing over crates and ducking between vehicles to avoid being caught by Dr.G. who removes the obstacles with her big tail exposing the Ranger again and again.


Gorgonias's tail comes from above and Neve barely dodges the blow and shoots several times at point-blank range to the giant tail.

Dr. Gorgonia reacts violently by whipping her tail and hitting Neve who drops her gun and flies through the air, hitting some containers upon landing.


Neve rolls on the floor in pain, holding her ribs.

Neve: MA-PLE!

Dr. G. wraps her tail around Neve and lifts her up to her face.

Dr. Gorgonia: Ssssee? I am the sssuperior being!

Neve looks into her face as a terrible pain runs through her body.

Dr. Gorgonia: Now let's see what these babies can do

Dr G. opens her mouth and viciously bites Neve on the shoulder causing her to scream.


Within seconds, Neve's eyes lose their shine and her expression becomes inert as her whole body becomes still. Dr. G. then smiles and throws her out like a rag doll.

Dr. Gorgonia looks closely at her hands and hair, which is now a bunch of snakes.

Dr. Gorgonia: HAAAA HAAHAHAHA! I love thissss, Now... TIME FOR A RANGER SSSNACK

Dr G. is about to finish off Neve, but gets interrupted by a burst of gunfire that comes from afar. Seeing that she's in clear disadvantage decides to retreat, crawling quickly into the buildings surrounding the area, leaving the Ranger behind.

Chief Maustash and other agents arrive at the scene to find Neve motionless on the floor.

Chief Maustash: MEDIC! MEEEDIC!

The Chief holds Neve's head while Maple, still in shock, approaches, helped by other agents.

Chief Maustash: Hang in there, Neve...

Neve doesn't answer...