

After her pack is attacked leaving her the only survivor Audrey Moonlight has become a rouge knowing that rouge wolves are killed on site and her being the only wolf with white fur Audrey knows shes needs to run and run far away what will happen when she runs into the bloodstone pack and meet there ruthless alpha . Terror Bloodstone Is The only red wolf and purple eyed wolf in the world and he has Become the alpha of the bloodstone Pack after his fathers untimely death he has Become ruthless and despises Rogue wolves what will Happen when he stumbles upon a Rogue That he just can't seem to shake nor Kill. PSA: the book will contain some Spanish speaking because of the characters ethnicity’s

NightmareAudrey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 8- This to shall pass

I must have heard him wrong did this man just tell me that he use to be engaged to a woman that WAS NOT me ?! I could feel myself starting to become sick to my stomach , how could he not wait for me?! His soulmate! The person who's blood runs threw the veins of his heart. How could I have been so gullible to believe he would wait for me.

"You must listen to me before you jump to conclusions please". Terror says once again pleading with me. "You mean to tell me that you couldnt even wait for me before you decided to replace your own soulmate?!" I growled through gritted teeth. "You have to understand Audrey I thought you were dead for many years" I can see the tears in his eyes. "How could you think I was dead did you not feel the bond" I yell feeling like I am being lied to once more.

"No Audrey I couldn't feel the bond for years after the fire not until I found you the other night" Terror yells in return with tears flowing from his eyes. How could that be possible how could the mate bond just go away and come back like that. "You have to believe me Audrey i never wanted to marry another but the pack needed a luna it still needs a luna YOU, you are the rightful luna of this pack" Terror says trying to reassure me that his love for me never died.

"Is she in this pack?" I asked still feeling a bit heart broken but one thing is for sure i wanted to see the she-wolf who tried to take my rightful position." Is who in this pack?" Terror asked obviously playing dumb like he didn't know who i was talking about." Don't play stupid Terror you know who I speak of the she-wolf you were planning on marrying." I say staring him down daring him to play dumb once more. " I was mind-linked she had left the pack premises after your arrival so no she is not" Terror says never breaking eye contact.

"Well today is your lucky day then isn't it i wont bite your head off but do not think you are off the hook" I am upset but I decided to let it go for now. That doesn't mean that the she-wolf is off the hook from a meeting though."it is about time you met the pack my love don't you think? Terror says through gleaming eyes.

Im a little worried,will they hate me what if they don't want me as their luna all of these thoughts are running through my mind. "¿Qué pasa si a ellas no les gusto?" I say embarrassed by the confidence i lacked."Ellas te amaran mi pequeño lobo." He says to me with a big smile on his face.

"WHOS THE NEW BITCH THAT THINKS SHE CAN JUST STEAL MY MAN?!" I hear coming from the hallway of the rooms. Oh hell no who is this she-wolf and who the hell does she think shes talking about?!