


Maddox's POV

I stare at a sleeping Jayda beside me.

She looks so beautiful, and now she is carrying a baby.

Our baby.

I still can't believe I will be a father.

The silly grin has yet to leave my face even hours after she gave me the news.

This is definitely the happiest day of my life, I will finally start a family with Jayda.

Jayda stirs in her sleep and her eyes flutter open.

/"Maddox/" she mumbles.

/"Yes?/" I answer softly.

Jayda rubs her eyes tiredly /"What time is it?/"

/"3:56 am/" I answer tracing lazy circles on her back.

She yawns /"Come cuddle, I want to sleep/"

/"Okay/" I say, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

/"Let's sleep/"


Jayda's POV

I wake up Maddox's hands wrapped around my form.