

Keith observed Devlin who was dressed in all black as he casually strode towards him with the easy gait of an athlete and he couldn't help but note to himself that his Alpha was indeed a magnificent devil that he was likened to be.

As the chairman of a huge conglomerate and the Alpha of the fourth largest pack in the whole of North America, Devlin's choice of attire still never ceases to amaze him

They say you can't judge a book by its cover but human nature does so all the time. This is particularly the case when it comes to the business world and corporate workplace. Keith could remember seven years ago when young Devlin who was just fresh out of college was looking for either a company that would partner with him or banks that would fund his business idea.

He got rejected too many times all because he would rather dress in leather jackets than tailored suits to business meetings, and he also refused to change his style no matter how many times Keith persuaded him to. Said he wouldn't pretend to be who he isn't and would never lick some undeserved asses just because he wanted to curry favor.

CEOs and bank managers took one look at him and instantly dismissed him as someone who was cocksure and conceited without listening to his business ideas or taking a glance at his proposal. They've been crafty businessmen long enough to know who could be easily manipulated and who would be a thorn in their flesh.

Devlin believed in himself and stood true to who he was no matter how many times he got rejected. And today, most of the companies that refused his collaboration back then just because he refused to dress a certain way are now under his conglomerate.

The man hated to dress in a three-piece suit and wouldn't be caught dead in a tie. The closet to formal clothes that he would wear was a blazer, which he would always pair with Jeans and boots. And as usual, the day's attire was a fitted black jeans, a black t.shirt and a perfectly tailored black blazer with a pair of black Chelsea boots

His close-cropped, raven dark hair still looked wet and tousled like he hastily towels it dry before using his fingers to comb through, and the five o clock shadow that he always spotted only helped to enhance his rugged and roguish good look further.

"So what's new for today?" Devlin asked as he settled himself in a deep armchair opposite Keith.

"You said you would give her a call and take her on a date! That's new." Keith replied with a questioning look on his face.

His reply had nothing to do with the question his Alpha asked him. Devlin asked for his schedule for the day while Keith commented on what he heard Devlin say to Regina when she was about to leave the hotel room.

Devlin had never been mated. Never had any commitments with any woman, human or she-wolf. Never dated and never had sex with a woman twice, especially not one he picked up in a club, which was why Keith was surprised when he heard him tell Regina he would like to take her on a date.

Devlin relaxed in his chair and crossed a leg over the other like royalty before saying what he knew would certainly drive Keith crazy

"She's Dylan's daughter!"

"Dylan's daughter!?" Keith repeated stupendously. To say Keith was shocked when he heard what Devlin said was an understatement. He was appalled.

"You mean Dylan... As in the Wolf-King Dylan!?" He asked again, maybe he misheard Devlin the first time

"You know any other Dylan worth this much of my time?" Devlin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Keith was shocked

"What the fuck are you talking about Dev!?" His wolf's voice growled out in anger at Devlin who was relaxed like he had no care in the world. He couldn't believe Devlin just promised to take the daughter of the man that killed both their parents out on a date.

"What the fuck were you thinking, asking her on a date! Her father commanded the death wolves that killed both our parents or have you forgotten!? How could you have promised to see her again instead of ripping her inside out on the spot!? How dare you, Devlin! How..."

"RECOGNIZE THE PRESENCE OF WHOM YOU ARE AND KNOW YOUR PLACE!" Devlin's wolf voice suddenly growled out in anger, instantly shutting Keith up. His eyes glowed blood red and dangerous.

Keith's head immediately bowed as he was mentally forced into submission by his Alpha. His wolf voice whined softly in discomfort.

"You're questioning my decisions now?" Devlin asked in disbelief with so much coldness Keith could feel its chillness down his spine. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. The look Devlin was giving him and his tone of voice made him realize he'd gone out of line this time.

Devlin has never spoken that harshly to him before. Even though they were not born by the same parents, Keith had been considered part of the Diaz family ever since Devlin's parents took him in after his own parents were murdered. Devlin who was two years older was just like his elder brother and Mariana, Devlin's sister also called him big brother

"I wouldn't dare question your authority. I let my emotions get the best of me. I'm sorry, Alpha." Keith, whose head was still bowed in submission, apologized for his outburst.

Devlin's wolf eyes returned to normal then

"Raise your head!" He commanded and Keith obeyed.

"I- I didn't mean to act irrational... I'm sorry I..." He tried explaining his intentions but Devlin silenced him with the raise of his hand.

"I understand your emotions but do you think me a fool?"

"No Dev!... I guess the name Dylan just triggered something in me. For a moment there I wasn't thinking properly. I could only think of what his death wolves did to us and I just lost it... I'm sorry!"

Devlin nodded

"When I first heard her say who her father is, It took a lot of willpower for me not to snap her neck and post her body parts bit by bit to her father. I didn't do that because, who knows, she might come in handy one day.

"But you don't need her to kill Dylan..."

"I know I don't need her to kill Dylan. Hell, son of a bitch is old, I could even kill him with a snap of my fingers but..."

"I'm not talking about his age and you know it. I'm talking about the reason why you no longer go on a run together with Mariana and me... The change that you went through after your parents' death..."

Devlin tensed

"Drop it! Don't start with that, you know how I feel about that topic!" He harshly said in warning but Keith wasn't about to give up easily this time.

Ever since he and Devlin were ambushed and Devlin shifted to a strange-looking wolf, he had always wondered what brought about the change to Devlin's wolf and why he always avoid talking about it

"Which of the topics don't want to discuss? Their death or the change that came over you afterward?..."

"I said STOP!" Devlin growled so loudly Keith automatically retreated away from him.

Even though he was no match for Devlin when it came to fighting, he became alert, ready to defend himself if need be when Devlin's breathing started coming out in a short guttural burst.

He watched, half-scared as Devlin's facial features gradually became distorted and furry while his perfectly manicured nails turned dark and began to extend from his fingers like long sharp claws.

"Okay stop!... Enough already!" Keith winced and grabbed his head when Devlin's glare began to force him into mental submission again.

Keith's painful whine startled Devlin awake.

'What am I doing?' He thought to himself in dismay before he immediately closed his eyes and slumped back into his chair, slowly breathing in and out to calm and force his taut muscles to relax.

Keith was family and he didn't mean to hurt him in any way. Just that, he's been finding it difficult to control his anger ever since the change came over his wolf. The topic Keith raised was a sensitive one that had always triggered his angry emotions no matter how Keith phrased it.

"I shouldn't have persisted. I should have stopped when you asked me to." Keith said after some minutes had gone by, breaking the silence between them but Devlin didn't respond

"You're always upset about this and really, I don't think it's such a big deal..." He continued

Devlin opened his eyes and raised his brow questioningly


"Really, Dev... I think you're stressing too much over this. True, I don't know what caused your wolf to change from what it was to what it is now but look at the brighter side, man. You're stronger. Way stronger than ten werewolves in their wolf form combined together.

Whatever this change is, It's a blessing if you ask me. I don't understand why you're always getting upset about it!"

Devlin chuckled but it was not a pleasant sound.