

I hold my breath waiting to hear the trigger"Beatrice you can do this",I tried peep talking myself then it happened


As ran as fast as I almost tripping in the process but regained balance before I could hit the floor,I ran faster trying to first my opponent,smirking seeing the rest way behind

"Come on Beatrice!!"

"You can do it Beatrice!!"

"We love you Beatrice!!"

I could hear different people cheering me on,I smirk more widely when my last opponent slowed down 'seem that she's out of energy better that this to my advantage',I murmured slowing my pace before increasing it going faster than ever,I've never ran this fast before,I feels sweat ran it's way down to my back but I was all worth it when I cross the finish line before everyone else

"Yes I won! I won!",I screamed trying to catch my breath,I felt an incredible pain at the nape of my neck,I squint my eyes and turned back to see Emma with and evil grin 'What the fuck',that was all I could say before passing out


I woke by the sound of my parents seems like they were arguing about something

"We need to move,we can't have her stay here running around wearing dirty snicker coming come with a new cut everyday",I hear my mom say with a snort

"You know we can't move Marie,our business here is extremely crucial",my father deep demanding voice never fails to send chill down my spine,I shut my eyes tighter pretending to fall asleep while listening to them

"Then what do we do with this",Marie said throwing glancing directly at the girl lying in the bed

'Wait did she just refer to me as THIS',I said inwardly

"She could move,just her",he said nonchalantly

Marie chuckled"To where exactly,where exactly can we take Beatrice to that they won't send her back with the first flight the next day",she raised an eyebrow"Tell me Lucius"

"Book a ticket first thing tomorrow she's going to London", Lucius said with a hint of finality

That was It couldn't take it anymore,my eyes flew open and my mouth talking talking before I could control it

"What! I can't go anywhere I have an entire athletic career over here",I got off the bed

They both stared at me with sternlyness,any courage that I had before has completely disappeared now

"Please dad I don't want to move",I say almost in a whisper

"So disrespectful you dare raise your voice at us",Marie spat eyeing me but I only ignored her and focus on making eye contact with my dad

My dad shun her off by raising his hands for her to keep quiet,he then turned to me "We leaving the hospital now then after that you'll pack your bags,you're leaving to London first thing tomorrow no objections",he said before leaving

"That serves you right",Marie said before following him

Fuck!I kick the bed,I hate that women but I have no choice but to endure hee since my dad married her after my mother died,she's fucking annoying

Two nurse came in to help me change 'What do I need two nurses for I can change my self',I would have said but I was too wrapped up in the idea of moving

The ride back home wasn't friendly, I stare at my dad from the mirror but he completely ignores me and of course my stepmom had a huge smile on her face make me wanna punch her

As soon as we got home my little brother ran to embrace me "I'm so happy you're alright,I saw what Emma did to you....I..I was so scared",he hug me tighter with tears falling down his cheeks

Seeing him sad breaks my heart,I loved him even though he came out of that stupid woman"Munchkin I'm alright,stop crying ok,you're a big boy remember",I bend down to his level pecking him on both cheeks

"Oh Collin stop wasting your precious tears over this wrenched child... she's just love putting the house on tension doesn't she",Marie said coming to stand near us,she tried to pet Collins but he runs away uninterested

"You! I'm sure you must must have said some poisonous word to him, that's why he hates me all this years",Marie said with a scowl

I might have felt pity seeing hurt in her eyes but I don't ,I mean how dare she accuse me of something that is clearly her fault"Maybe I did",I say smirking before walking away

I walk to my room to find Collin on my bed playing with some of his toys"so this is where you ran to",I say to him sitting on the bed near him

Hearing my voice he looked up at me,my heart ached seeing pain filled in his eyes"You're leaving"

I open mouth to say something but nothing came out,how did he know I was leaving"Munchkin..",I try moving close to him but he stood up

"You want to leave alone",he says,the tone of his voice was breaking my heart,I wish I could hug him and tell him I don't want to go anywhere

"Its not me munchkin,I don't want to..",before I could complete my sentence he ran out hitting the door really hard



I search everywhere but couldn't find him,great now I'm sure he hates me

"Wake up Miss Beatrice"

I feel someone taping me softly and I slowly open my eyes"Is it morning already",I say with a yawn

"Yes ma'am",the maid reply with upmost respect

I frown"Who are you",I ask getting off the bed , scratching my eyes

"I'm the new maid",The maid replied with a small nervous smile

"Guess you're following me to London",I say heading towards the bathroom

"Yes ma'am",she replies

"Can I know your name",I say sliding into the bath tub while she works on my hair

"Lilian",she said with a soft voice

"Mine's Beatrice",I say

"You have a beautiful name",she complimented

"Oh..you too",I say with a smile

"You have nice hair",she says after a while

I was well aware of that fact,my long platinum hair was flawless. After I was done bathing,Lilian made my hair into a braid and I wore my cloths before heading downstairs

I let out a sigh I was heading to the dinning table,the most toxic place in the house,there as never been a peaceful breakfast

As soon has I got in,all eyes was on me,but I ignored everyone and sat at the far corner

"Is that what you're gonna wear to London",my step sister Clara said with mockery

"What wrong with jeans and top Clara", I replied bored

"Hum....everything",she replied shaking her head

"Sense of fashion doesn't runs in her blood line dear",Marie said laughing aloud earning a deadly glare from Lucius

"So what part of London is Beatrice going to be staying father",Clara said trying to ease the tension

"She's going to be staying in Hampshire estate", he replied

Everyone mouth fell open even me

"What!,why will she stay over there",my stepmom was the first to speak

"What's wrong with that Marie",he said with irritation

"We agreed that Clara was the one going to Hampshire estate",Marie was on the edge

"Now I'm saying Beatrice is going to be the one going",he didn't raise his voice

"You bitch!!",Clara said before launching at me dragging my hair in different directions"I'm the one that's suppose to be going there"

"Ahh!",I yelled pushing her off me,she fell on the ground with a huge force

I tried rearranging my hair withy hands,breathing heavily

"How dare to push her like that",Marie said raising her hands to slap me but my father held her hands back

"Don't you dare",he says with authority,then he walks up to Clara and SLAP, he slapped her right across the face

"Why would you attack your sister,is that how you mother taught you!!"

I blink several times trying to digest what just happen,a satisfied smile worked it's way to my lips,finally someone was teaching Clara and the evil witch a lesson

"Take her bags to the car, we're leaving now", Lucius said to the maid standing at the far corner

"It's is already done sir",she replied with quivering voice

"Come on",he said turing to me

So that was it,I was leaving without seeing Collin I wish he was here,and that he wasn't mad at me but it is what it is

I turn to look at my stepmom"Take care of Collin for me ok"


We've been driving for about 30min and my dad hasn't said a single word to me even I didn't speak I was mad at him

I stare at myself at from the rear view mirror,my ocean blue eyes held sadness I could see it clearly

"Why do I have to go",i couldn't stop myself from asking

"Cause I want you too",he replied shortly

"No you don't",I say a little on edge"You're only letting me go cause your wife asked you to"

"By my wife,you mean your mother",he turned to look my way

"No mean your wife",I replied shaking my head,I pause "So you're gonna tell me that the one who attacked me is my sister right"

"Get down",I says ignoring my question

My heart skips a beat,we were at the airport so this was it I was leaving